9 Snoring Prevention Tips You May Not Know

Are you constantly on the search for ways to stop snoring? Is it affecting your home life and relationship with your significant other? Here are 9 tips on ways you and your mate can get a better night's rest.

Elevation - Sleeping flat on your back puts pressure on your diaphragm and throat during the night. Elevating your head during the night will reduce the pressure on your diaphragm and throat. This will reduce the amount of vibration that occurs while you sleep.
Alcohol - When you sleep, your throat and mouth muscles relax. This can cause vibrations in the throat and produce snoring. If you drink alcoholic beverages before you go to sleep, they will relax even more, increasing the chances that you will snore during the night.
Dairy - Mucus buildup during the night can cause snoring to occur. If you eat or drink any dairy before you go to bed, this will increase mucus production, and increase your chances of snoring. Stay away from milk, cheese and the like.
Weight - Gaining weight is a big factor in snoring, studies show. Losing some of that weight will not only help you stop snoring, but there are untold health benefits as well. There are many different ways that you can get the exercise you need to lose those pounds. Even things as simple as taking a walk will help burn calories. All of this means that you get to stop snoring during the night, plus added benefits.
Side Sleeping - If you sleep on your back during the night, pressure gets put onto your throat and diaphragm, and can also cause your mouth to open. To prevent these things from happening, you can sleep on your side. There are a few different methods to choose from. The easiest being put a pillow between your legs, and start your night off sleeping on your side. The pillow will reduce the chances of you rolling onto your back. Another method is a specialized pillow that encourages you to roll to your side.
Tennis Ball - I know it sounds weird, but if you sew a tennis ball to the back of an old t-shirt and wear it while you sleep, the discomfort will force you to move to your side. Neat, huh?
Avoid Large Meals - Eating a large meal before bed is going to put extra pressure on the diaphragm, and produce a blockage in your airways. Keep it light, before going to bed.
Pillow Choice - Choosing a firmer pillow will keep your muscles from relaxing so much that they cause vibrations. A soft pillow has more chance of relaxing your throat and mouth muscles.
Steam Clean - Inhale some steam right before you hit the hay, and this will moisturize your airways. Sometimes dry nasal passages are the cause of snoring and moisturizing can help with this.

Snoring, unfortunately, affects everyone around you, including you. You need to get a good night's sleep, and so does the person next to you. There are many ways you can reduce snoring. Use your imagination to come up with some of your own and try all of these methods. I'm sure you will find something that works for you.

Visit http://www.ways-to-stop-snoring.com/ for tips & tricks to help you stop snoring ranging from natural remedies to the highest-rated products.

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