Pearls of Wisdom Series 2: Getting Better Sleep Part 4

You've made it to the last part of the sleep series. You either really can't sleep, or you're curious to find out more tips and tricks. Either way I welcome you to my article. This part of the sleep series is for people who can't sleep due to snoring. It's either you or your loved one who can't seem to stop the problem no matter what you or they've tried. I can't promise this will help you, but it won't hurt to try.

Perhaps you're snoring because you have nasal congestion. If that's the case then this simple remedy can give you some relief.

Step 1: First and foremost stay hydrated. Phlegm will thicken if there's not enough water present in the body. Thick phlegm makes the congestion worse.

Step 2: Grab about 4 cups of water and 2-3 Eucalyptus leaves or 3 drops of Eucalyptus oil. Bring that to a roaring boil and turn off the burner. Stand over it with a towel on your head and breathe in the steam. Keep your eyes closed if you feel uncomfortable and be careful to not tip over the hot pot of water. (If you are under the age of 18 or are physically impaired, have someone either watch or assist you.) Breathe through your nose or chest. You can switch methods of breathing back and forth if you want. After about 10-15 minutes stop. The steam and vapors from the leaf should help loosen any phlegm.

Step 3: Expel any excess phlegm and try to sleep.

If you're the kind of person who has something physically wrong (Sleep Apnea) that makes you snore this might help.

Step 1: Go to a sleep specialist and figure out if your snoring is because of a restricted airway or a misaligned jaw or both. If it's restricted airway only you might have Asthma and you'll need treatment. If it's your jaw that's causing you to drop your tongue and restrict your breathing, then continue to step 2.

Step 2: Buy a jaw supporter. There are various kinds in the market. Pick one you'll feel will work best. Jaw supporters have been shown to help people with Sleep Apnea by keeping the jaw aligned when sleeping. It keeps the airway free of obstruction allowing for limited to no snoring. Jaw supporters are also a lot less expensive and cumbersome then CPAP masks. (If you've already tried it and it won't work, then get a CPAP mask if you can afford it.)

Step 3: Now that you spent the time and money figuring out what's wrong, enjoy a snore free night.

Article written by: Rosemary Jasmine Rivera

I hope this article was helpful to you. For more tips and tricks, check out my blog.

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Reasons Women and Snoring Go Together More Often Than You'd Think

The combination of women and snoring has been kept 'quiet' by many females unwilling to admit that they can keep up with their male counterparts and bring down the rafters with their night time noise. Recent surveys show that nearly 30% of all women snore. There are several factors that can contribute and some of them can be readily dealt with.

As women age, they are more likely to snore. Women in their 50s were 5 times more likely to report being habitual snorers than women in their 20s. However, the issue for women and snoring later on in life appears to diminish. Fewer women in their 60s report this as a problem.

Allergies, a bad sleeping position, or poor muscle tone in the region of the throat can create conditions ripe for snoring. Some women find that shifting from sleeping on their back to their side can alleviate the problem. Building a nest with pillows to maintain a position while sleeping is a comfortable solution for some women. Allergies can cause an inflamed, constricted airway that contributes to the air flow turbulence which is the central cause of snoring. Poor muscle tone, which can increase with age, is a major culprit. Regular exercise will not only improve muscle tone on the targeted groups but throughout the entire body and can help alleviate nighttime snoring as an added bonus.

Excess weight is a major culprit when it comes to women and snoring and the value of reducing the BMI cannot be overstated when seeking to eliminate problem snoring. It makes sense when you think about it. As muscle is displaced by fat, the overall tone of the body's muscle groups begins to decrease and snoring may result. Studies have also shown that people are more likely to snore if they go to sleep on a very full stomach. Think nap after a Thanksgiving dinner.

Alcohol consumption is also very likely to cause snoring. The alcohol allows muscles to relax. Those relaxed muscles are creating the conditions to make a snorer of any woman.

If count yourself as one of the women and snoring is an issue for you, it's important to realize that you are not alone. Almost a third of all snorers are female and for many of you there may be a few simple steps that you can take to alleviate the problem today with a minimum of hassle.

The issue of snoring and women is one long known about and accepted but it is furthermore something that you can do something to resolve, and will likely not require surgery. Recognize the issue of snoring and women via many remedies that you can get today, and stop suffering now. For more insights and additional information, please visit our web site at

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Sleep and Your Health: A Necessity Not a Luxury

In today's fast paced and over stimulated society, many people consider sleep a distraction rather than a delight. Perhaps more people would prioritize getting a good night's sleep if they understood its importance to personal wellness. You need to get enough sleep in order to be optimally healthy.

Getting adequate sleep helps maintain a healthy immune system, which means fewer illnesses. It also helps maintain healthy weight and blood pressure, balance mood, and lowers the risk of diabetes. Having adequate sleep helps the body function at its best.

The amount of sleep needed to feel and function at your best varies from person to person. Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Some require more, and others less. Children require more sleep than adults. Newborns spend the majority of their time sleeping. Toddlers and early school age children usually need 10-12 hours of sleep per night. Teens also require more sleep than adults. Most need 9 hours per night to function at their best.

Many people report difficulty sleeping throughout the night. Some have trouble falling asleep. Others fall asleep but have trouble staying asleep. They usually wake up frequently in the middle of the night.

Many factors can interfere with a good night's sleep. Some issues are easier to address than others. For example many people often find relief by changing their daily routine to end exposure to stimulants such as caffeine, exercise, or TV. Other causes of sleep difficulties, however, might require a medical evaluation and treatment. It's important to speak with your doctor if you think you might have a sleep disorder.

In addition to avoiding stimulating activities and beverages close to bedtime, having a calming bedtime routine also helps get a good night's sleep. Maintaining a dark, quiet, and cool bedroom promotes relaxing sleep. Keeping stressful activities out of your bedroom also helps. Avoid doing things like paying bills or working on the computer while sitting in bed.

Lying in bed trying to force yourself to go to sleep can also be stressful. If you haven't fallen asleep after 20 minutes, get out of bed and do something relaxing, like read a book. When you start to feel sleepy get back in bed.

Remember, a good night's sleep is an important part of any personal wellness plan. It's not a luxury. Contact your doctor if you're having trouble sleeping, especially if daytime sleepiness is interfering with your ability to function.

For more information on healthy sleeping, visit the Department of Health and Human Services website

Be well.

© 2011 Donna L. Hamilton, MD

Holistic Wellness Speaker Dr. Donna L. Hamilton, MD, MS supports people in becoming optimally healthy. She passionately teaches people what being healthy really means and provides practical tools and strategies to address the five key areas affecting health. Dr. Hamilton-a former board certified pediatrician-is Chief Wellness Officer and owner of Manifest Excellence, LLC. She specializes in holistic wellness promotion and speaks nationally on this topic. Dr. Hamilton teaches a comprehensive approach to health and wellness that addresses mental, emotional, social, spiritual and physical well-being. For more information, to schedule a wellness presentation for your group, or request a copy of the free personal wellness guide, "It's Easier than you Think," visit

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Pillow Profile: Different Types of Filling for Pillows

Pillows are essential components of bedding. It supports the upper torso and alleviates pressure when lying or sleeping. Depending on the sleeper's preference, pillows are stuffed with different materials that are mostly soft and regain shape instantly. Different types of filling for Support pillows include polyester, memory foam, Styrofoam bead, natural cotton, natural cotton, and natural latex.


Sleepers who are looking for inexpensive pillow stuffing can go for polyester filling. Made from man-made plastic, polyester filling can last up to two years. Its quality of filling depends on the number of threads. The greater the number of thread, the more comfortable the pillow becomes. Pillows filled with polyester must be regularly cleaned, because polyester tends to absorb sweat and facial oil.

Memory Foam

Developed in the 1970s by NASA Ames Research Center, memory foams have hundreds of holes providing adequate air circulation and reducing moisture collection. It is visco-elastic and provides maximum support. Because microorganisms cannot thrive in foam, memory foams are hypoallergenic. Dust mites and other insects are less likely to survive in this type of filling for pillows. Memory foam is usually used on anti-reflux and tail bone pillows for pressure reduction.

Styrofoam Beads

If you are looking for fillings for your favorite bean bag, you can choose Styrofoam beads. Just like other pillow fillings, Styrofoam beads are very gentle on the neck and back and adapt to its shape. Because this type of filling is synthetic, it is considered as hypoallergenic. Support pillows filled with Styrofoam beads are very light and can be easily washed at home. It can also be used in neck pillows for therapy and throw pillows for decorative purposes.

Natural Cotton

Nowadays, many people are looking for green pillows which benefit not only their health, but also the environment. These pillows are usually filled with natural or organic cotton mixed with wool batting to remain soft. This type of pillow filling can be as reliable as its synthetic counterparts and requires regular cleaning like polyester. Natural cotton, however, can cause allergies to some people. Some manufacturers may apply treatments on cotton fillings to reduce the allergen content.

Natural Latex

Another natural filling for pillows can be in the form of natural latex made of breathable, plant-based rubber. Natural latex is also hypoallergenic and antimicrobial, protecting the sleeper from dust mites. It is mostly used in pillows made with unbleached fiber. A pillow stuffed with natural latex is available as retail or wholesale pillow at department stores and online stores.

For more details, search Support pillows, Support pillows in Google for related information.

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How to Get to Sleep Fast the Natural Way

In this article I will go into the subject of how to get to sleep fast the natural way. Forcing yourself to sleep by using chemical pills and potions will burn the candle at both ends if you know what I mean. And this might not help you to get the right relaxing sleep you want, so here are something to think about before you make use of that stuff.

