12 Natural Tips To Stay Awake

When energy flags, many of us rely on tried and tested tips to stay awake - reaching for an energy drink or cup of strong coffee when fatigue starts to invade our waking hours. The trouble is, using caffeine to hold off sleepiness begins a vicious cycle... that jolt can take as long as 8 hours to dissipate which can reduce the time you spend sleeping, change the natural sleep stages and even impact the quality of the sleep you manage to get. Waking tired and dragging fuels the need for caffeine.

Can you combat fatigue without caffeine? You bet! Here are a dozen great, all natural tips that are sure to keep you up and functioning at your best.

1. Get moving - a well-publicized study examined if subjects felt more energized by having a sugary snack or taking a fast walk for ten minutes. The candy gave a quick boost, but participants ended up being more tired an hour later. The walkers got an energy boost for two hours, because exercising like this causes oxygen to pump throughout your whole body.

2. Take a short nap - so long as you only take one, and you don't nap too close (more than 6-7 hours) to your normal bedtime, a 5 to 25 minute nap can do wonders for your flagging energy. Even sitting quietly, keeping your eyes shut for ten minutes can be enough.

3. Rest your eyes - looking at a screen for hours on end can lead to eyestrain and make you feel sleepier. Your best bet is to avert your gaze from the screen every so often to rest your eyes and fight eyestrain.

4. Have a healthy snack - while sweet snacks provide a fast energy boost, which is followed by a crash, a healthy snack will bring you longer lasting energy. Try peanut butter and whole wheat crackers or celery, yogurt with a few nuts or a piece of fruit, baby carrots and a low fat dip are all good choices.

5. Start an engaging conversation - as this will engage your mind. Talk to someone about business, or another engaging topic, as this is a strong behavioral stimulator, particularly if the topic is one you're passionate about.

6. Keep the lights bright - places with dim lighting make feelings of fatigue more pronounced, while studies have found that bright light can cut sleepiness and improve alertness.

7. Do breathing exercises - that is practice deep breathing, as this raises the oxygen levels in your blood, slows you heart rate, reduces blood pressure and increases your circulation. Ultimately this helps your energy level and mental performance. You need to breath into the abdomen (avoiding the chest), breathing deeply though your nose and so that the breath pushes your belly out, not your chest. Breathe out though pursed lips (as though you were whistling) and repeat the exercise ten times.

8. If driving, pull over - if you operate a motor vehicle when sleepy, you are just as dangerous as driving while drunk. Opening the windows or turning up the radio doesn't work for long, so your best bet is to let your passenger drive, or pull over and nap until you don't feel so tired. Also on long drives, stop every two hours and take a walk, stretch and enjoy the fresh air.

9. Avoid monotonous tasks - researchers who studied those working long 12 hour night shifts concluded that carrying out monotonous tasks is just as harmful to alertness as not getting enough sleep. Try to reserve your most stimulating tasks for times when you're tired, or switch to something more engaging if you feel yourself flagging.

10. Drink plenty of water - dehydration can lead to fatigue, so you should ensure you're drinking lots of fluids or eating foods (fruits and veggies) that are naturally full of water.

11. Get out in daylight - the circadian rhythms, the natural regulators of the sleep-wake cycle are impacted by daylight, so you should aim to spend a minimum of 30 minutes during the daytime outside. Even just a few minutes outside in the fresh air will restore your energy, revive your senses.

12. Exercise regularly - a recent study saw that doing exercise was better at improving energy and eliminating daytime fatigue than drugs used to treat sleep issues. Regular exercise can also improve the quality of nighttime sleep. Try for 30 minutes per day, but make sure you complete your workout 2-3 hours before bed, so you're not still energized as you try to fall off to sleep.

If you're finding that you're struggling to keep your eyes open when you should be alert and the tips to stay awake aren't working, talk to a doctor or a sleep specialist. Your symptoms could be a sign of a sleep disorder that will not improve unless you take steps to help yourself.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover more great tips to stay awake.

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Problems With Sleep Linked to Alzheimer's Disease

Try to sleep after reading this... you're more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease if your sleep is poor... the idea really helps you drift off, doesn't it? New research, while preliminary, has found that problems with sleep like waking up more than five times in an hour, may be a signal of preclinical Alzheimer's disease. Preclinical Alzheimer's is the term medical personnel use for those who display normal mental skills while also showing the brain changes that are linked to this dreadful disease.

The research on sleep and Alzheimer's involved 100 subjects, both men and women who were aged between 45 to 80 years. All were dementia free at the start of the study, though half had a family history of Alzheimer's disease.

For two weeks the subjects wore a sleep measuring device, while also keeping sleep diaries and filling out questionnaires. The subjects slept for about 6.5 hours, though they stayed in bed for another hour and a half, for a total of eight hours.

The research team analyzed subjects' spinal fluid, reviewed at brain scans for evidence of amyloid plaques - the deposits that are in the brains of those with Alzheimer's. Today experts think such deposits can be forming from 10 - 15 years prior to symptoms appearing. About a quarter of the subjects had evidence of preclinical Alzheimer's, and those who woke most often (over 5 times each hour) had a greater chance than non-waking subjects to show abnormal biomarkers.

However, it's important to keep in mind that studies like this one which are presented at conferences are considered preliminary. The findings have yet to undergo a peer review, where outside experts look at the data before it appears in a medial text.

The researchers also cannot put a number on the increase in risk for those who woke more often. Subjects who spent under 85% of the time spent in bed sleeping had a greater chance of showing signs of preclinical Alzheimer's. Waking five times each hour sounds like no sleep at all, and the researchers admit that the measuring device might slightly over estimate the number of times subjects woke. Still most of us do wake up, briefly, quite a bit during a normal night of sleep.

Are changes in the brain driving sleep disturbances, or is it the other way around? Trouble sleeping could well be a reflection of changes happening in the brain. We do recognize that having a good night's sleep is vital for the brain. More examination of the relationship between sleep and Alzheimer's is needed. Ju is enrolling and evaluating another 100 subjects for further study, and expects to have these results by the time of the meeting presentation.

Interestingly there are animal studies that find sleep changes do encourage the growth of amyloid. It wouldn't be surprising for this to be the case in humans as well.

The take home message? If you've got problems with sleep then getting a good night's sleep is key, and we should all try to make getting the right amount of restful, restorative sleep a priority. Just as we do with eating right and exercising, sleep is equally important.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to find out more about how problems with sleep can effect your mental health.

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Trying to Get Rid of the Problem of Snoring?

The concept of snoring:

When an obstruction in breathing is caused while sleeping, and thereby a vibrating sound is created, it is termed as snoring. It is troublesome and not liked. Many people want to get rid of this but can not, since they do not know how to do it. This problem is not that uncommon and further, there is nothing to feel bad about it. Small changes would easily help you to overcome this problem. You must want to know how to stop snoring. As we proceed, you will get answer for sure.

Causes for snoring:

Many factors cause snoring. The common reason among all is old age. Now-a-days, smoking is increasing among masses. Majority of people tend to smoke for several reasons. Some smoke as a fashion, some find it stress reliever. But they don't realize that they are slowly poisoning themselves. Further, it causes blockage of lungs and nose, thereby causing snoring. If a person is sleeping on his back, rather than on side, he is likely to snore more than a person, who sleeps on his side. Obesity not only causes cancer, menstrual disorder etc but it also causes the problem of snoring. Snoring is resulted, when fatty issues block the air through the throat. Alcohol causes muscles to relax and the person tends to snore. Sedatives, when used, tend to relax muscles and result in snoring. It is difficult for air to get through the nose due to cold or sinus infection.

What to do when cause is detected?

Once the cause of snoring is known, no further time should be wasted in figuring out the next move. All that needs to be done is to take steps in the direction to remove the same.

Some solutions for snoring:

Losing extra weight can be solution, if obesity is the root cause. In order to take off extra kilos, you can engage in sporting activities, walk approximately 25-30 minutes daily, use stairs instead of elevator etc. There is no simple exercise than walking. Exercise can be provided to entire body by practicing surya namaskaras. If you are sleeping on the back flat, avoid that. Instead, try sleeping on your side. Reduction in alcohol consumption would definitely prove to be beneficial. Cutting down smoking would be favorable for you, if you are troubled by snoring. Since aging is natural, there is nothing anyone can do about it. But everyone can follow daily exercise, healthy diet to stay young. Psychologically speaking, youth is a mental state. It's in your hands to make your life more exciting by discovering new avenues.

Stop snoring devices and products:

There are many stop snoring products and devices that are available in the market. Some of them are, stop snoring mouthpiece, stop snoring chin strap, snoring mask, pillow to stop snoring etc. They are popular among masses and have proved their effectiveness. It takes time for people to get used to them. And they may seem to be expensive. But once you are used to it, you will have no problems at all. With the proper search, you will be able to find products that are not expensive, can be afforded and can be comfortable to use. You should use such a device that does not wake you up during sleep, but helps you to sleep better. There should not be a problem in moving, even though you have it on.


The way to do something is just doing it. All you need to do is to make up your mind and the rest will fall in line. You will realise how simple it is. This is how you will get relief from snoring, that you have been seeking for a long time.

Address your snoring problems with the help of howtostopsnoringinstantly.com. If you are interested to learn a little more about the other possible ways which can help you resolve this issue, then go and visit preventing snoring for additional information.

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How to Stop Talking in Your Sleep

Sleep talking is one of the many sleep disorders that most people struggle with while sleeping. Sleep talking can occur in two main ways which are making sounds or making utterances while sleeping. When one sleep talks, it is only those who are close to them that will be able to know. This is because it is not possible for them to know whether they sleep talk or not, so unless someone else tells them, they will never know.

Many people struggle with this problem and if you are one of them, then how to stop sleep talking is a key question that you need to seek answers about. Generally, there are no scientifically proven techniques that can be used in dealing with this disorder. However there are some strategies that one can apply so as to overcome it. Some of these methods include; avoiding stress. In regards to sleep talking stress contributes a lot hence you should always have enough rest and sleep as this will help you in dealing with stress.

The other method that can help you to stop sleep talking is by avoiding heavy meals before bed time. You can always have heavy meals if you want to but make sure that you give the food some hours for it to digest before you go to bed. You can also avoid talking in your sleep by having a fixed sleeping pattern that you will always adhere to. You can decide to always be in bed at a specific time and wake up at a certain time. If you do this regularly, the body will adapt to it and you will be able to sleep comfortably. This method works best when you reserve your bedroom to only be a sleeping zone. You should also keep other things like books away from the bed room. Your bedroom should be a place that invites sleep such that when you get into it, your mind only focuses on sleeping.

You can also take sleeping pills if you can not get sleep naturally. Though this method works, it is highly advised that you should avoid it as the side effects that come with it are dire. Sleeping tablets only make it possible for you to have sleep but you should know that they can affect you sleeping pattern such that you may no longer be able to sleep without the tablets. Medication should be the last resort to turn to and if possible, don't turn to it instead you should try other natural methods of improving your sleep and dealing with stress.

Generally, if you sleep talk, you should talk to those who sleep close to you so as to make them understand that you don't do it intentionally. Though this does not look very helpful, you may be surprised by the help that you may get. This is because by telling them you will avoid upsetting them and instead they will help you hence you will no longer need to worry about how you can avoid sleep talking.

Get more help to stop talking in your sleep and discover how to you can stop sleep talking.

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The No Snore Pillow: Does It Work?

If you are someone who has a partner who snores loudly every night, then I'm sure you are tired of hearing his or her "serenades". If that is the case, then you might want to take a look at some of the popular options to reduce or eliminate snoring. There are many solutions currently available on the market and one of them is the No Snore Pillow. This pillow is different to a regular pillow in terms of shape, design and materials used, which may eventually help a sleeper to stop snoring. This is beneficial for both the snorer and the snorer's partner who can now both experience a good night's sleep.

The SnoreEzzz No Snore Pillow

This is one of the most sought-after pillows on the market and there are millions of people out there who are happy with how much it helped them sleep quietly at night. It is designed to cradle the head, plus align and also elevate it so that constricted airways may be opened. It is also designed to raise your chin away from your chest which can help in situations where the snorer suffers from a collapsing soft palate.

Not only is this pillow going to help you when it comes to reducing snoring, but it may also be helpful in reducing daytime fatigue, and you will feel more refreshed when you awake. This pillow is FDA approved as an aid to reducing snoring, it is hypoallergenic and completely washable and is available in three sizes.

The Snoreless No Snore Pillow

This pillow has been designed with a reinforced neck roll and it will support your head and neck in a position that will help with opening up your throat, so that the amount of air entering your airway will be increased. This pillow has been available for many years now and it has gained an enviable reputation in the market.

The Snoreless pillow is comfortable to sleep on while providing ergonomically correct support. It can be used satisfactorily by both back and side sleepers and may be effective in treating mild cases of obstructive sleep apnea.

Benefits Of A No Snore Pillow

It is a fact is that a no snore pillow can be an efficient and affordable method of reducing or eliminating snoring in adults. These pillows are readily available and there are several reputable online suppliers. And the good news is that you won't have to dig too deeply into your wallet when it comes to purchasing one.

After trying one of these anti snoring pillows, you will not only reduce or stop your snoring, but your partner and your family will never have to again have to go through the nightmare of listening to you snoring.

Last but not least, the no snore pillow is one of the most efficient ways for people to finally stop snoring and bring peace to their significant other during the night!

Author, Alison Benjamin, lived with the noise of snoring for many years. Find out how she solved the problem at her website. Are you a snorer or do you share a room with someone who snores? Are you looking for more information on the no snore pillow? Our website is devoted to the best stop snoring methods.

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Sleeping Aids and What They Do

Sleeping aids are becoming increasingly commonplace, as many people, especially in Western civilization (but not limited to) are experiencing a rapidly expanding rate of sleeping disorders, ranging from insomnia and sleep paralysis to sleepwalking and even to something as extreme as somniphobia, which is the fear of actually sleeping itself. It may seem strange to think that anybody at all has something like sombiphobia, but the fact of the matter is that both this condition and all other sleep-related disorders are increasing at an alarming rate. Luckily, sleeping aids exist, and it may be mainly due to the huge segment of the population that is in desperate need for them. They can be of great help, and for some people, a life saver.

So, just to clarify on the issue of just how many people actually suffer from sleeping disorder, well, the figure is simply shocking. Around 9-12% of the US population alone report that they suffer from chronic insomnia. It can have a major impact on the quality of life, leaving people simply too tired to think or even do anything at all, and yet with 1 out of 10 US citizens suffering from it, it is a problem that simply cannot be swept under the carpet.

Sleep apnea, which affects over 18 million Americans, and narcolepsy, which affects 200,000, are two more conditions which are on the increase, and many more people even remain undiagnosed, because for them it has simply become a way of life.

Many tips simply do not work for extreme sufferers of various sleeping orders. For them, and even for milder sufferers, sleeping aids are a savior. From medications, to hypnosis, to sleeping aid products, one or a combination of effective aids can completely change a sufferer's life for the better. Indeed, in some cases, a sufferer will have wondered how they had ever coped without them.

Many sleeping aids work by relaxing the body or brain and allowing the person to sleep. With recent technological and scientific advances, sleeping aids are far superior to ones that were being sold on the market 10, even 20 years ago. Much more research has been done, serious side effects have been minimized.

Speaking of side effects, there are some associated with certain medications. These should always be discussed with your doctor, so that your own personal needs and requirements are taken into account. If you have a sleeping issue, remember that you are not alone, and that in fact, the number of people suffering seems to be increasing every day. Sleeping aids provide relief to sufferers, and are seen by many as a life saver, and that is exactly what the right remedy is, because it can give the sleepless their quality of life back.

Jennifer Hughs is the pen name for the health and lifestyles writer who is compensated by Value Marketing, Inc. d/b/a Lab88. The author has 20+ years in the cosmetic and health industries and has worked with leading beauty and health publications.

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One Serious Cause of Snoring

Bad Breath

Bad breath or Halitosis can be one result of snoring. Breathing through the nose cleans the air as it enters the nasal passage and then the lungs.

Bacteria build up in the throat caused by open mouthed breathing develops into bad breath. Bad breath is the result of bacteria inside the mouth breaking down sulphur releasing proteins. Bacteria in the mouth occur naturally and they are with everyone as it should be but the problem arises when these bacteria build to such high levels, breaking down proteins at a higher than normal rate resulting in gaseous by-products that smell.

Snoring is defined as a coarse sound made by vibrations of the soft palate and other tissue in the mouth, nose & throat. It is caused by turbulence inside the airway during inhalation. The turbulence is heightened by a partial blockage that may be located anywhere from the tip of the nose to the vocal chords. These restrictions usually occur only during sleep, but it may persist all the time and be worse when we are asleep.

This is because our muscle tone is reduced during sleep and there may be insufficient muscle strength to prevent the airway tissue vibrating. During waking hours muscle tone keeps the airway open; that's why we don't snore when awake.

Some of the most common causes of snoring:

• Age. When you reach middle age and beyond, the throat narrows and the muscle tone in your throat decreases.
• Being overweight or unfit. Fatty tissue and poor muscle tone contribute to snoring
• Physique Men have narrower air passages than women and are more likely to snore. A narrow throat, a cleft palate, enlarged adenoids, and other physical attributes that contribute to snoring can often be hereditary.
• Nasal and sinus problems. Blocked airways make inhalation difficult and may create a vacuum in the throat, leading to snoring.
• Alcohol, smoking, and medication. Alcohol, smoking, and some medications can increase muscle relaxation which in turn leads to more snoring.
• Sleep posture. Sleeping flat on your back is a common reason for the occurrence of snoring as it causes the flesh of your throat to relax and block the airwaves
• Allergies. Can cause nasal stuffiness that lead to snoring.