There are a lot of ways people think that they can solve their difficulties of not catching some sleep. Here are some of them. Drink warm milk before you go to bed, exercise hard before you go to bed, read a boring book to fall asleep. And more. Those are all good suggestions but before you make use of those suggestions think about this. There is always a reason behind why you can't fall into sleep. And until you find that reason the common advices might not help you much at all.

The fact is that your brain collects the information you have gotten during your awake state and processes it during sleep. You need to sleep at least six to eight hours to function normally. This is clear as a bell. You have to find out what is bothering you, and take positive action to solve it. Is it something you fear? Then doing something active about it, will empower you to make positive changes in your life.

Before you can learn how to get to sleep fast you have to find out the why's if there are more than one. Write down your problem or problems whether it is in your thinking about your problem or if it is health problem. If you have a pressing problem with something it will get stuck in your mind under the water line so to speak. your thinking with a ship. What you think when you are awake, is what you see of a ship above water. You can not see what is under the water line. What is under the water line is like your unconscious mind. And if you are bothered by something that goes on in your life you will find it hard to get to sleep fast. Sometimes your problems can be exaggerated and your mind keeps on repeating the same thing over and over. This will make it difficult to go to sleep fast and to solve it you will first have to identify what is causing this and do something to correct it in the spirit of positivity.

Want to Know More? Click Here For FREE Information

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Support Is the Essential Secret Ingredient

We all want to change. Whether it is changing your sleep habits, getting used to your CPAP or losing weight or adding a healthy sleep routine to your life. The problem many face is that if you are trying to change those who are closest to you may not be as supportive as you hope or need.

When you change the changes can be threatening to those who you life with. This is especially if you are changing something that they do not want to change themselves. People like what they know and what they are used to but when you change it makes it necessary for them to either change themselves or to keep you from changing.

If this is your issue than sitting down with the person and discussing this issue may help. If it does not than it might be best to look for support outside your immediate family. You should take advantage of the many resources at your disposal.

Internet- There are some great resources on the internet for support no matter what your goal is. You should not have to pay for it. For information and support on CPAP you can go to or For weight loss is a great resource for support with other people going through the same thing as you.
Sleep Professionals-There are people and blogs that will be happy to help you with your questions. Dr Steven Park has a webinar once a month on sleep issues and solutions for sleep apnea. It is so important that you look at credentials when you learn from these people. Make sure that the person who you are seeking advice from has experience in sleep or works in the field of sleep specifically.
Local Support Groups- A.W.A.K.E. Groups are throughout the country and can be a great place to meet other people who are trying to get used to CPAP therapy and may give you some ideas you never thought of.
Your Sleep Lab or Sleep Physician-These are the people who work with CPAPs every day and are there to help you be successful over the long term. Call them and ask your questions. If they do not have the answers they will know who does.
Your Medical Equipment Company-Again they work with the equipment every day and they understand when you are having problems and can give you advice on what to do next if you are having problems.

Support is essential to success in any goal you set. Look for and ask for help. You never know where you will get it if you do not ask. The final goal is for you to make a change with as little stress to you and your loved ones as possible.

Sleep is as important to health as healthy eating and exercise only easier. Sometimes it takes a sleep coach to help you sort though what you need to change to achieve a good night sleep. If you would like a 15 minute evaluation of your sleep routine or wish to sign up for out quarterly newsletter at or write

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Avoiding Neck Pain During Sleep by Choosing the Right Pillows

People constantly want to feel very relaxed and at ease when sleeping. Unfortunately, using the wrong kind of pillow will not get that person the sleep he needs. Below are some head and neck support pillow types that are designed to bring about a good night's sleep.

One type of pillow is the orthopedic pillow. They come in different shapes and sizes but they all aim to help support the neck area of the person using it. An orthopedic pillow normally is shaped with a dip in the middle where the head of the person will lay. The ends of the pillow are arched such that it takes the shape of the neck. This should come in different sizes because it will make a small person uncomfortable when using a pillow with a big arch.

Similar to orthopedic pillows are memory foam pillows. The only difference is that they might be shaped in a different way and they mold according to the user. This is not a neck pain pillow because it contours itself to the head and neck area of the person. The result is a customized pillow that hugs and supports all the surfaces of the head and neck of the person in contact with the pillow.

Contrary to belief, old-fashioned feathered pillows actually support a person's head and neck. In some cases, they are the best kinds of pillows to use for neck support. This is because of the softness of the material used that they move around inside the pillow and takes the shape needed. It offers very little resistance and as long as the user is not allergic to the fabric and feather, it remains to be a very important pillow to use.

Cervical pillows are also available as an alternative for neck and head support when sleeping. They are roll-shaped pillows that a person can place behind his neck, beside another pillow, for full support for the neck area. They are usually a little longer than a normal pillow so they can still support the person even when he is moving around.

Finally, water-filled pillows are available and are actually used to support the neck and head. Popular with the children, they help ease the head and neck by redistributing the weight around and absorbing most of the shock and pressure. Because of the water, there is little to no resistance in moving.

These are examples of some pillows that support the neck and head of a person. The only thing that is left to do is decide on which is the needed neck support pillow for the person using it. It might look different and feel different, but the results are undeniable.

For more details, search neck support pillow, neck pain pillow in Google for related information.

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Overcome Sleep Disorders With Herbs

Sleep is a blessing that provides rest and promotes physical as well as mental health. Sleep is essential for a healthy body and mind. Sleep disorders can be disgusting and can lead to complications like lack of concentration, fatigue and restlessness. Pain, anxiety, depression, trauma, nutritional deficiencies etc can upset your sleep-wake cycle.

Even though there are sleeping pills that may help you sleep in the initial stages, they are not reliable. Sleeping pills are addictive and have many side-effects that can be harmful to your overall well being. It is always better to turn towards the nature and find natural remedies to solve sleeping problems.

Valerian is a herb used for insomnia for years. It is not addictive and does not cause discomfort in the morning. Kava is an anti-anxiety herb that can help you relax leading you to sleep. California poppy is a herb with sedative and relaxant properties. This can even be used in children. It has anti-anxiety properties that help promoting better sleep. Chamomile is another herb that is widely used among insomnia patients. Chamomile tea taken before bed time can relieve the irritation and restlessness associated with bad sleep. Hops, a major ingredient in beer, is used in the treatment of insomnia, restlessness and nervousness. Lavender oil strengthens the nervous system. A few drops in the bath or on the pillow can promote good sleep. Passion flower is an excellent sedative with no side effects, which can be used both in adults and children. St.John's wort can be helpful in dealing with chronic insomnia and mild depression. Wild lettuce is another helpful herb in the treatment of insomnia and restlessness and is safe enough to be used in children also. Lemon balm, American skullcap, corydalis, and bitter orange are a few other herbs that are beneficial in treating sleep disorders.

While dealing with sleep disorders, try to avoid anything stimulating late in the evening. Even though sex is stimulating, the hormones released during orgasm are helpful for better sleep. Listening to meditation or relaxation audios or even melodious music can promote sleep. Having your feet higher than your head can help you get sleep. Sleep in a very dark room to adjust your body to sleeping pattern. Use comfortable room sprays and room temperature that can promote sleep. Using essential oils on your pillow can relax and calm your mind leading you to a peaceful sleep. Develop a positive attitude and a habit of praying that can be relaxing to your mind and relieve you from tensions, anxiety and worries.

Drinking a glass of warm milk before bed can promote sleep. You can also add a pinch of nutmeg or two strands of saffron for a better effect. Massaging under your feet with oil can also be relaxing and soothing. A small glass of wine taken before bed can also help you get sleep. Carbohydrate snacks such as whole grain crackers before bedtime can be helpful. Magnesium is a natural sedative. Include magnesium rich foods like legumes, seeds, dark leafy green vegetables, wheat bran, almonds, cashews, blackstrap molasses, brewer's yeast and whole grains in your diet because a deficiency in magnesium can lead to insomnia and sleep disturbances.

Cut down on caffeine and sweets. Alcohol can seem to be relaxing but it takes away sleep after a while. Do not eat heavy meals before bedtime. Chocolate can also keep you awake.

Sherlock Danielly is well know for his knowledge in herbal remedies. He used to travel and collect new herbal remedies for common health problems. He explains herbal remedies used in China, India, Arab and United States for most common ailments. He found many precious herbs and its magical herbal remedies.

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How to Get the Best Night Sleep

Everyone wants nothing more than to get a good night's sleep. However it is sometimes easier said than done. In most cases people tend to be their own worst enemy in this case. There are five very important things you should always remember when it comes to finding that good night's sleep.

The first point is never over sleep. Many people make this mistake on an everyday basis. If you cannot sleep the night before, don't sleep in - get up as you normally would. Sleeping in late for even a day can reset your internal body clock.

The second point to keep in mind is to set that body clock. Light activity tells the body to get up. This is why when you wake up either step outside or open the curtains to look outside. A little bit of the morning rays can be enough to get your body up and going.

The third way to ensure a good night's sleep is to get plenty of exercise. During the day, walk around and remain active. Even after a bad night's sleep remain active and constantly on the go. The less you sleep at night the more active you should be during the day.

The fourth method to make sure you will sleep right at night is to stay awake. A middle of the afternoon naps is bad for you. Since you have already lost sleep from the night before you shouldn't add to that loss of time with sleeping. Napping during the day is just as bad as over-sleeping.