Snoring can be prevented and there are many methods available on the open market that can reduce the likelihood of it happening and thus avoid the social and physical problems it can cause.

I have suffered from the problems related to snoring and found helpful answers at http://www.snoringpreventiondevices.com/

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Factors of Snoring

Snoring is a disorder that can happen at any age, although most frequently occurs with overweight males. It is believed snoring affects forty-five percent of adults but twenty-five percent is considered chronic snorers. Snoring is not considered dangerous unless it is caused by sleep apnea which means a person's airway becomes obstructed and the person stops breathing for a short amount of time. Snoring can become a nuisance to one's bed partner disrupting their sleep and the snorer as well. Anyone who snores loudly and feels tired and falls asleep easily throughout the day should seek professional medical advice.

Causes of snoring

The physical obstruction of the flow of air through the mouth and nose is the cause of snoring. The fatty or weak walls in the throat rattle causing the sound of snoring. Air flow being restricted can be caused from different factors.

Being overweight causes a buildup of fatty throat tissue which restricts the airflow from the nose and mouth as the body sleeps and rests the muscles relax which closes down the airway (especially if someone sleeps on their back) and snoring occurs. This can lead directly to sleep apnea because of the large fatty tissue closing off the airway and stopping the breathing process. The oxygen level decreases which leads to being unrested and the person waking up with a headache from the lack of oxygen. People with large tonsils or adenoids often snore as well.

Another factor in snoring is relaxed muscles in the throat and tongue. An oversized tongue or poor muscle tone can cause the tongue to slip back in the mouth restricting the airflow or creating the rattling effect of snoring. Poor muscle quality in the throat can also contribute to snoring by falling back into the air passageway and restricting the air flow. Age, deep sleep, alcohol, sleeping pills, and smoking all affect the potential of snoring and always best to avoid the lifestyles that can put you at higher risk.

Blocked or partially blocked nasal passages also contribute to the risk of snoring. Nose deformities such as a deviated septum caused from a broken nose or nasal polyps also can lead to snoring. Sometimes snoring is directly related to colds, allergies, or sinus conditions.

Another common cause is an elongated uvula or soft palate can block the airway in the back of the throat causing the person to snore. These two vibrate together it causes the familiar sound of someone snoring.

Health Risks of Snoring

Chronic snorers can have multiple health risks; Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition that is common result of snoring. (OSA) is a condition which causes a person to stop breathing as much as 50 times an hour in extreme cases and could have hundreds of episodes throughout the night of not breathing, restless sleep, getting up frequently to use the restroom and disturbing the bed partner during the night. This is a serious condition that can lead to enlarged heart, diabetes and even cardiac arrest. Sufferers will also feel unrested often times have daytime sleepiness and find themselves falling asleep involuntarily while doing everyday tasks such as driving, reading and working at a computer. This can very easily be treated from a lifestyle change(often mild cases can be cured with weight loss and quitting smoking or drinking) or more serious cases will require an apparatus to sleep with such as a (CPAP) Continuous Positive Airflow Pressure administered by a doctor or even dental appliances or surgery may be required. Sleeping patterns may also help sleeping on the side instead of the back keeps the airway open and will not close due to the position of the tongue and throat. Many companies offer pillows, nasal sprays, nasal strips, special headgear, and even clothing that promote and claim to stop snoring. If it seems to be more than a nuisance and it seems to be a regular occurrence talk to your doctor.

Snoring is a common problem and something that I've suffered with for a very long time. I've studied the disorders of sleep apnea and find that there are several easy and basic ways to make the symptoms less invasive. Before spending lots of money and time on medicines and pills, check out our simple and effective treatments of sleep apnea.

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Transportation Workers Are Sleepy On the Job, Says New Study

In March, the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) released its annual Sleep in America® poll, titled "Transportation Workers' Sleep." The NSF's 2012 survey examined the sleep habits and work performance of transportation workers, including pilots, train operators, and truck, bus, taxi and limousine drivers.

The online survey was conducted for the National Sleep Foundation by WB&A Market Research, using a sample of 1,087 adults over age 25. Those surveyed included 202 pilots, 203 truck drivers, 180 rail transportation workers, and 210 bus, taxi and limo drivers, as well as a control group of 292 non-transportation workers.

The transportation workers were asked about the duration and quality of their sleep, specifically on work nights, and how it affects their work performance. Questions included how much sleep they get, compared with how much they feel they need to operate their vehicles safely, if they feel sleepy at work, and if sleepiness on the job has ever contributed to unsafe conditions for themselves and their passengers. The survey also asked if their current work schedules allow enough time for sleep and recovery.

Results of the Study

The results of the poll are some cause for alarm, and reinforce the growing problem of sleep disorders and the potential risks they pose, such as commuter car accidents and errors by public transportation drivers responsible for many people. Some of the results of the survey are:

About one-fourth of the train operators and pilots polled said that sleepiness has affected their job performance at least once a week.One in five pilots polled - about 20 percent - said they have made a "serious error" as a result of on-the-job sleepiness.One in five pilots and one in six train operators admit to a "near miss" due to on-the-job sleepiness.Pilots and train operators are more likely than non-transportation workers to have been involved in a sleep-related car accident while commuting.Among all workers surveyed, train operators and pilots report the most work day sleep dissatisfaction.Almost two-thirds of train operators and one-half of pilots say they rarely or never get a good night's sleep on work nights.About one-third of bus, taxi, and limo drivers said they rarely or never get a good night's sleep on work nights.

The Bottom Line

Not surprisingly, sleepy transportation workers about three times more likely to report job performance problems, and report an average of 45 minutes less sleep per night than their non-sleepy peers. The takeaway of the study is that transportation companies, and the industry as a whole, needs to do more to ensure their workers are getting enough sleep, through improved schedules and education about good sleep and lifestyle habits.

To read the full report, see "Sleepy Pilots, Train Operators and Drivers" on the National Sleep Foundation website.

If you are experiencing sleep problems on a regular basis that are affecting your health and/or daytime performance, see a qualified sleep doctor to get diagnosed and treated properly. It could save your life or the life of someone else.

David Volpi, M.D., P.C., F.A.C.S. is a board-certified otolaryngology surgeon with Ear, Nose and Throat practices, Otolaryngology Associates, on the Upper West Side and Upper East Side and is a staff member of the best teaching hospitals New York City. David Volpi, M.D. realized that there is a lack of information on the part of the public about the potential severity of snoring. With the need for accurate information, diagnosis and treatment so necessary, he founded Eos Sleep, formerly Manhattan Snoring and Sleep Center to be a place where snoring patients can go for total, expert treatment -- and he created this site to be a thorough information resource for the education of snoring sufferers throughout the world.

For more information, visit http://www.eossleep.com/.

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Sleep Apnea Beyond the Common Man

Being diagnosed with Sleep Apnea is a huge mental mountain to get over. On one side you have being constantly tired and falling asleep during the day, and on the other side you have to wear something called a Nasal CPAP Mask and sleep the night looking like Darth Vader's cousin. But rest assured you are not alone in this climb as many stars and historical figures have had the same issues - yet we are fortunate to live in a time when this disease is controllable.

Many of today's personalities have publicly shared their Sleep Apnea journeys. From Rosie O'Donnell to Rosanne Barr to even Gene Simmons and Shaquille O'neal - Reality TV has opened up their lives for all to see their battle for a good night's sleep. Yes, there are always the comments about the masks they have to wear, but each one agreed that the inconvenience is small compared to the chance to not feel tired. Just like us, they're amazed and rejuvenated by getting a true night's rest... something long missed.

Historically many figures have had to deal with the effects of Sleep Apnea without the luxury of medical control. Not until modern times have the many symptoms of Sleep Apnea been tied together. Symptoms such as snoring, restlessness, waking in the middle of the night and sleeping throughout the day were simply thought of as quirks of the body and nothing more. Historical examples of people with these quirks are Napoleon Bonaparte, Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt and even Queen Victoria.

Through historical accounts we learn that many of these figures were daytime sleepers (especially Napoleon who would fall to sleep in the middle of meeting and events, often at the most inappropriate time). Often these figures would be up all hours of the night due to an inability to sleep. Interestingly the most common thread is the almost mythic stories of loud snoring. One night when Theodore Roosevelt was admitted to a hospital for treatment, the other patients on his wing registered complaints about his thunderous snoring and requested to be moved elsewhere. If only CPAP equipment had been developed and then more than one of these historical figures may have lived a much different life.

The moral of the story is that we are not alone in this silent disease. It is not something ever cured and requires 1/4 of your life being tied to a Nasal CPAP Mask and machine. But always remember that these small inconveniences are nothing when 3/4 of your life now has more energy and vigor. As a star, or a commoner, controlling sleep apnea is one important way to a better life.

Michael McLane

If you liked this article come and check out information on Nasal CPAP Masks and other information on Sleep Apnea.

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Why Do People Have Dreams With Different Meanings?

Many people wonder about where do their dreams come from, or why do they dream. Some are also interested about interpreting the meaning of their dreams but they have no single idea about how to start it. When someone is sleeping, he continues to undergo stages, from NON-REM or the stage when there is no Rapid Eye Movement. starts from stage one to stage four. After this, he continues with the fifth stage which is allotted to dreaming or which is scientifically termed as REM stage or the state of Rapid Eye Movement. In this stage, one's eyeballs are noticeably moving. This is because most of the images in dreams are visual in nature, that is why eyeballs are moving to follow the images. These magical yet typical experience arouses one's curiosity about the meaning of dreams.

To know the meaning of this hallucinatory states, it is important first explore its origin for knowing its roots will eventually lead a person to interpret his or her dream without consulting others or reading dream dictionaries which usually contain generalized meanings. Basically, dreams originate from different sources. In biblical and historical context, dreams contained signs or prophecies that guide people. In contemporary times however, it is believed that dreams are symbolic. They have non-literal meaning which may be unique for each individual. Say, if one has dreamed of a monster chasing him, it might mean that he is trying to escape from problems that scare him in real life, or perhaps, is denying an emotion or feeling that he has to face.

Due to phenomenological perspective, it is believed that dreams tell us how to solve our problems, or they could just serve as an extension of unfinished business in real life. For example, if someone argues with a lover before sleeping, that person could dream of arguing with a lover, too. One funny but real explanation is that, dreams have sensory origins. This happens when you dream of looking for a comfort room only to find out that you are actually peeing in real life. And sometimes, stimuli outside become part of your dreams, too, as when you dream of answering a telephone and you find out that your alarm clock is beeping.

Because of technological advancements, scientific researches had been conducted to study the mechanisms of dreaming. In neurology, it is assumed that dreams are just the product of the activation of brain cells or a result of random neural firing within the pons varoli. It is also assumed that dreams occur as a result of our brains' mechanism to get rid of the excess baggage in our minds. That is, as we dream, our brains continuously rearrange memories, retaining the necessary and dumping out the unimportant. Evolutionary perspective however claims that dreams help us to survive and adapt to daily life's situations. This happens when someone dreams of reviewing lessons, only to realize that they actually are preparing for an exam the next day, or by simply practicing basketball when in fact, they are rehearsing for a near tournament.

Everyone is given the chance to avail a good night sleep with free dreams of different subjects and themes. Whatever the image or symbol it may present, it is still the person dreaming who has the sole responsibility of interpreting the contents of his or her dream.

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How Can I Stop My Snoring Problem?

Snoring is the vibration of the respiratory system, in other words, the nose, mouth and throat, resulting in a, what seems to be a disturbing, annoying sound to others, due to several causes. Causes include the difficulty in breathing while sleeping, the gathering of fat in and around the throat, drugs, alcohol, smoking, sleeping on your back, a jaw that isn't aligned properly, usually, due to the tension in muscles, weakness in one's throat, which causes the throat to close while sleeping, which also makes it difficult for a person to breathe, and many more.

Snoring may not be a problem, depending on its cause, however, some people may be disturbed by it, for instance, you may not be able to sleep with the annoying sound coming from your husband, wife, children, brother or sister roaring next to you. Or, it may even be so loud that it can somehow magically travel through the walls into your bedroom. Or, it may be you with the problem.

Here are a few ways to help stop snoring:

1. Wear a jaw supporter. This is for those who snore due to a misaligned jaw. This will position your jaw safely, comfortably and correctly, in a way that will allow you to breathe properly as it ensures that your airways will remain open while you sleep, allowing air to pass through.

2. Avoid alcohol, drugs and smoking. This is one of the top causes, therefore, if you snore and you are an alcohol, drug or cigarette user, then, you have no choice but to stop and stay away from these three. These three substances are not healthy and beneficial to your body in any way, after all.

3. Lie down on your side. Another popular cause is when you lie down on your back, so try avoiding this position and try to lie down on your side, instead. If you have a hard time lying down on your side, you may try placing something like a small ball or another circular object at the back of your shirt. This way, your body will be forced to always go back to the position of lying on your side, because, it will be uncomfortable to lie down on your back due to the object at the back of your shirt.

4. Do some exercise and have a little change in your diet. Regular exercise can help avoid your problem from occurring, because, exercise will help by making your body healthier, removing anything that can distort the circulation of your blood, which is another cause of this particular problem. For the diet, you have to avoid certain foods at least 2 hours before the time you go to bed, for example, dairy products. Also, don't eat a heavy meal if you plan to go to bed one hour after you eat. If you want to eat a heavy meal or dairy products, then, you should only go to bed at least two hours and 30 minutes after your meal.

5. Use a stop snoring pillow. A stop snoring pillow is the new technology nowadays that can prevent and stop you from this problem you are experiencing. If you are lazy to do any of the steps above, you may settle for these pillows instead. A stop snoring pillow is a pillow that is specially designed to give people the proper position when sleeping, reducing or avoiding altogether chances of snoring ever again. This is a popular remedy because this is a more comfortable option unlike those mentioned in tip number 1 and 3.

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The Pillow Warehouse

Just thinking about pillows make some people feel so comfortable, relaxed and ready to sleep away the day. Ask those who have a bad pillow and they will tell you that it is a nightmare to sleep with. However, many of us forget to swap out our old bed pillows when they need to be changed and only remember when our heads hit those nasty pillows. Pillows for our beds must be changed out every so often, because they lose their ability to be supportive as they once were when new.

There are many different sizes and styles of bed pillows available on the market today. Some people prefer a smaller size of pillow while other individuals favor large and long full body pillows to sleep with each night. The choices that are available today are so numerous that there is a perfect pillow out there for just about any sleeper.

Some individuals will need a different pillow depending upon how they sleep. For example, if you are an individual who sleeps on his or her side, there are pillows that are made just for you, to give you the support that you need while on your side during the night. In addition, many people use a supportive pillow between their knees at night to take the pressure off of their backs while they sleep. There are different pillows to give that support and also to cradle the head and neck more comfortably.

If you favor sleeping on your stomach, chances are you do not want an overly fluffy pillow, one that your face will just sink down into. Stomach sleepers need a different pillow to give their head and neck the support while not smothering their face at night. Those who sleep on their backs need to have the support so that their spine is not pulled out of alignment during their sleeping.

Most pillows used to come in just the regular or standard bed pillow size. Today, there are king size, travel size, European size, etc. One of the most popular of all pillows is the current memory foam trend. This material conformed to the sleeper's head but will retain its shape and form very well. Memory foam pillows can last a great deal longer than the traditional pillow.

Some individuals still favor the old fashioned feather or duck down pillows that their grandmothers used on the beds. While these pillows can still be purchased they are not good for those who suffer from different allergies or have asthma. If you are an asthma or allergy sufferer you may also need to have protective covers on your bed pillows so that they can be removed from the pillows and washed regularly. This is a great way to keep down the allergens that plague so many sleepers at night.

There are so many pillow choices out there that many customers can feel overwhelmed. The best thing to do is to research all of the different styles and types to see which ones will be the right fit for your bed.

Are you looking for Pillows? Look no further, we have everything you want and need.

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Sleep 101: Understanding Sleep Cycle

Nearly everyone is struggling to meet the demands of modern life. For some, cutting back on sleep seems like the only solution. They need to manage a hectic schedule at the expense of sufficient rest and recreation. Having eight hours of sleep really sounds great, but how many people can really afford to spend so much time sleeping? Many adults today spend more time working and only get a few hours of slumber. They tend to forget the importance of sleep.

Sleep has different cycles and stages. Each can restore and refresh your body and mind. Minimal sleep loss may affect your energy, mood, efficiency, and ability to manage stress. If you want to stay healthy, or you want to be in your best form, you shouldn't consider sleep as luxury.

Sleep belongs to physical and physiological needs. People should know more about its importance. It is also advisable to know what people can do to recover from chronic sleep loss and how to get a healthy sleep cycle.

Importance of sleep

Sleep is the state of unconsciousness from which a person is aroused. During this stage, the brain is relatively more responsive to internal stimuli than external ones. Sleep is very important for the normal and healthy functioning of your body.

Everyone knows sleep is important for their health and wellness. Still, many people fail to get enough sleep. According to a National Sleep Foundation (NSF) survey, over 40 million Americans suffer from 70 different sleep disorders, and 60 percent of adults report having sleep troubles a few nights a week and more.

Most people with sleep issues do not really seek medical attention. The report also shows that around 35-40 percent of adults experience daytime sleepiness at least several weeks a month, severe enough to interrupt their daily routines. 20 percent of them report sleeping problems a few days a week or more. The findings also show that 70 percent of children experience one or more sleep disorder a few night or more during a week. These sleep problems are affecting the normal sleep cycle.
Understanding the human sleep cycle

The human body regulates through different processes in the cerebrum. The response depends on how long you've been active, and the changes between daytime and nighttime. At night, the body responds to the loss of daylight. This is because it produces melatonin, a hormone that makes people sleepy. During daytime, sunlight may trigger your brain to reduce production of melatonin. This causes the human body to feel more awake and active.