The fifth and most important point to remember is set a bedtime for yourself. Find a time at night that you want to go to bed. Once you have a time you want to sleep at night make sure you continue to use that time to sleep at the same time every night. Normally you want to sleep for eight hours a night but sometimes this cannot be done for insomniacs. If you having trouble sleeping try to go to bed five hours before you have to get up or eight hours before you have to get up. As you begin to find comfortable sleep increase the times you begin to go to bed. Increase these times by fifteen to twenty minutes a night.

Soon enough you'll be sleeping easier and sounder. Just remember it is all about setting your internal clock which is sensitive to the actions of your body.

Claire Jefferies is writing on behalf of Landmark, who offer white goose down duvet and natural duvet

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Snoring at Night Can Be a Problem for You and Your Spouse

If you are a snorer then you know that this problem can keep you and your spouse laying awake at night. Snoring can be a big issue for you and your partner. If you are having an issue with snoring then consult your doctor. They will probably order a sleep study in wish they will have you come in for the night and study your sleep habits. This can be a great way for them to see what is causing the snoring so that they can recommend a treatment.

There can be many reasons why you are snoring and doing the sleep study will be a good way to detect the issue. It may be a simple problem such as you sleeping in a position that is not allowing your airway to be open enough. If it is blocked at night then you may snore and this is common. There are strips that you can put across your nose that can help this condition to a degree. You want to talk to your doctor or pharmacist and see which product they recommend.

If the problem is worse such as sleep apnea then you may need a breathing machine. You do not have to worry wearing such a device will only help you to get a better night of sleep. Some people get nervous when they hear they have a condition and will have to wear a device during the night. What the device does it is allows you to get oxygen into the passage ways and this allows for a more comfortable and full night of sleep. When sleeping you want to hit the rem sleep so that you feel rested when you awake the next day.

When it comes to dealing with snoring and issues with sleeping use an expert. There are many physicians that specialize in sleep disorder and to get the best treatment you can use a professional. Your regular doctor may be good at many things but if they do not specialize in sleep problems ask for a recommendation. They should be able to guide you to a doctor who understand snoring and related issues.

Remember that when you want a good night's sleep and you are not getting one because of a snoring issue, get some help. You never should feel alone in this condition because there are many people who are having the same or similar snoring issues that you may be experiencing. The secret is to get it checked out as soon as you can. The longer you wait the worse the snoring may get and this will not be good fro you or the one sleeping next to you.

Get Free: Sleep Snoring Remedies

Find: Help With Snoring

Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Health and Well Being.

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Don't Lose Sleep Over the Holidays

The commercials show a family all smiles enjoying a meal laughing and enjoying great conversation. They all look relaxed happy and well rested. The truth is that the holidays can be a stressful, depressing and hectic time of year. However, with a little planning and setting a few priorities you can enjoy your holidays and not look like you just trained for a marathon.

Make bedtime a priority. You will feel better if you go to bed at the same time every night. This does not mean you should never go out and enjoy a night out with friends, but this should not be an every night. Sleep deprivation will make you fuzzy, grouchy and tired the next day. You can sleep in the next day and you will make up for some of the lost sleep.

Take time to unwind. With all the excitement going on during the holidays we take very little time to relax and unwind. This is the time of year when a sleep routine is most helpful. Take twenty minutes to relax, read a little, journal, and do a little stretching to help you unwind. It will be one of the best ways for you to fall asleep faster.

Get some exercise in the morning. A little physical activity in the morning will help you start off the day with a little more energy. It will be even more helpful if you can spend that time outside. The light and the increase in oxygen and blood flow will help you to be more focused during the day.

Drink your water. Dehydration can keep your mind fuzzy and increase you stress. If you are dehydrated you can also have muscle cramps that can keep you up at night. It is one of the easier things to keep you healthy.

Don't sweat the small stuff. A little planning and the acceptance that some things will go wrong during the holidays will allow you to enjoy the holidays with less stress. The holidays are not about perfect place setting but about laughing and hugging. These will help you to relax and when it is time to go to bed you will find you will be able to fall asleep faster.

The goal of the holidays is to all your to enjoy food, fun and family. Whether it is Thanksgiving, Hanukkah or Christmas take some time out to enjoy it and make sure that you plan your sleep time into your day.

Sleep is as important to health as healthy eating and exercise only easier. Well sometimes it is not easier. When you have sleep issues it affects every aspects of your life; learning, relationships, energy and overall health. Sometimes it takes a sleep coach to help you sort though what you need to change to achieve a good night sleep every night. If you would like a 15 minute evaluation of your sleep routine or wish to sign up for out quarterly newsletter at or write Amy Korn-Reavis at

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How to Interpret Dreams

The process of assigning a meaning to your dreams is known as dream interpretation. This is a study that has gone on for many centuries in many diverse cultures. The first known research done regarding dreams and their meanings was by a neurologist named Sigmund Freud. His theories are still used to a core for many psychologists and spiritualists. Interpreting is attempting to explain something that is obscure; therefore, everyone's dreams will be analyzed as something different to different people.

Dreams are produced from our right brain which causes most of us to dream as symbols, meaning that if you visualize a snake, it may not be about a snake but something that the snake represents. They are not to be taken in the literal sense but rather, metaphorically, but in order to begin to analyze a dream; you should at first take it a face value and proceed from there.

The best way to begin a dream interpretation is to record all of the images you experienced while you were sleeping. It is a great idea to keep a voice recorder close by while you sleep so when you awake, you can record all of your thoughts and feelings. Later, these recordings should be transferred into a notebook making it easier to analyze later. When you have a good record of your dreams, you can begin to analyze them.

Most people turn to online aids such as dream interpretations and dictionaries. These tools will prove to be helpful, but they are generic and will not fit into everyone's life. If you find that these tools do not provide you with the insight you need, you may need to begin to break them down more specifically and ask yourself how they apply to your own life and current situation. Your dreams may be trying to tell you something, solve problems or simply be a memory of something from your past. Dreams are deeply personal to the person who has them, and no one will be able to decipher them better than the person who has experienced them firsthand.

You should review every aspect of your dream. Colors, location, people involved, situation, symbols and of course how you feel after having the dream. These are all important facts that will help you make a good interpretation. If you have a dream all of your teeth fell out, it may not mean that you are self-conscious about your appearance, it may be your brain attempting to let you know that you simply forgot to brush them. Your dreams will somehow fit into your current life or a past situation that has occurred, no one else's.

Don't fret if you are unable to make sense of your dream. For some people, dreams are a continuation of the thoughts you have had during the day. For others, it may be falling asleep with the television on and it transferred into your subconscious, it may be just a memory or caused because you talked about someone specific that day. Practice analyzing your dreams and eventually, it will become very easy to understand your dreams.

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How Alteril Can Help You Sleep Better At Night

There are a lot of reasons why a person may not be able to sleep well at night. And for most of those reasons, Alteril is a natural aid to your natural sleep patterns.

So what is exactly is Alteril?

Alteril is a natural sleep aid. Its sole purpose is to help you get the sleep you need to function well on a daily basis. Its primary ingredient has been used to help sleep disorder sufferers get more rest for many years.

The two primary ingredients in Alteril are Melatonin and L-Tryptophan. Melatonin is also known as N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine and is a natural compound found in plants and animals. In mammals, the compound is secreted by the pineal gland into the blood stream and helps to regulate the natural sleep cycle. A disorder resulting in a lack or lowered level of melatonin can be relieved by taking Alteril on a regular basis.

L-Typtophan is an amino acid present in almost all plant and animal proteins. When absorbed into the body it is converted into the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is the primary contributor to human happiness.

Alteril works by releasing these essential supplements into your blood stream quickly. You should take one or two capsules before going to bed at night. You'll fall asleep faster, enjoy deep sleep longer, wake up less often in the middle of the night, and have a higher quality of sleep overall. And the best part is it's all natural - no artificial ingredients.

Sleep is a necessary component to the natural life cycle. It occurs in five stages. A healthy life is one that is full of restful sleep, which is necessary for good memory and learning ability. Sleep also affects one's nervous system, your immune system, social behaviors and general mood, and natural growth and development throughout your life cycle. Alteril aids in all five stages of sleep to ensure that you get the sleep you need and that you rest during all five stages of the sleep cycle.

Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can increase physical and mental impairments, cause more stress, and decrease one's natural immunity to illnesses. It can lead to depression, hypertension, heart disease, irritability, slurred speech, tremors, and slower reaction times during crises. Many auto accidents and extreme weight gain have also been attributed to sleep deprivation. Taking Alteril can reduce the risks associated with sleep deprivation and lead to greater health overall.

People who sleep well at night enjoy a healthier lifestyle. If you have a sleep disorder and find it difficult to get a good night's sleep, try taking Alteril and watch your sleep patterns, emotional control, and general health improve naturally. is an online resource for the most popular human growth hormones, including Alteril, GenF-20 and more.

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The Dangers of Sleep Apnoea for Drivers of Haulage Companies

There are plenty of dangers that face drivers working for haulage companies. Spending so much time out on the road, it's obvious that lorry drivers are exposed to greater risk than many other road users. One of the dangers that has only started to recently get the exposure it deserves is falling asleep at the wheel - and there are very obvious reasons as to why this would be a dangerous occurrence. With the unsociable hours that lorry drivers often keep, it's not just the sheer amount of miles they get through that raises their risks - they are also subject to punishing schedules as haulage companies struggle to keep up with demand. On top of this, there are certain medical conditions that can greatly increase drivers' risks.

Sleep Apnoea

Lorry drivers are considered particularly sensitive to sleep disorders, including sleep apnoea. Sleep apnoea is a sleeping disorder that is characterised by abnormal pauses in breathing or abnormally low breathing during sleep. Because the breathing stops, the body is forced to return to an almost waking state in order to get the process going again, meaning that sufferers endure very poor quality sleep. This can then cause a lack of alertness during the day, and instances of nodding off - the main risk for drivers working for haulage companies.