There are factors affecting the sleep cycle. These include travelling across time zones, working night shifts, irregular sleeping patterns, and rare disorders like the Pickwickian Syndrome.

What is Pickwikian syndrome?

Pickwikian Syndrome or PS is a condition, which occurs mostly to severely overweight people. People who suffer from this syndrome experience breathing difficulty during sleep. This can reduce blood oxygen levels and raise carbon dioxide levels. Signs and symptoms may include obstructive sleep apnea. It is a condition characterized by snoring. This condition may also result to excessive daytime sleepiness.

Georgina Taylor is a fitness instructor knowledgeable on the normal sleep cycle and Pickwickian syndrome.

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Losing Sleep Over Sleep? Sleep Aids Can Help You

If you are counting sheep and still not falling asleep or at best managing only a few winks, that too with too much tossing and turning and waking up countless times in between, then you need help. Prolonged sleep deficiency can wreak havoc with your immune system making you susceptible to viral attacks. Also during sleep, the body releases substances called cytokines that fight infection and help you recover from an infectious disease.

A Dangerous Slope

When lying awake and unable to go off to sleep, popping in a sleeping pill that can be obtained at the local drug store is probably the easiest option around, but it is certainly not the wisest. Apart from making you dependent on one to assist you in falling asleep, some sleeping pills induce harmful side effects and if taken for prolonged periods, can invoke a drug tolerance so that progressively you may need to use more of the drug to obtain similar benefits.

Some Serious Help

Thankfully, a wink of sleep isn't hard to come by when you use sleep aids that are made from natural and safe ingredients that do not expose you to the risks inherent in over-the-counter sleeping pills. Natural sleep aids may contain a variety of components like melatonin, valerian, chamomile, and passionflower that are known to induce sleepiness and also aid in reaching deep sleep.

The Positive Attributes of Melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone produced in the human brain and controls the sleep-wake cycles in individuals. Research has shown that melatonin reduces the time it takes for you to fall to sleep, induce and increase feelings of sleepiness, and may also increase the amount of time you sleep. This component has been used successfully to combat jet lag and enhance the quality and duration of sleep in healthy individuals that is persons whose insomnia has not been triggered off by any underlying medical condition.

A Sleeping Ally

Valerian is an herbal extract and is one of the most commonly used natural supplements to reduce anxiety and combat insomnia in individuals. Some studies have shown that valerian reduces the time needed to fall asleep and can also improve the quality of sleep so that the user wakes up feeling more refreshed. What is more, taking sleep aids infused with valerian is also not associated with morning grogginess, unlike sleeping pills with benzodiazepines.

European Remedies

Chamomile and passionflower, the latter also known as maypop, are popular herbal sleep remedies that are being used for centuries. Chamomile, both the German and the Roman varieties, are known to have calming properties that in turn, help people feel relaxed and thus more prepared for sleep. A few studies have shown that passionflower has benzodiazepine-like nerve relaxant properties but without the accompanying harmful side effects. Passionflower is also used to treat "nervous" gastrointestinal disorders.

The Herbal Medicinal Route

Herbal sleep aids and those containing natural products not only produce the desired effects but also ensure that your body is not bombarded with harmful chemicals. Although these sleeping aids can be bought from your local drug store, ensure that you consult your physician for the appropriate dosage.

Ambiatol natural sleep aid contains both Melatonin and Valerian.

Jennifer Hughs is the pen name for the health and lifestyles writer who is compensated by Value Marketing, Inc. d/b/a Lab88. The author has 20+ years in the cosmetic and health industries and has worked with leading beauty and health publications.

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Understanding Sleep Apnea

Understanding sleep apnea can help you realize whether or not you have the specific condition. Many people just let the condition go even when they don't know, causing for them to struggle some time in the future when they're not able to fix the problem that fast anymore. Understanding isn't exactly that difficult, and once you know how the problem occurs, you'll know all about the subject helping both yourself and other people.

What Exactly is Sleep Apnea?

Apnea is a sleeping condition that exists mostly in people who normally snore. Snoring is much more normal than most people think, but when snoring gets a little bit worse, it can become apnea. This condition is where a person has to naturally take around 1 or more stops in between their breathing. This happens when the passage airways just aren't opened enough for the breathing to be opened up. The truth is that this condition stops people from naturally breathing, so it can be a really serious problem when it comes down to leaving the condition alone. Most people are actually quite shocked to know that this can actually be deadly.

How is Sleep Apnea Deadly?

It's deadly because whenever you stop breathing, it creates carbon dioxide and even lowers down your oxygen levels. When this happens, it causes for it to create problems in the heart like high blood pressure and even heart failure. This happened many times to a variety of people, and those who weren't able to fix the problem weren't able to get better right away, or most of them did but after plenty of treatments. Most people die in different types of ways regarding problems with this health condition, and what's even more scary is the fact that some people have even died suddenly because of the problem. So, if you want to save yourself from getting extremely hurt, then you really need to cure the problem.

How to Cure Sleep Apnea

The best way to cure apnea is to learn how to cure snoring, as snoring is the main problem. What most people do to stop snoring is to simple sleep on their sides rather than on their backs. This helps open up the passageways more so than if you were to lay down on your back. As a way to cure it naturally, try to maintain a good sleeping schedule and always avoid heavy meals around two hours before bed time.

Apnea is one of the most common problems, but it's also very easy to get rid of them as well. I highly suggest that you try to educate yourself as much as possible to prevent yourself from gaining the problem. Most people have it, but most of them just let it go. Luckily, most of them are able to live through it. However, nobody ever said that you weren't allowed to fix the breathing problem. Try the few techniques above, as they can help you out a lot for getting rid of your sleep apnea. Understanding sleep apnea is great because you know what to do to avoid the problem.

Dalyn Baker, The Newbie Marketer, is a professional product review writer. If you are interested in finding out more information on sleep apnea and http://adultsleepapnea.com/ and receive your free access to my "Learn All about Sleep Disorders Newsletter " today.

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Is It Really Possible To Learn While You Sleep?

This question has been a trending topic nowadays for research labs and universities. A lot of speculations arose but, nonetheless, no definite answer yet.

Some researchers would say that during the course of a person's sleep, there seems to be an accumulation of an unconscious form of memory, but is still yet to be understood. It's safe to say that even during sleep, the brain is continuously processing information without your awareness, and at a waking state, the said processed information may contribute to be part of your memory.

While other researchers are still in the process of understanding the complex process of the brain, a separate team of researchers had already introduced a new technique of learning while sleeping, they call it sleep learning. Sleep learning, as these researchers say, improves the power of your subconscious while sleeping, thus allowing you to digest learning materials better.

Some decades ago, some devices designed for the purpose of sleep learning were invented. The scheme was to introduce some knowledge into the person's subconscious during sleep, through slow intensity players placed near the person's head, then as the knowledge is being perceived by the brain unconsciously, the person might wake up after a couple of sessions with new knowledge stored in his brain without mental effort. Who knows what change it can bring to an individual's life if this is proven to be true. Philosophies may change, new knowledge learnt, opinions and beliefs might be altered.

But just like any other case, there's always a protagonist and antagonist in every story, and this is not an exception of course. Objections raised as well, with a good point also. As the method is claimed to be passive, it can only create "storehouses" of knowledge being unused fully by the body to which the brain belongs to, and are not really active knowledge, based on their level of mental growth.

With all of these claims, and interpretations, there's really no question as to how amazing the brain works, that even if a group of brains gather together just to study a part of the a single brain, it will still be to vast to comprehend. One thing is definite though, as long as you're alive, the brain continues to work, and as long as it continues to work, you will continue to learn.

In line with this, we can take note of one psychiatrist's research that said, "the unconscious mind that produces your dreams is your natural doctor and teacher". Once you learn the dream language and start understanding the unconscious messages, you become more intelligent. Thus, whether awake or asleep, you still learn.

The question now is how you put these acquired knowledge to life, because true learning is evidenced by action. But medically speaking, it's always good to have enough sleep for us to have a good performance at school or at work. It pays to be well-rested.

Let's treat our brains as much as we treat our bodies. It's not impossible to learn during sleep, but what's most important is what happens when you are awake.

Discover how you can learn while you sleep and find out how easy it is to use sleep learning.

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Snoring - What Lies Beneath

When people are faced with the problem of snoring, most of them dismiss it readily and chalk it up as "simply one of those things". When they had a particularly stressful or exhausting day, or they ate too much before turning in for bed, they think it's just normal to be snoring in their sleep. They may be correct. However, when snoring becomes persistent and you are running out of excuses that would justify the disturbance you cause to others - and even to yourself - at night, it is probably high time you take a closer look. You might have other problems and all that snoring which you deemed as something 'normal and harmless' could be a merely a symptom of other underlying - and more serious - conditions. Heredity aside, here are three of the most common underlying conditions signified by snoring.

Sleep apnea and other sleep disorders - What you thought to be a simple sleep disturbance could actually be a more serious sleep disorder. The most common disorder associated with snoring is sleep apnea, where breathing temporarily ceases during sleep due to a breathing obstruction that completely blocks the airway. This cessation of breathing, albeit temporarily, can lead to other health complications and is even life-threatening, considering the fact that breathing will only resume once the person has been awakened.
Medical conditions - Of course, if you dig deeper, you can trace the cause of sleep apnea to medical conditions such as tonsillitis and adenoiditis, and other throat-related diseases. People suffering from tonsillitis snore because of narrowed air passageways resulting from swelling of the tonsils. Unlike breathing obstructions, air can still pass through narrowed airways but only in limited amounts. In cases of snoring caused by stuffy nose and common colds, you might have no cause to worry too much especially if the snoring goes away once these bouts with common colds also pass. However, when they don't and you think the persistent snoring is caused by an allergy, better have it checked by a physician.
Obesity - It is normal for fat and overweight people to snore, or so they say. However, it is best to remember that anything in excess is not normal, and excessive and persistent snoring is anything BUT normal. Aside from the obvious health risks posed by being overweight or obese such as heart problems, hypertension and other complications, snoring could speed up the process. Since snoring results to the reduction of oxygen to the brain, it serves almost as an express pass to fully acquiring these complications.

Pinpointing the underlying health issues that bring about snoring will help you find a most effective way to put a stop to it. You will be able to cut the problem off at its roots, so to speak, because dealing with the core problem would have a domino effect on the snoring. Also, you will be able to prevent other future complications from taking place.

Stop snoring tonight with the acupressure Good Night Anti-Snoring Ring which is one of the snoring remedies which is risk free as you get a 30 day money back guarantee if it doesn't work for you.

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How To Beat Insomnia and Sleep Yourself Healthier

Nearly 60 percent of all Americans suffer from some form of insomnia. Whether it's caused by stress, hormonal changes, or poor sleep habits, almost 20% of Americans are troubled by chronic fatigue. Many studies are proving this to be a health problem. Insomnia and waking up fatigued not only affects your mood and physical performance, it can affect your health in serious ways. Studies have linked insomnia to increased risks of obesity, cancer, heart disease, and a shorter life expectancy.

The Mind Body Connection - When you sleep, the body rebuilds the synapses of brain cells. This is how the brain communicates. The most disrupted connections are those controlling memory, attention, and alertness according to research.

Muscle and Skin - Your body produces growth hormone while it sleeps. Growth hormone helps our bodies build muscle, keep our skin healthy, and repair damaged tissues. Loss of sleep decreases growth hormone production and negatively affects these process.

Your Immune System - People who sleep fewer than 6 hours a night have 50 percent higher risk of viral infections. These people have an elevate risk of heart disease and stroke.

Blood Sugar Metabolism - Your body is more sensitive to insulin when it has proper rest. Without rest, your body can't metabolize sugars efficiently and can potentially make you 4.5 times more likely to develop pre diabetes.

Your Sense of Well-being - Lack of sleep leaves oneself cranky,,5 times more likely to become depressed, and 20 times more likely to develop anxiety disorders.

Don't Panic and Lose Even More Sleep. We can make some simple and effective changes to improve your sleep and health simultaneously. These include:

1. Dim the Lights - Light inhibits melatonin production which aids in sleep, turn off all electronics that produce light. At the very least, turn your alarm clock face away from you.

2. Check Your Mattress - Is your bed comfortable? If not, it's time for a new mattress. Another idea for your mattress is to purchase a dust mite resistant casing. Dust mites may cause allergies reactions, thus affecting the quality of sleep.

3. Reduce Room Temperature - The cooler the room, the slower your metabolic processes. These can prevent mental racing which can lead to insomnia. Turn the room temperature down to 68 degrees Fahrenheit and reduce further if needed.

4. Keep Your Feet Warm - The American Journal of Physiology suggest that wearing socks may help initiate sleep by drawing blood away from your core and cooling you off.

5. Don't Count Sheep - Don't just lie there and count sheep. This can lead to anxiety and create insomnia. Take an over-the-counter sleep aid if need be. Look for ones that contain melatonin, chamomile, GABA, and 5-HTP. These natural components and amino acids are far more affective than antihistamines such as diphenhydramine and Doxlamine (ingredients found in Benadryl and Sominex)

6. Exercise at the Right Time - Research has shown exercising 3 to 4 times per week increases sleep by 1.25 hours each night. Workout timing is also important. Workouts should be finished at least 2 hours before bed. The best time to workout is late afternoon or early evening.

7. That Massage is Good for You - A massage or even a warm bath can make nodding off easier. Don't be afraid to treat yourself to either one.

8. Lose Weight - Excess weight or obesity can cause sleep apnea, specifically obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA occurs when the soft palate at the back of the throat collapses and blocks your airway during sleep. This is what football great Reggie White died from OSA also increases risk of heart disease and stroke. Research has shown that losing 10% percent of your body weight improves symptoms of OSA.

Try implementing some of these changes in your lifestyle. I'm confident you will sleep better and improve your health likewise. Sleep and your health go hand-in-hand. Don't take either for granted.

Adam Nagy, PhrmD., SFN

Adam Nagy is a Doctorate of Pharmacy, Certified Personal Trainer, and Specialist of Fitness Nutrition. Dr. Nagy recommends Prescription Nutrition products as they are formulated by health care professionals, of superior quality, and provide real results. If you would like to get a better nights rest try an all natural formula such as Lights Out available at http://www.rxwhey.com/. A one-of-a-kind specially formulated capsule to promote relaxation and restful sleep.

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How Do You Know If You Have a Sleep Disorder?

Many people experience some occasional difficulty sleeping and/or daytime fatigue. But how does a person know if he or she has a temporary sleep problem that can be remedied with some simple behavioral changes, or if it is a legitimate disorder such as snoring, sleep apnea, sinusitis or nasal obstruction that should be diagnosed and treated properly?

Lifestyle Habits and Sleep Problems

One thing a person can do is question if their lifestyle habits are contributing to the difficulty sleeping and/or fatigue and irritability during the day. Ask questions such as:

Am I watching TV or using the computer late at night and too close to bedtime?Am I consuming too much caffeine during the day?Am I taking a medication that may be affecting my sleep quality and duration?Is there something particularly stressful going on in my life that is causing me worry and anxiety?Am I exercising enough to help alleviate some of that stress and tension?

Many sleep problems can be remedied by making some common sense behavioral changes. However, persistent sleep problems left untreated can lead to myriad health problems, including memory and concentration problems, increased risk of high blood pressure, hypertension, stroke and heart attacks, depression, diabetes and sexual dysfunction. Severe cases of sleep apnea can even be fatal.

Besides these sobering health risks, an untreated sleep disorder can also be the root cause of poor performance at work or school, car accidents and other activities that require focus and concentration.

Societal Risk of Sleep Disorders

New research is exposing the societal risk that can result from untreated sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. The National Sleep Foundation's 2012 "Sleep in America" poll which focused in on the sleep habits and performance of transportation workers, states that about one in 10 Americans are likely to fall asleep at an inappropriate time and place, such as during a meeting or while driving.

Other results of the study: About one-fourth of polled train operators (26%) and pilots (23%) admit that sleepiness has affected their job performance at least once a week, compared to about one in six non-transportation workers (17%).

Even more concerning: One in five pilots (20%) admit that they have made a serious error and one in six train operators (18%) and truck drivers (14%) say that they have had a "near miss" due to sleepiness.

Common Symptoms of Sleep Disorders

Sleep problems are prevalent in our society, and people need to be aware of the symptoms and risks associated with them. Some common symptoms of sleep disorders include:

Trouble falling asleep at nightWaking throughout the nightChronic snoringMorning headachesPoor memoryDaytime sleepiness/falling asleep during the day/low energyBad moods/irritabilityIncreased depressionTrouble concentrating/driving/making decisions

Symptoms vary between disorders, such as snoring, sleep apnea, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, nasal obstruction, narcolepsy, so it pays to do some research based on what you are personally experiencing.

If you experiencing one or more of the above symptoms on a regular basis, see a qualified sleep doctor to get diagnosed and treated properly. There are multiple options and minimally invasive techniques available today to treat your sleep disorder.

David Volpi, M.D., P.C., F.A.C.S. is a board-certified otolaryngology surgeon with Ear, Nose and Throat practices, Otolaryngology Associates, on the Upper West Side and Upper East Side and is a staff member of the best teaching hospitals New York City. David Volpi, M.D. realized that there is a lack of information on the part of the public about the potential severity of snoring. With the need for accurate information, diagnosis and treatment so necessary, he founded Eos Sleep, formerly Manhattan Snoring and Sleep Center to be a place where snoring patients can go for total, expert treatment -- and he created this site to be a thorough information resource for the education of snoring sufferers throughout the world.