The Scale of the Problem

It's thought that driver fatigue is a contributing factor in over 10% of all crashes and near crashes. Studies have suggested that drivers who suffer from obstructive sleep apnoea, where the apnoea is caused by the slackness of the soft palate or other physical contributing factors, are considered to have a sevenfold increased risk of being involved in a crash on the road. Statistics vary regarding the prevelence of sleep apnoea amongst commercial drivers, with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration in the US suggesting the figure could be as high as 28%. There are said to be around 30,000 sufferers amongst the general population of the UK, although some estimates suggest that the true number could be 10 times higher.

Solving the Problem

Drivers and haulage companies should do what they can to make sure that anyone who might suffer from sleep apnoea seeks medical attention. Although sleep apnoea is dangerous, it is easy to treat, and sufferers report a much better quality of life after seeing their doctor. Getting a good night's sleep is not only safer, it leads to feeling far more rested, calm, alert and less irritable.

Norman Dulwich is a Correspondent for Haulage Exchange, the leading online trade network for haulage companies and drivers across the UK and Europe. It provides services for matching back loads and to buy and sell road transport and delivery work in the domestic and international markets.

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The Unadvertised Details Into Snore Zip That Most People Don't Know About

Forget about wearing mouthguards, taking a pill, plastering nasal strips or getting surgery to try and solve your snoring problem. The truth is, you don't need to spend a fortune to get rid of those sleepless nights you cause your partner. All you need is a bottle of Snore Zip to drive all those snores away.

Snore Zip has been spraying away snores for almost nine years now-proving itself to be credible and reliable. Even if more and more snore solutions are released in the market, it's no doubt that this popular snore spray still tops as one of the most effective to date.

If you have a snoring problem and wish nothing more than a peaceful sleep, you should know more about Snore Zip. You'll realize that it's exactly the snore solution you've been looking for. The following are the truths about this wonderful product.

1. It has no side effects. Snore Zip is a homeopathic snore spray which means it contains all-natural and herbal ingredients that won't cause any side effects. Other snore sprays contain saline- a chemical that can cause swelling, allergies and difficutly in breathing. It also gives you a fresh, minty taste unlike other chemical-based snore solution that leave unpleasant aftertastes.

2. Just spray it twice a day, everyday. People would tell you to wear mouthgards to stop yourself from snoring. Imagine having a big, mouth-clinching device inside your mouth while you try to sleep. It's uncomfortable, right? Not to mention useless. The fact is you only need to use spray it under your tongue twice a day, everyday. It doesn't require any installation inside your mouth and won't cause muscle pains in your jaws the day after. Just a couple of sprays and you're good to sleep.

3. It's not a magical potion. Your snoring problems won't magically go away. Give it at least three days or a week at most to take full effect. Remember, snoring is caused by clogged mucus and it takes a bit of time to break it all down.

4. Say goodbye to snoring-forever! If you think nothing can ever stop your snoring problem, think again. Snore Zip can make your dream of a sound sleep come true. This homeopathic spray can take away all the accumulated mucus and make way for more oxygen, thus stopping you from snoring. It won't only give you a deep sleep, it will also put a stop to the effects of snoring such as fatigue, hypertension and sleep deprivation. Even better, you won't have to suffer from cardiovascualr complications, metabolism problems and type II diabetes.

If you think your snoring problems will just miraculously vanish into thin air, you're wrong. Snoring is a serious problem and you need to act now. Forget about other hocus pocus snoring "remedies" that give you false hopes. Try Snore Zip and you'll be amazed with the results. Once you have Snore Zip, you can permanently say goodbye to those sleepless nights.

Discover what everyone is saying about snore spray and what you should do. New questions about Snore Zip answered and why you must read every word of this report. Uncommon article gives you the facts on stop snoring spray that only a few people know exist.

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Using Mouthpieces to Stop Snoring

Many people have difficulty with snoring at night. Research indicates more than half of all adults will experience snoring at some point in their lives. Snoring can be caused by any number of factors including poor health, excessive drinking and smoking and more serious medical conditions such as sleep apnea. Though most snoring is mild and relatively harmless, other than being very annoying to a bed partner, some snoring can be hazardous to your health by causing dehydration, lack of deep sleep and fatigue. One snoring treatment many people have tried and found success with is anti-snoring mouthpieces.

Inexpensive, convenient and easy to use snoring mouthpieces are used primarily to force the person snoring to keep their mouth closed while sleeping. When the nasal passages are clogged, for whatever reason, people will resort to breathing through their mouth while sleeping and this in turn causes the harsh and loud sound we know as snoring. Since the person is asleep they often don't even know they are snoring unless a bed partner gets sick of the sound and wakes them up. Having a snoring mouth guard in place forces a snorer to breathe through their nose and greatly reduces the chances of breathing through the mouth.

Depending on the severity of your snoring problem a simple snoring mouthpiece may be enough to stop snoring. Before making an appointment with a doctor and spending money on expensive surgery try using a snoring mouth guard such as the SleepPro 1 or SomnoGuard which both have proven success in curbing snoring in people with mild to moderate snoring problems. However, if your snoring problem is the result of a more serious condition such as obstructive or central sleep apnea, is it advised to see a doctor since this condition can involve health risks that can be fatal if left untreated.

Using a snoring mouthpiece is fairly simple. Anyone who played youth sports will remember using a mouth guard to protect their teeth and many snoring mouthpieces function the same way. Made from molded plastic all you have to do is dip the mouth guard in boiling water, place it in your mouth and bite down gently to form the device to the contours of your teeth and jaws and repeat until a proper fit is formed. Then dip the device in cool water to secure the shape. Before going to bed slip the piece in your mouth and get comfortable. With a well molded snoring mouth guard you should be able to keep your mouth closed so you can breathe normally through your nose and put an end to snoring.

For a great selection of affordable and effective anti-snoring devices including snoring mouth guards and nasal breathing aids visit No Snore Zone today.

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Oxygen Is Important: Answering Questions About CPAP Therapy Alternatives And Sleep Apnea

CPAP or "Continuous Positive Airway Pressure" is the number one medical treatment for sleep apnea for good reason. Obstructive Sleep Apnea patients are medical-train-wreck passengers surging for a place to crash. Sleep Apnea is a killer.

Sleep apnea is a medical condition that causes a person's airway to close while sleeping. The main signs are snoring, waking up gagging and to completely stop breathing when asleep. If you or anyone you know has these traits, chances are the reason is sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea may cause or advance medical problems such as

· High Blood Pressure

· Diabetes

· Obesity

· Kidney Failure

· Liver Damage

· Nerve Disorders such as Seizures and Epilepsy

· Strokes or "Cerebrovascular Accident" (CVA)

Plus if these don't end you then this medical villain also decreases oxygen in the blood flowing to the heart which can cause:

· Irregular Heart Beat

· Chest Pain

· Heart Attack or "Myocardial infarction" (MI)

Yes that's right, sleep apnea can cause:

· Death or "Eternal Dirt Nap" (EDN)

What's more, this sleepy-time drowning also causes "temporary brain damage" from decreased oxygen to the brain. That's what my Ears, Nose and Throat (ENT) Doctor said when I was diagnosed with it and what I told my wife just before she was struck by a fit of eye-rolling. It is easy to see why doctors are quick to recommend CPAP machines and masks.

There are alternatives to CPAP therapy. Surgery is the most extreme and expensive. Surgical correction of sleep apnea is not a guaranteed fix as any good ENT Doctor will tell you.

The most basic surgical correction will remove tonsils and adenoids, if you still have them, and may cut out the uvula. You ask, "The WHAT?" The little pink-thingy hanging down in the back of the throat. Do you need it? Not to live but one of the functions of the uvula is to stop food from spilling past your esophagus, the mouth to stomach grocery pipe, and into your trachea or your "wind pipe". Nice. Yeah a uvula helps keep you from choking every time you eat or drink something. I'll keep mine, thanks.

There are non-surgical alternatives to CPAP therapy that improve breathing, health and well-being. CPAP does work and some estimate it as 99% effective, if you can tolerate it. If not, you should seek another answer. Not using CPAP is a bad decision which wrecks havoc on your health. It is important to find documented cases of alternative treatment success. Proven. Names and numbers that is. Why? Because oxygen is important.

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Baby Boomer Insomniacs - Help Is On The Way!

Are you one of the 20 million Americans who feel that it's become "the norm", as well as a frequent topic of conversation at parties and events, that in this day and age it's impossible for anyone over 40 to get a good night's sleep? Are you wishing that someone had told you about this before you got here, so that you could have stocked up on your sleep in your 30's?

All the experts tell us that we need 7 - 8 hours of sleep each night, but as my Guru used to say, our minds are like monkeys - actually, drunken monkeys - who've been given too much coffee - you get the idea... It's difficult for most of us to turn down the volume switch on our minds and get the sleep that we need. Let's take a look at the problems associated with not getting 8 hours of restful sleep each night, and some things you can do about it.

Firstly, sleep deprivation can raise your blood pressure, and we Boomers sure have enough of that already! Secondly, insomnia can cause memory problems, weight gain and headaches. Thirdly, well, if these reasons aren't already enough to try some of my techniques, then perhaps you should be talking with Dr. Phil...

Guided Meditation - There are almost as many guided meditation audios and downloads on the market today as tea in China. With listening corners in every store and on-line, you can usually sample a track before purchasing, I recommend testing out a few. When you hear something that makes your body relax - even just a little, pick it up! Belleruth Naparstek has some really great recordings for anyone who may be facing surgery, or dealing with cancer or other illnesses. Guided meditations are done sitting or lying comfortably with arms and legs relaxed, and eyes closed. The best of these guided meditations will talk you through a whole body relaxation exercise first and then take you off to never, never land. Now, it's ok if you fall asleep during the meditation; it's usually because your body knows that's what it needs, so don't worry or try to fight it if that happens. If you try the meditation during the day to relax yourself, simply set your watch alarm to gently wake you at the end of 20 minutes. If you listen before bed, pleasant dreams!

Magnesium - Magnesium deficiencies have been linked to sleeping disorders, anxiety, irritability, and restless leg syndrome. Make sure your daily vitamins include the recommended 400 mg of magnesium. Eating foods rich in magnesium like legumes, dark leafy green vegetables, wheat bran, almonds, cashews, blackstrap molasses, brewer's yeast, and whole grains can help to reduce your insomnia.

Try these tips for yourself. You'll have spent little or no money, have more energy, and you won't be nearly as grumpy!

Best of Health,


For more information on ending your insomnia, night sweats, weight gain and other symptoms of menopause from Kathi Casey, The Healthy Boomer Body Expert, click here:

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Pearls of Wisdom Series 2: Getting Better Sleep Part 1

Are you one of those people that can't sleep? Do you poke your loved one in the back with a knee jab because you're too lost in thought to count sheep? Well I'm here to give you some tips on how to sleep better, even if it's just for the next 3 hours. (Yeah I know you have work in the morning.) So here is my guide to a better sleep.

If you're the type to over-think about everything, especially when you're stressed, then this is what you need to do.

Step 1: Buy a journal of any kind and write down exactly what's going on in that noggin of yours. Even if it's a bunch of negative jargon, it's important to express it and let it get out. Don't forget to read what you wrote.

Step 2: Take the piece of paper, or. doc file if your typing it, and erase it all. No matter how nasty the thoughts can be, writing them down, reading it, then erasing it will do wonders.

Step 3: Now that you have it all out of your system, try to sleep.

If you're the type who is dieting and you're just straight up hungry, this is what you need to do.

Step 1: (This step is to be done ahead of time.)

A.Go to the grocery store and buy a bunch of fruits and vegetables. If you're the type who actually likes eating vegan then this shouldn't be too bad for you.

B. Pick your favorite produce.

C. Prepare them by cutting, peeling, slicing, chopping and mixing them with a nice salad dressing. (You'll want to do individual portions that can be consumed within 3 days.)

D. The salad itself should consists of fruits or veggies and a protein. This can be boiled eggs, seasoned tofu, beans, nuts, yogurt etc.

E. Pack your prepared meal and store it in the refrigerator.

Step 2: When you're feeling those hunger pains, go to the fridge and eat whatever it is you prepared before. The combination of the low calorie fruits and/or vegetables along with the protein will give you a satisfying meal. The best part is you won't feel too guilty about snacking since it's actually been proven that eating raw fruits and vegetables create negative calories due to the amount of energy needed to burn the food which is more than the amount of energy absorbed. (You don't want to overdo it. Things need to be portioned correctly and you shouldn't do this every night.)

Step 3: Now that your belly is full, try hitting the hay.

Article written by: Rosemary Jasmine Rivera

I hope this has helped you rest. For more tips on sleeping better, make sure to visit my blog.

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Enjoy The Benefits Of Sleep

The benefits of sleep (and the problems caused by a lack of it) have a direct influence on heart health. We know that sleep duration has gone down by 1 and a half to 2 hours a night per person over the last half century. This leaves all too many of us less productive, more emotional, with foggy, slower thinking processes and unable to fully enjoy all life has to offer.

Add to this more than one recent study that finds an association between getting less sleep (under 6 hours a night) and higher chance of heart disease.

In fact, during 2011 there was a review of 15 research projects that included just about 475,000 subjects. This review discovered that people getting minimum sleep had a 48% higher risk of suffering, or worse dying from heart disease during the 7 to 25 year period that followed, a 15% higher risk of dying from a stroke during that same time.

Curiously, those who got lots of sleep (9+ hours per night) also had a higher (38%) risk of suffering or dying from heard disease, a 65% higher risk of stroke.

No one yet understands the mechanisms behind sleep and heart disease. It's not that amount of sleep causes heart disease, but it ups risk factors for this condition. Lack of sleep increases your risk of possible trouble.

One 2008 research project found an association between less sleep and higher coronary artery calcification, a good indicator of potential coronary artery disease.

Shorter sleep also predicted worsening high blood pressure. Blood pressure naturally goes down at night, so could it be that with less sleep, there isn't enough time for the needed drop to happen?

Is it too late to make changes?

No one can say for sure. One of the reasons is that the impact of sleep on the heart is a newly studied area. Quantifying sleep is complicated as well, and many studies are reliant on self-reported habits, which aren't always so accurate. When you have your sleep measured with an activity monitor, this procedure changes your natural and usual pattern of sleep.

The take home message - for most of us, sleeping less than 6 hours per night is likely not good for us. According to experts sleep...

- Reduces the amount of work your heart has to do, as both blood pressure and heart rate decrease at night.

- Sleep deprivation brings less variability in your heart rate, so the rate stays elevated, looking (and feeling) like high stress to the body.

- Sleep deprivation increases insulin resistance, upping your risk for developing both type 2 diabetes as well as heart disease.

- Insufficient sleep can increase C-reactive protein; released by the body during times of stress and inflammation. Should this number get too high it's a risk for heart disease.

- Not getting enough sleep alters appetite regulation, encouraging you to eat more, or eat foods that aren't so good for your heart.

Add all this to the troubles too little sleep gives us mentally and emotionally and you can see why getting the right amount of good, quality sleep is so important. After all, how you feel when you're awake depends in good measure on how well you sleep each night. Practice good sleep habits and avoiding common enemies (caffeine, stimulation) of sleep to gain the most out of the benefits of sleep.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover more on the benefits of sleep to your overall health and wellbeing.

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Pillow Talk: How to Get a Good Night's Sleep Every Night

Below are some tips on having a good night's sleep. They can be as simple as having a good bed rest pillow, or strictly following a sleep schedule. Nothing beats a good night's sleep and having it is very important.

The first thing to do is to learn how to set a sleep schedule. People live very different lifestyles. People these days regularly stay out at night and that causes them to sleep much less. During the times they try to sleep, they have difficulty in getting so. People should remember that setting a regular sleeping time is one way of making the body know what it's supposed to do next. It will also help the body wake up at the same time during the next day. Do not try to extend sleep; the thing to do instead is to take short naps through the day.

The next thing to do is to develop a regular awake and sleep cycle. This means, keep the activities for the morning and afternoon and specifically place resting and sleeping at night. The body will adapt to the activities and produce adrenaline; while during the evening, it knows that it is time for rest and will relax once the body comes in contact with that bed rest pillow and blanket on the bed.

When trying to sleep, create a relaxing and silent environment. People who have the television on loud while trying to sleep will often fail because the environment is stressful. They should be serene so that the body and mind can relax. Along with this, a cool environment is the best condition to sleep in. The bed and the pillows should also be always comfortable so that it does not restrict the attempts for relaxation for the person.

Eating right and having proper exercise has been proven to help a person relax and sleep better. When a person does not eat at odd times of the day, like before bedtime, the body does not have to do much work trying to break down food. Other people drink too much caffeine that it affects their sleeping habits. Staying away from unhealthy lifestyles will help make a person sleep better and help them live longer.

Finding the best spot to sleep is a battle that should be started far from the time that a person gets to bed. Some people think that it is only the moment they hit their comfort pillow that they will start feeling sleepy. If the body feels like it is time to rest, then the body will do what it has been programmed to.

For more details, search bed rest pillow, bed rest pillow in Google for related information.

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Lucid Dreaming and How to Induce It

I've been quite interested on the topic of lucid dreaming for a while now and have been itching to write down my thoughts about it. A lucid dream involves the dreamer being conscious that they are dreaming in one of either two ways. The first starts as a normal dream until the dreamer ultimately concludes it is a dream, due to perhaps circumstances that seem far too unreal. This is known as DILD, a dream-initiated lucid dream. The second, known as WILD, a wake-initiated lucid dream, occurs when the dreamer goes from a waking state to a dream state with no lapse in consciousness.

After it came up in conversation a while ago, I found hardly any of my friends had experienced, or even heard of the concept. I've experienced a few that I can remember and when asked what I did during these dreams, a bewildered look of disappointment appeared on their faces most likely because I didn't do something one would most likely attempt, like flying or picking a fight with your boss. In fact all I can remember doing in these dreams was telling people that I was dreaming while they laughed at me. I think the reason I didn't attempt to do something that defied physics was because the discovery I had made seemed like the greater thrill.

The first lucid dream I experienced must have been in primary school. Our classroom had been turned into our local church and myself and my classmates were doing our work like normal on these church benches. Even though most of our dreams seem realistic while dreaming, but when we wake up they seem ridiculous, for some reason I stopped observing the dream and suddenly had a conscious control over myself. "This is a dream!" I shouted, confusing my classmates. I ran around telling them they didn't have to work because it was just a dream and we should go out and play. But, even though it was my own subconscious, they chose to ignore me and carry on working, while my teachers told me to sit back down. I remember feeling so alive and more awake than in real life, at which point I woke up, completely forgetting about what had happened until remembering late afternoon.