For more information, visit http://www.eossleep.com/.

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Is A Memory Foam Mattress Your Key To More REM Sleep?

If you've ever slept on a truly comfortable bed you understand that not all sleep is created equal. As you sleep, your body cycles through five stages of brain activity. Each stage offers different neurological and physiological benefits. The stage of rapid eye movement, commonly referred to as REM. During REM your circulation and brain wave activity increase. The combination of neural stimulation and circulation allows your brain to solidify learning and memories, explains the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School. There are factors that reduce, delay or may even eliminate REM cycles leaving you more tired in the morning than you were when you went to bed the night before. Sleeping on a memory foam mattress can help increase the length of your REM by improving the quality of your sleep environment.

Temperature Regulation

Sleeping in a hot room might be annoying, but being too cold while you sleep actually prevents your body from entering REM.

• REM means your body is comfortable and relaxed enough to begin restoration.
• If you sleep on a mattress that doesn't retain heat well or in a cold room can cause you to shiver which reduces your circulation.
• Never feeling comfortably warm in your bed means never experiencing REM.
• A night with insufficient REM is a recipe for fatigue and exhaustion the next day.

Memory foam is viscoelastic, which makes it sensitive to both heat and weight-density. Traditional spring box and coil spring mattresses don't have the open, breathable cells like memory foam mattresses do which absorbs and redistributes body heat throughout the mattress which won't cause you to overheat.

• A memory foam bed, such as a Tempur Pedic mattress, warms your body more quickly by redistributing and retaining your body heat throughout the night.
• The quicker you get warm and comfortable the quicker you'll fall asleep and enter REM.
• Promptly starting your REM cycle means increasing the length of your restorative sleep.

Movement Resistant

Your body enters REM 70 to 90 minutes after you fall asleep. But falling asleep is nearly impossible with your partner flopping and twisting on the other side of the bed. Anything that delays falling asleep means your REM cycle is delayed as well.

• The layers of connected springs and coils in a box-spring mattress actually transfer movement between different areas of the bed.
• Individual cells in a memory foam mattress prevent you from experiencing your partner's every toss and turn.
• Lying on a Tempur Pedic mattress lets you be still without experiencing any external disturbances.
• By having fewer interruptions to your sleep helps to extend the REM cycle to its fullest potential.

When you find the best mattress for you, you will never miss out on the best night's sleep you could ever have.

Elijah Justice had always had trouble sleeping until he found a mattress store that sold Tempur-Pedic mattresses and now he sleeps like a baby. Urban Mattress is your one stop mattress company so you can have a good night's sleep.

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Neuropathy and Sleep

It's four in the morning and you're still awake. You've been in bed, and you should have been asleep ages ago. Your alarm will go off in only a few hours, and you're dreading the long day ahead that you'll have to spend completely exhausted.

If you suffer from peripheral neuropathy, this scenario is probably all too familiar. Insomnia (lack of sleep) affects almost half of the overall population, but among neuropathy sufferers, that ratio jumps to over seventy percent. Experts recommend between seven and nine hours of sleep for most adults, regardless of their age or gender, an intimidating goal if you're someone whose chronic pain keeps them up at night.

Neuropathic pain can intensify in the evening hours, both in reality and in perception (fewer distractions of the day can cause a sufferer to focus more on their pain the closer they get to bedtime).

Research suggests that sleep apnea, a common cause of insomnia, can actually cause peripheral neuropathy, as well. Beyond a mere relationship, studies have shown that apnea is a high-risk condition among the insulin-resistant, which could likely be affecting incidents of neuropathy among diabetics in very direct ways.

Insomnia from neuropathy can perpetuate its own problem, too. Not only is neuropathic pain prodigious when it comes to nighttime restlessness, but the resulting lack of sleep can make the pain even worse! Rest is essential to recovery and treatment, and lack of sleep can lower your pain threshold drastically. You need that sleep, so what can you do?

There are several steps you can take if your neuropathy is keeping you awake at night. Your clinician can work with you to best help your specific situation, but here are some guidelines to get you started:

• Do your best to keep a regular sleeping schedule. Be persistent! Getting to bed and getting up at the same times each day is one of the best ways to train your body to sleep correctly.

• Limit your intake of caffeine and any medication that incorporates a stimulant (non-drowsy), especially in the evening hours.

• Avoid heavy foods in the evening. Our bodies metabolize food for hours after we eat, giving us a boost of energy! Energy is great when we need it, but can be a pain when we don't. Many cultures eat their biggest meal of the day in the morning and only a small snack at dinnertime for this reason. Try it out!

• Try turning off the TV and computer a few hours before bed. Mileage varies from person to person, but electronics tend to stimulate the senses. Try a book or quiet conversation, instead.

• Adjust your environment to be ideal for sleeping. Layer your covers to ensure you stay warm but not hot, and minimize light and noise.

There are a number of herbal and natural sleep aids as well, which may help you fall asleep quickly. Sleep expert Elizabeth Shannon recommends entertaining a number of stress-relief methods, psychological conditioning, and homeopathic solutions for insomnia before resorting to pharmaceutical sleep aids, which can often form dependencies and, over time, exacerbate the problems associated with restlessness. Always be cautious with medications, and consult your specialist clinician or other doctor before medicating.

Always remember, altering your sleep pattern won't happen overnight (so to speak)! It could be three to four weeks before any changes you make to your routine begin to have meaningful impact on your success getting to and staying asleep, and don't be surprised if your restlessness gets worse before it gets better. Contact us, and we can help you find a clinician in your area and give you even more information about how to get the rest you need while suffering from neuropathy.

Always remember, altering your sleep pattern won't happen overnight (so to speak)! It could be three to four weeks before any changes you make to your routine begin to have meaningful impact on your success getting to and staying asleep, and don't be surprised if your restlessness gets worse before it gets better. Contact us, and we can help you find a clinician in your area and give you even more information about how to get the rest you need while suffering from neuropathy. Dr. John Hayes, Jr. is an Evvy Award Nominee and author of "Living and Practicing by Design" and the bestseller "Beating Neuropathy-Taking Misery to Miracles in Just 5 Weeks!"

Peripheral neuropathy doctors, physical therapists and patients will find more information as well as post comments and questions at http://neuropathydr.com/

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The Most Common Causes of Night Sweats

Everybody has been awakened in the middle of the night at one time or another because they feel too hot. A heat wave during the middle of the summer with a broken air conditioner will overheat anyone, but sometimes there is an underlying medical condition causing it.

Defining Medical Night Sweats

When the reason is medical, it is called 'night sweats' and it is distinguished from the typical nighttime overheating by a literal drenching of the sheets and mattress with sweat. If it is medical, the problem does not resolve itself by removing the sheets or by turning on a fan.

Virtually any person, young or old, can be a victim of night sweats. Since these sweats can be induced by sicknesses, medication and hormone imbalances among other problems, no one is immune to them. The two most common reasons a person begins suffering with this type of sweating are menopause and sugar imbalances.

Menopause and Low Blood Sugar

It is believed that the way estrogen frequently surges during menopause causes the body's natural thermostat to 'short out', making the blood vessels dilate, which then makes the sweat glands operate in the effort to cool down the body.

People, men and women alike and sometimes children, can suffer from low blood sugar even if they do not have diabetes. Many times night sweats is caused by low blood sugar, and when the victim of this condition wakes up drenched and check their sugar level, they find that it is indeed low. If someone is diabetic sometimes the insulin that they have to take, which is also a hormone, will cause the same surges that estrogen causes.

Additional Night Sweats Causes

By choosing or avoiding certain foods and beverages, a person suffering from this nighttime sweating may be able to reduce some of the symptoms. It is believed that spicy foods and alcohol can exacerbate the condition. By keeping a journal of everything put into the body for the last four hours before bedtime, the sufferer may be able to detect a pattern that leads up to a bout of night sweats.

Some people feel quite anxious after waking up drenched. This could be due to the other processes happening in the body that caused the sweats to begin in the first place. Some believe that calming exercises before bedtime, such as deep breathing, may increase the chances of a dry night.

Common Sense Treatments

Also available to someone with this condition is sleepwear made of special wicking material, the same kind that an athlete wears to keep cool while they compete. It is also believed that a person can control their night sweats with exercise. It has been suggested that the heavier a person is, the more frequently night sweats occur.

If the sweating occurs in someone with neither of these problems, be sure that the extreme sweating only occurs during the night. Generally, if someone has an infectious disease or something worse, like cancer, sweating will happen at any time during a twenty-four hour period and not only at night. Even if the sufferer has discovered what the problem is on their own, take them to see their doctor so it can be documented.

Learn more about other medical and environmental causes of night sweats and find creative and effective ways to treat this condition at: Help For Night Sweats

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The Best Way To Stop Snoring

When it comes to snoring, many people consider it to be just a casual problem that it is not very serious. But in fact, to those who have to listen to it, snoring is a living hell and it can be a sign of a serious sleeping disorder in the snorer. The things that the snorer should focus more on are the sleeping environment and also the sleeping position.