How to Induce Lucid Dreams

I've done a bit of research on how to induce lucid dreaming but since my last one, a year ago while on holiday, I haven't been able to force one upon myself. Here a few tips about inducing them:

The first step to induce lucid dreaming is by having a good dram recall. Dream recall is the ability to remember your dreams. Seeing as we could more than 10 dreams per night, no wonder people find it difficult to remember just one of them. Having a good recall increases your awareness of dreams, which can be improved by keeping a dream journal. After waking, try writing down anything you can remember about your dreams. This will help to show patterns in your dreams, for instance recurring places or people or objects that appear so you will be more likely to associate these things with a dream.

Reality checking can also help to induce lucid dreams. If you do discover recurring themes or objects, as noted above, then you must ask yourself if you're dreaming if you spot one of them in real life. Say for instance you always dream about Kelly Brook, who doesn't? If you see her in real life, which may be unlikely, ask yourself if you are dreaming. Hopefully this technique will carry on into your dreaming state, giving you the opportunity to decide whether you are actually dreaming.

Dr Stephen LaBerge is noted as a leader in the study of lucid dreaming. One of his techniques entitled MILD, mnemonically induced lucid dream, involves spending a little time every night doing an affirmation or visualization that you will have a lucid dream as you fall asleep. LaBerge has also proposed two ways to prolong a lucid dream. The first technique is spinning one's dream body. He proposed that when spinning, the dreamer is engaging parts of the brain that may also be involved in REM activity, helping to prolong REM sleep. The second technique is rubbing one's hands. The intention is to engage the dreamer's brain in producing the sensation of rubbing hands, preventing the dreamer becoming aware of the sensation of lying in bed. LaBerge tested his hypothesis by asking 34 volunteers to either spin, rub their hands, or do nothing. Results showed 90% of dreams were prolonged by hand rubbing and 96% prolonged by spinning. Only 33% of lucid dreams were prolonged with taking no action.

You can read more phenomenal posts like this by visiting the author's website at!

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Pearls of Wisdom Series 2: Getting Better Sleep Part 3

Still can't close your eyes even though it's 2 in the morning? Do you have some big thing the next day and you need to get to sleep quickly? Maybe you take naps sporadically throughout the day and stay up at night?Continue reading this article to see ways you can get a better sleep fast. I know, this sounds pretty cool eh?

If you're the type who needs sleep now and doesn't care what it takes, do these simple steps to get to sleep fast. (By fast I mean 15-30 min. I can't just knock you out, you know. WARNING THIS COULD BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH)

Step 1: Go to the kitchen or if you don't have food in the fridge because you don't cook, go to your nearest fast food place. (Some people may find it unsafe to go outside late at night, so just plan ahead and buy the necessary foods.)

Step 2: Pick out the most greasy, rich food you can find. (I would prefer you only do this in emergencies. If you did this everyday you'll become extremely unhealthy.)

Step 3: Eat the gnarly food.

Step 4: Wait it out.

In about 15-30 minutes your body will start to feel the "itis". The "itis" is when you've eaten a lot of rich food and start to feel tired and sleepy. The richer the food the stronger the "itis".

Step 5: Go to sleep. If you're not knocked out by the "itis", then you must be an immortal.

If you're the type who can't sleep for more than 1-2 hours at time, this could help you.

Step 1: Set a place and time where you'll sleep. I know this is a hard habit to get used to, but you have to control where and when you sleep. If you're supposed to sleep in bed and end up sleeping at work, that's not good. So choose a set place and time to snooze.

Step 2: Keep your place of slumber free of light, distractions, or temperature changes. If you can, try to keep things at a normal temperature. The more comfortable you'll feel the easier it'll be to sleep. If you live in the city and can't escape the noise, simply buy or download some background sounds to mute out all the other noise. You can use headphones or a radio. Sometimes just listening to someone speak on a station can lull you to bed.

Step 3: Turn off your cell phone. If you want to keep it on in case of an emergency, simply set your phone to vibrate. If you really need the phone on with sound, then skip this step.

Step 4: Take the train to sleepville.

Article written by: Rosemary Jasmine Rivera

I hope this article was helpful to you. For more tips and tricks, check out my blog.

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Why You Should Be Getting Enough Sleep

Are you getting enough sleep?

We all know that sleep is an important part of our everyday lives. Obviously you cannot function without it! But what are the effects if you're doing an extreme workout program? Well, it's actually the most important aspect of recovering from our workouts! You thought working out was the most important part of your day? Think again! One of the most important parts of your workout program is getting enough sleep every night. When you are sleeping, that's when your muscles are healing and getting bigger!
First let's look at what happens if you DON'T sleep enough.

Depriving yourself of sleep can decrease your bodies level of a hormone called Leptin, which is responsible for telling your stomach that you feel full. This will cause you to not know when to stop eating! Also, not sleeping enough increases your levels of Ghrelin. This increases your appetite and makes you want to eat more! Not to mention, you'll be tired and sluggish all day!

Here is an interesting little snippet from our friends at Wikipedia:
"In a study conducted by Turner, Drummond, Salamat, and Brown, working memory was shown to be affected by sleep deprivation. Working memory is important because it keeps information active for further processing and supports higher-level cognitive functions such as decision making, reasoning, and episodic memory"

So basically, what they are saying here is that running on little to no sleep is not a good decision!! You will be slower, less focused, and even more prone to injury! There's no prize for being the person running on little to no sleep. A lot of people claim to be "totally fine" or say "I don't need that much sleep," when they only get four to five hours.

If you go without much sleep only once in a while, it probably won't affect you much. Sure, you might be a little more irritable, and your workout might not be 100%, but it's not going to kill you. Think about eating a diet only consisting of Mcdonald's french fries and water... sure you would "survive" but you're not going to be thriving!

So, in the long run it's much better to develop a good sleep ritual that will get you to bed at a reasonable hour so you can get the right amount of sleep!

Here are some tips to make going to bed easier and to cut out the crap that's going to keep you awake all night:

1. Limit your caffeine Intake to earlier in the day, stopping caffeine after about 4 pm. (unless you drink so much caffeine that it doesn't affect you in that way. If that's the case you should probably look at cutting down your caffeine intake overall).

2.Try to turn off the T.V. and computer an hour before going to bed. Going to sleep with the T.V. on is actually a stimulatory experience for your brain. Just all the light bouncing off the walls in a dark room will not let your body relax to the point where it's comfortable enough for deep sleep! even though you might still "sleeping."

3. Have some (non-caffeinated) tea, listen to soft music and read a book. Having herbal tea and reading can actually help regulate your breathing. It can help you get out of your head and all the things bothering you during the day. This signals to your body that you're shutting down for the night.

These are just a few basic ideas of why sleep is important and a few tips on getting to be earlier.

Of course there is a TON of other information regarding this topic out there, but we just wanted to touch on the parts we thought were most important. If you have any questions, comments or anything to add to this topic, please comment below!! We'd love to hear from you.

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Pearls of Wisdom Series 2: Getting Better Sleep Part 2

I bet you a penny you are having trouble sleeping. Maybe you've become reliant on allergy pills or cough syrup, worse yet, sleeping pills to get you some rest. Well if that's the case, I'm here to tell you there is hope. You can get to sleep if you're willing to make an effort. It's better to learn these habits now than never learn them later. So without further ado, here's my guide on how to get better sleep.

If you're the type who moves too much in bed because of chronic pain, here's what you can do to help alleviate the problem.

Step 1: Gentle exercise is known to benefit people in a lot of ways.

Did you know it can help with chronic pain? Things like Yoga and Tai chi have been proven to help people with stiff joins and back problems find relief through proper stretching and adequate blood flow. If you can't really stretch or care to move slowly, you can do a simple 20 minute walk to get your body warm and relaxed. Sometimes just moving a bit makes a world of difference.

Step 2: Adopt an anti-inflammatory diet.

If you eat the foods described in this kind of diet, (soy foods, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and even some red wine and dark chocolate) you'll relieve a lot of the pain you experience, especially if it's arthritis. Your blood sugar will be leveled and you'll be able to respond to stress in an easier way. Not only will your body reap the benefits of a good diet (You might even lose weight), but your mind will too.

Step 3: Lose some weight and gain muscle!

This is perhaps the biggest tip I can give you. If you are a bit heavy, you'll realize some of your pudge is getting in the way of sleeping comfortably. Your weight can also attribute to chronic pain because it's difficult for your body to carry such a heavy load. If you gain muscle, not only will your metabolism speed up, you'll have strength in your core and back. This is where a lot of people experience body aches. A strong core alleviates any pain experienced in those areas.

Step 4: Take supplements

Sometimes you just can't afford the raw diet or you don't have the time to exercise everyday. Well here is where supplementation can help. Just taking one high quality multi-vitamin/multi-mineral a day can truly help you feel and look better. There are plenty of anti-inflammatory supplements out in the market as well as Glucosamine Chondroitin supplements which can help lubricate and strengthen your joints.

Step 5: After a long stretch of learning good habits, get to the sack and drift away into slumber land.

Article written by: Rosemary Jasmine Rivera

I hope this article was helpful to you. For more tips and tricks, check out my blog.

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Using Anti-Snoring Devices

Snoring is rather common in adults and luckily mild to moderate problems are fairly easy to treat. Unless you have a more serious sleep disorder condition such as sleep apnea, you may be able to cure your snoring problem with simple devices including snoring mouthpieces and nasal breathing aids. Cheap, convenient and easy to use, mouthpieces and mouth guards have proven very successful in curbing snoring problems in many people and may be just the thing you need to put an end to your loud sleep breathing.

People snore for a wide variety of reasons. The particular shape of your mouth such as having a low and thick soft palate or enlarged tonsils, maintaining a poor diet that includes foods that high in fat and cholesterol, excessive alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking and having nasal problems such as chronic nasal congestion can cause snoring to occur. When transitioning from a light sleep to a deep sleep the muscles in the roof of your mouth, tongue and throat relax and if these muscles relax enough they can vibrate and partially obstruct your airways and cause snoring. Also, when airways and nasal passages become clogged a person will unconsciously resort to breathing through their mouth which will also cause a loud and harsh snoring sound.

If your snoring is classified as mild to moderate there is a good chance you can treat your snoring problem with non-surgical devices such as snoring mouthpieces and nasal breathing aids. These snoring appliances are designed to help the snorer keep their mouth shut while sleeping to reduce the chances of breathing through the mouth and thus reducing snoring. Since snoring may be caused by a combination of factors including the anatomy of your mouth, being overweight and particular diet you may need to try a few before finding the snoring solution that works best for your snoring problem.

Using an anti-snoring device is a fast and affordable way to treat a breathing problem. More serious cases of chronic snoring that may include being diagnosed with obstructive or central sleep apnea may require expensive surgery and uncomfortable treatments that have to be performed in clinics along with therapy to curb a snoring condition. Luckily mouthpieces, mouth guards and nasal breathing aids don't require a visit to the doctor, a prescription or lots of money. Simply order the snoring aid that sounds right for your snoring problem and see how well it works in stopping snoring.

For fast and affordable relief from snoring try one of the anti-snoring devices at No Snore Zone including snoring mouthpieces, mouth guards and chin up strips.

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How to Tell If You Have Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder that includes abnormal pauses in breathing or periods of abnormally low breathing during sleep. Often undetected by the person suffering from the condition, this sleep disorder occurs in three variations; obstructive, central and a combination of the two. OSA, obstructive sleep apnea, is the most common form and if not treated properly can lead to more dangerous medical conditions including cardiovascular disease, stroke, high blood pressure, arrhythmia and diabetes. Because sleep apnea causes daytime fatigue in the patient there is also the risk for accidents while driving or at work. Recognizing the symptoms of this disorder is essential to effectively treating this condition.

Though it is very hard for someone who suffers from sleep apnea to diagnose their own condition, especially if they do not share a bed with a partner, there are several signs or symptoms that will alert someone to the presence of the sleep disorder. Some of the more common symptoms of sleep apnea include excessive daytime fatigue, morning or night headaches, swelling of the legs, heartburn at night, sweating and chest pain while sleeping, nighttime choking or gasping spells and loud snoring. Again, many of these symptoms will go unnoticed by the person suffering from the disorder so it is important to pay close attention to episodes of drowsiness and rare headaches as these may be a sign of a sleep apnea condition.

If you do have a bed partner they will have a much easier time detecting symptoms of sleep apnea and should be on the lookout for episodes of not breathing which can occur between 5 and 50 times in an hour, restless tossing and turning during sleep, loud snoring and nighttime choking. The sooner a bed partner recognizes these symptoms the better chance you have to visit a doctor before the condition worsens. If excessive and loud snoring continues for several nights in a row that is a sign that something is not right.

Though this is a serious medical condition it can be treated fairly quickly in a number of ways including lifestyle changes that involve quitting smoking and exercising regularly, using a continuous positive airway pressure machine, oral appliances such as an anti-snoring mouthpiece and having specific surgery such as a Tracheostomy. Most mild cases of this sleep disorder can be treated with natural remedies while it is only under severe circumstances that surgery is required. But the sooner you recognize sleep apnea symptoms the better chance you have to properly treat and cure this sleep disorder.

If you have a snoring problem and are looking for affordable and effective treatments such as anti-snoring mouthpieces and nasal breathing aids visit No Snore Zone today.

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Who's Suffering More From Lack of Sleep - Men or Women?

This week, I was interviewed by WCBS-TV New York for a news segment called, "Sleep: the Battle of the Sexes." The topic was one I am very familiar with: People suffering from lack of sleep, and how it can affect daytime mood, mental acuity, job performance and relationship intimacy.

The show drilled down a bit farther and asked: who is more likely to suffer from a sleep disorder, men or women? And of the two genders, which performs better despite a lack of sleep?

What we know is that men and women have different circadian rhythms. According to an article by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, "The circadian rhythms of melatonin and body temperature are set to an earlier hour in women than in men, even when the women and men maintain nearly identical and consistent bedtimes and wake times. Moreover, women tend to wake up earlier than men and exhibit a greater preference for morning activities than men."

In other words, women tend to go to sleep and wake up earlier than men. We also know thanks to a Penn State study that women need 6.8 hours of sleep per night, while men require just 6.2 hours. While scientific studies are interesting, there is a discrepancy between these numbers and what I am seeing in my office at the Manhattan Snoring and Sleep Center.

Based on the facts, one would think women are getting to sleep earlier and sleeping longer than their male counterparts. But are women getting the sleep they need? In my anecdotal opinion, they are not, and they are suffering quietly for it. In our society, men are stressed out, but women are really stressed out. The physical demands of balancing career and family, along with the mental strain of worrying about finances and future is taking its toll on the women in our society.

Don't get me wrong, men worry and suffer from sleep disorders too. But they seem more willing to speak up and seek treatment. Women, on the other hand, being the selfless caregivers they are, stay focused on others and what needs to be done and power through their day. Which explains another Penn State study that found sleep deprived women made fewer mistakes compared to men in a series of computer tasks. It seems that, although women need more sleep, they do better without it because, for better or worse, they're just more used to it.

Whether a man or woman is suffering from a lack of sleep, the fact is that a sleep disorder can lead to negative health issues, including an increased chance of hypertension, heart disease, osteoporosis and inflammatory disease.

In addition to personal health issues, a sleep disorder can wreak havoc on a relationship. The partner of a patient once shared with me how his snoring and sleep apnea had impacted their relationship. It led to weeks without quality REM sleep, and she said it left her feeling groggy with low energy, cranky, unable to concentrate for long and she was more prone to getting sick. His constant snoring caused her to start sleeping on the couch, which led to resentment, lack of intimacy and loss of connection.

I have made it clear in previous blogs that I am not a marriage counselor or relationship expert. But I can tell you unequivocally that, if you or your partner snores or suffers from a lack of sleep on a consistent basis, it will negatively affect your relationship.

In the end, circadian rhythms and who performs better and the sex of the person with the sleep disorder doesn't matter. What matters is getting it treated and keeping the relationship healthy.

This also bears repeating: Turn off the TV when you go to sleep. Falling asleep with the TV or computer on interrupts deep REM sleep because the light from the screens interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that tells our bodies when it's time to go to sleep. Do yourself a favor and turn off the TV, computer and lights at night. Your brain and body will thank you for it the next day.

To watch "Sleep: The Battle of the Sexes" on CBS2 New York, click here.

David Volpi, M.D., P.C., F.A.C.S. is a board-certified otolaryngology surgeon with Ear, Nose and Throat practices, Otolaryngology Associates, on the Upper West Side and Upper East Side and is a staff member of the best teaching hospitals New York City. Realizing that there is a lack of information on the part of the public about the potential severity of snoring, he founded The Manhattan Snoring and Sleep Center to be a place where snoring patients can go for expert information, diagnosis and treatment. As a recognized authority throughout the country for his work in snoring disorders, he is also the author of the definitive guide book on the diagnosis and treatment of snoring: Wake Up! You're Snoring...

He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), the American Medical Association (AMA), the American College of Surgeons, the Medical Society of the State of New York, the New York County Medical Society, the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and the American Rhinologic Society.

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Poor Sleep Leads To Poor Choices

We all make regrettable decisions when under the influence of alcohol. We may get into an argument with our spouse, act inappropriately at an office party, or inadvertently alienate our friends with a thoughtless comment. The same can happen when you're too groggy to give the proper attention to your actions.

It has been shown that a lack of sleep can have the same effect on people as drinking alcohol. Going without sleep for 24 hours or getting only five hours of sleep a night for a week is the equivalent of a blood alcohol level of 0.1 percent.

A study in Britain demonstrated that drivers behind the wheel who have been awake between 17 and 19 hours were more dangerous on the road than drunk drivers, with reaction times up to 50 percent slower.

Another experiment found that doctors who operate under a lack of sleep make more mistakes than doctors who had been drinking.

Then there are pilots, bus drivers and other responsible professions that require steel nerves and attentiveness or else tragic consequences can occur. A poor night's sleep can be more than disruptive: in some cases it can be downright dangerous.

The same can be said for those caring for small children, while taking others to school. No one in her right mind would think of driving her children drunk. But a tired new mother may do it every day out of necessity, without knowing the intoxicating effect a lack of sleep has on her system.

People who get too little sleep may have higher levels of stress, anxiety and depression, and may take unnecessary risks.

Even one day at work after a poor night's sleep can have devastating effects on one's career. It's like going to work with whisky on your breath, and the liquor still surging through your veins, seducing you in one bad decision after another. It's simply not worth it.

One of the leading causes of insomnia and restless sleep is a poor mattress. It is amazing most North Americans will spend thousands on gym memberships, personal trainers and healthy diets to make sure that their bodies are functioning at their best, yet will buy the cheapest mattress they can, hoping to save a few bucks.

A mattress is an investment in one's health, happiness and well-being. By investing in a high-quality brand name bed like Simmons, Sealy or Serta, one is ensuring that sleep is the true priority, not savings.

One of the worst choices you can make when you are tired is to buy a cheap bed. Do your research, and buy your mattress on a clear head. Don't think of the money you'll be saving, think of the mistakes you'll be preventing when you sleep well every night.

Susan Kent writes about mattresses for Victoria mattress store, Mattress Choice.

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Insomnia - Cause of Sleeplessness

Are you having trouble sleeping? Do you wake up in the middle of the night? Is this affecting your daily life and or day time activities? Sleep problems is on the rise! People who have difficulty in sleeping or not getting enough good quality sleep maybe suffering from Insomnia. This condition can slowly start effecting the performance or wellbeing during the daytime.

What can cause Insomnia?
Insomnia is sometimes the symptom of another problem. The common cause for sleeping problems can be related to stress and anxiety, illness or struggling with other difficult issues such as relationship problems. Other common causes include noise, difficult working hours, too much caffeine or alcohol consumption.

Insomnia is also very common in older people. Good news is that most of these problems can be treated fairly easily without turning to prescribed drugs. So the common causes are:
Psychological problems that can cause insomnia - anxiety and depression are the most common causes of insomniaMedications and medical problems that can cause insomniaSleep disorders that can cause insomnia such as sleep apnea

Treatment of insomnia
The first thing is to analyze and investigate the root cause of your sleeping issue:
Is something stressing you or causing anxiety?Are you depressed? If so, why?Have you just been through a traumatic experience?Do you have any health issues or injuries?Are you doing sleeping at different times due to constant shift changes at work?Is your bed, mattress or pillow comfortable?

Try to resolve issues causing anxieties which may keep you awake worrying. Try to make your sleeping enviroment comfortable by ensuring the bed and pillow are comfortable and not too hot. Research has shown that the effect of cooling on the body, and particularly the brain, such as following a bath or hair washing can induce sleep. Try to avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol. Get into the habit of exercising during the day, that should help you sleep. Also herbs such as valerian and camomile can also help.

Relaxation techniques cam also help:

• A relaxing bedtime routine. Focus on quiet, soothing activities, such as reading or listening to calm music. Keep the lights low.

• Abdominal breathing. Close your eyes, and try taking deep, slow breaths, making each breath even deeper than the last. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. You can try making each exhale a little longer than each inhale.

• Progressive muscle relaxation: Lie down or make yourself comfortable. Starting with your feet, tense the muscles as tightly as you can. Hold for a count of 10, then relax. Continue to do this for every muscle group in your body, working your way up from your feet to the top of your head.

• Light Yoga exercise can also help

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Shocking Facts About Sleep Deprivation

Have you ever heard of the shocking facts about sleep deprivation? Not really? Well, pace yourselves you people. Be warned against burning the candle at both ends! We all know what it is to be deprived off sleep--me for one! For burning the mid-night oil to dawn, indeed there is a price to pay.

When you don't get enough of that beauty sleep, things can go from awfully wrong to downright nasty. Your mood swings, your temper soars, your mental vision impaired, so is your attitude--foul! Your head...ouch! it hurts. That is how vitally important your slumber is.

Now for the shocking facts:-

A weaker immune system - When you are sleep deprived, your immune system is definitely weakened, thus compromising your health and can also hinder the effectiveness of any vaccinations if you contemplate on taking.Weight gain - Somehow, obesity is tied to chronic sleep deprivation whether we are aware of it or not.Cognitive impairment and decreased performance - Continual lack of sleep over time, will impair your memory and significantly reduce your alertness and performance.Breast cancer - For women who work on night shifts, there is a link to breast cancer as melatonin, necessary for protection against some cancers--is suppressed. Shift work usually involves circadian disruption which is listed officially as a probable carcinogen.Auto accidents - Sleep- related accidents do occur when you lose sleep that caused drowsy driving. It may sound scary, but truth be known that drowsy driving is worse than drunk driving. Worldwide, thousands of people have died...falling asleep on the road while driving! Watch out! When you are feeling drowsy--don't drive.Pillow baulk - Due to disruptive behaviour, one partner typically loses sleep at night. This includes tossing and turning or loud snoring that could cause your spouse or companion to baulk at the idea of sleeping on the same bed.Sleep apnoea is a sleep disordered breathing. When oxygen to the brain is reduced due to breathing disruptions, mental impairment like dementia occurs.Migraine or severe headache is often triggered by extreme sleep deprivation and it is really painful.

Mary Lee Scully (Author)
Blogger: User Profile: maryleescully.

Many fail to realize, that when you trade your beauty sleep for work--there is a hefty price to pay. At times it could be the cost of a precious life! Disregarding this absolute personal necessity to pursue a nocturnal lifestyle, is akin to sitting on a time-bomb...knowing that the clock is ticking! As for me, I am heading for Slumberland and sweet dreams.

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Sleep Apnea and Weight Gain

Did you know that there is a link between weight gain and sleep apnea? It all starts with a simple intrusion in your life in the form of snoring. Read this article and find out more about how weight gain leads to sleep apnea and vice versa.

Ignoring your snoring problem could lead to a serious sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. This disorder is characterized by the cessation of breathing during the night with such episodes occurring anywhere between 5-50 times an hour.

Weight Gain and Sleep Apnea - What's the Connection?

Wondering how weight gain could be linked to this condition? When you put on weight, it is not only around your waistline or thighs. You would invariably develop extra fat cells around your neck, throat and mouth and this tends to affect your breathing as well. This causes obstruction of the air passage and consequently, snoring. Over time it could develop into sleep apnea. Research has also revealed that people who are overweight or obese are at a greater risk of developing sleep apnea when compared to people who do not have any weight-related issues.

Hormones - The Link Between Sleep Apnea and Weight Gain

Did you know that your hormones could be responsible for increasing weight and consequently aggravate snoring and apnea issues? Your body produces an increased amount of the hormone Ghrelin when you lose sleep. This hormone stimulates hunger thereby leading you to eat more food and put on weight. Also when you sleep less, the levels of the hormone Leptin are reduced. This hormone is instrumental in communicating to your brain that you do not require any more food. In its absence you tend to eat more, hence gain more weight. Your body no longer burns calories at the rate at which it was earlier as well.

Lose Weight and Sleep Better

Although the reasons for this dangerous condition could be many, your increasing weight might be a main cause. Because the condition's symptoms are subtle, you might not even realize that you are suffering from it. However, if you notice increasing daytime sleepiness, dry mouth when you wake up, frequent urination at night, or even excessive, sudden weight gain, it is time to consider consulting a sleep specialist. Because of the increasing daytime drowsiness and fatigue, it is important to consume foods that boost the energy levels but do not add to your body weight. Be sure to take note of the calories you consume and also exercise to lose excess weight. Good meal planning is essential for planned weight loss and to help you deal with sleep apnea. Ensure you are consuming food in proper quantities and try to stay as healthy as possible when choosing the foods you eat. The the ideal weight for your height and body structure can only be determined by a health and fitness expert. Always consult a specialist before you embark on a weight loss program to lose weight and deal with your apnea problem.

Atlanta Snoring Institute specializes in snoring treatment and sleep apnea treatment, such as the The Pillar Procedure.

Stefano Grossi
Atlanta Snoring Institute

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In This Article I Will Be Discussing How To Get A Good Night's Sleep

You will find illnesses and conditions that will often gain people a lot of sympathy since it is clear that they need medical care and comfort to help them. But what most men and women never think about are the medical conditions that individuals suffer from but don't require medical attention. A few of these other conditions can really effect people's lifestyles and they don't believe that there is anyone who can help them. You will probably find that you have a difficult time getting to sleep or even sleeping through the night, this is one of the less severe conditions that we will be looking at.

In the first instance you should not feel that this is trivial and you can still seek the advice of a doctor since they will be best placed to check for any health issues you may not be aware of. For many people however it can be a small thing that can be adjusted which can help people get the rest they've been missing. For example, do you make certain your room is well aired and that your mattress and pillows are right for you. Your sleeping issues could be solved by simply getting a higher quality bed.

The next area to look at is your general level of fitness to see if some frequent exercise will help with your sleeping patterns. Lots of people who are overweight learn that it is extremely difficult to get comfortable after they lay down to go to sleep. But if you add a little exercise everyday not only will you be able to get rid of a few pounds but you may also realize that your capable of getting to sleep easier. By simply taking walks through out the day you will find that not only do you feel better but you may also find that getting to sleep and sleeping during the night is also a lot easier.

Your diet plan could also be accountable for keeping you up for all hours of the night and changing your diet can also be great for your sleeping patterns. For anyone who is eating lots of processed unhealthy foods this may lay heavy on the stomach as well as disturb you when attempting to sleep. A thing that helps some men and women is simply adding the appropriate amount of produce in to their diets. There are specific foods that may even be sleep inducing since they contain melatonin, a good example of this is actually bananas. Also for those of you which drink coffee all day long you may need to change that as it could be all that caffeine which is effecting your sleep. And if you drink coffee at night this can be a major issue, as an alternative try a cup of herbal tea.

Many people have a lot of stress they have to deal with and if your consumed with stress before going to be this is going to make it more difficult to get to sleep. When you are anxious a lot you might have a bit of an anxiety issue that needs to be dealt with. If you notice lots of inner talk particularly when you are in bed you may want to find ways to unwind and calm the mind. Your brain is a very powerful tool and if you believe that you won't be capable of getting to sleep you might be convincing your mind of that at that is what is keeping you awake. Aromatherapy, sound therapy as well as meditation are only a few things you could try if you feel stress and anxiety might be your issue.

These are just a few tips for you, although even one of these things could be enough to help you get that good night's sleep you have been looking for.

Want to find out more about snoring home remedies, then visit Dr. Laura Gregory's site and how to choose the best snoring cures for your needs.

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