Best way to stop snoring: The sleeping environment

Many people are not really aware of this, but when it comes to the room that the snorer sleeps in, it actually plays a major role in the process. Yes, this is something that may come as a big surprise to many people, because many of us are thoroughly convinced that snoring can only be cause by drinking, taking pills, and eating certain foods and of course, inheriting a genetic predisposition for it. Regardless of what most people are thinking, it is a fact that the place one sleeps in has a major influence on the snoring process.

A Dry Room

Let's take a room that is very dry. What a dry room generally leads to is the drying of the nasal airways which can become congested when exposed to such conditions and may cause someone sleeping in the room to start snoring. Thus it is important to acknowledge this problem and if this is the case with your room, then consider installing a dehumidifier and test and see if this helps. Ask your partner or just record yourself while you are sleeping.


Another way to stop your snoring problem is to use an Ionizer. This will emit negative ions which will have the effect of cleaning the air in a similar manner to the way rain cleans the air. This could yield some good results and you may see your snoring problem reduced or alleviated.

The Sleeping Position

Many people looking for a way to stop snoring have tried to place something under their chin. Some people have tried tying a bandage around their head that will support their chin, others used a pillow while some people have discovered that a sock can also be a good solution. What this does, is that will help to support the muscles of the neck and prevent the mouth from falling open. This frequently leads to a reduction in the snoring.

There are also many people whose snoring is caused by breathing through their mouth when they sleep on their back. A solution for such people is to try and sleep on their side. Even though it might not be a viable solution for some, it generally yields some good results. Thus, the best way to stop snoring may be a combination of these solutions and soon your spouse or life partner will get a peaceful night's sleep.

Are you a snorer or do you share a room with someone who snores? Are you looking for more information on the best way to stop snoring? Our website is devoted to the best stop snoring methods.

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The Symbolism And Use Of Dream Catchers

Dream catchers are popular symbols used in modern culture and decor that have a long and spiritual heritage. What do these object really symbolise and how has their meaning altered as they have passed between cultures?

Native American tradition is the origin of dream catchers, with the Sioux Indians being noted for their use of the objects. The concept is very simple - dreams are seen as being airborne entities that chose a host and nightmares are trapped in the net while pleasant dreams are allowed to drift through unhindered. The folklore that brought about dream catchers varies between tribes, but it is often attributed to a spider that offers her web to help protect a tribe - hence the web design. These dream catchers were then hung in the home and above children's beds as a means to protect them as they slept.

They are fairly simple to construct and contain few components, but each part holds a meaning and are vital in the performance of the object. A web is woven around a willow hoop, and a number of personal items are hung from the hoop to increase its sacred power and make the item more personal to the household it is trying to help. The stereotypical image of a dream catcher is for there to be feathers adorning it, and often there are also items such as beads and arrowheads for extra worth and protection. It is generally believed that these feathers are placed on the dream catcher of a young child, and that the choice of feather type is deeply significant. The feather of an owl symbolises feminine qualities and wisdom, while eagle feather - which are the type most commonly depicted - are masculine and a sign of strength.

In modern culture, dream catchers still hold a significant place, with many choosing to continue the tradition in their own bedrooms. The adaptability and room for customisation means that these items can be very contemporary and personal - however some people from Native American lineage believe that this is disrespectful and a sign of the undesirable commercialisation of their culture. As well as using feathers - which do not necessarily have to be from the original source - beads and charms that hold personal significance to the user can be added, and the web can be woven out of thread of a range of colours to match the look of a room or a personality.

Alternatively, instead of placing dream catchers above your bed, you can instead opt to have one permanently adorned on your body in the form of a tattoo. Artwork that is inspired by Native American customs are very popular with those that want to show their appreciation of the culture or get in touch with their own heritage. Much like the real dream catchers, the tattoo is often used to symbolise protection. It can be either a symbol of permanent protection for the wearer own dreams and aspirations, or a sign that they are looking to protect their family. It many cases however it is just a pretty image with no deep connection - expanding on the view that this symbolic item is slowly losing its spirituality.

The meaning of dream catchers may be altering as the centuries progress, and for some their use in tattoos may seem disrespectful, however many people are simply adapting the object to modern times and continuing a long, spiritual tradition.

John Humpfries has been writing articles for many years, and has now recently taken to publishing them online. He has always taken a particular interested in dream catchers and indoor decorations.

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Taking A Look At Prescription Side Effects

The oral medicine that is used to treat insomnia is taken before bed and for many people works very well. It is meant for a short period of time, and generally will not be taken for more than 4 weeks. Included here are some of the Zopiclone side effects.

In the first few days of taking the medication you may experience some excessive daytime sleepiness and a light headache when you wake up. Some also report that they have an upset stomach and dry mouth as well. These typically subside quickly, and most people do not report these to be so bad that they have to quit taking the medication.

One of the most commonly reported side effects is a metallic taste in the mouth. For some, this will occur for the duration of the prescription while others say that it stops after a few days. Rarely, there are those that this persists for a short time after the mediation has ended.

Persistent effects have been reported with some, and the degree of intensity varies with each patient. Some may experience skin tingling and feeling like it is crawling and blurred vision may occur for some. There are also those that report a variety of ailments and can include vomiting, constipation and diarrhea.

Other have experience high anxiety while on this medication, and the severity can be mild to severe. Others have also reported impotence and a lack of sex drive while taking it, although this will abate once the medication has ended. These side effects are considered to be extremely rare when taking this medication.

Elderly patients need to be careful when taking this and they have some concerns that need to be addressed immediately if they are experienced. Heart palpitations, while common for all patients may be more severe for those in this age bracket. There is also concern that upon waking, the elderly may have problems with maintaining balance and a higher instance of injury from falling has been reported with breaking hips being one of the most common, and severe of these types of injuries.

Not all patients on the medication will experience the Zopiclone side effects. If you experience any of these and feel that they are severe or cause you to be unable to cope with them, tell your doctor immediately so that it can be determined the severity and other options if needed. It does work well for most people that take it to help with insomnia, but it is a short term solution.

It does work well for most people that take it to help with sleep deprivation, but it is a short term solution.

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Sleep Deprivation Symptoms Plus Habits

All living things must rest. While our awareness about sleeping remains partial, scientific tests show sleep has an effect on our body's progression and recovering procedures. Deprivation or a sleep disorder has numerous negative side consequences, and this further establishes the concept that living things won't be able to make it without going to sleep. If anyone or possibly your co-workers display sleep deprivation signs, you shouldn't take it carefully. Scientific tests show sleep disorders may place your wellbeing at serious risks, and might multiply your odds of dying from a heart related illnesses.

Sleep plays such a major function in our everyday life that many powerful people came up with humorous sleep quotations and terms. We sometimes have a good laugh about these quotations about sleep, particularly ones about sleep deprivation symptoms and traits, but they do contain many facts. Here are a couple of those quotations and the facts behind them.

"A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow."

This simple quotation from Charlotte Bront says a whole lot about insomnia, or lack of sleep. While there are numerous possible reasons behind insomnia, the most common ones have to do with a person's mind issue. Men and women being affected by mental strain usually have problem getting to sleep, and so do people who just have way too many details on their mind. In order to avoid being affected by sleep deprivation symptoms, clear your mind of many nerve-racking thinkings and avoid mentally exhilarating exercises before going to bed.

"Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."

Of the several sleep quotations acknowledged to Benjamin Franklin, this is most likely the most famous one. Going to sleep early and waking up early helps to regulate your sleep period, and guarantees you get the perfect amount of sleep. Scientists from the University of London and the University of Warwick found getting too little or too much sleep may increase your risks of death. The right level of sleep for an common adult is seven to eight hours.

"The feeling of sleepiness when you are not in bed, and can't get there, is the meanest feeling in the world."

Based upon this quote, it seems like author E.W. Howe knows just what exactly insufficient sleep feels like. Sleep disorders will make you truly feel sick and inadequate, and might lead to complications. These disorders get even worse if you're out of the home and can't sleep them off. This typically leaves you feeling aggrieved or moody, which could have a bad effect on your performance at work.

"No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap."

The majority of sleep quotes from comedian Carrie Snow might have been jokes, but this one is in fact real. Naps are brief treatments for anyone battling from difficulty in sleeping warning signs.

Based on some scientists, lack of sleep builds up "sleep debt". The more sleep debt you build up, the tougher it will be for your brain to work at full potential. Like consumer debt, you need to start paying it off and avert it from becoming too big to take care of sometime soon. Taking naps, even simple ones, can help work off your sleep debt.

Georgina Taylor is researching about sleep deprivation symptoms, and seeking for interesting sleep quotes.

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A Good Look At Exploding Head Syndrome And Hallucinations

If acquiring a good night's rest is becoming more challenging as a result of imaginary sounds and pictures, you could be experiencing exploding head syndrome or hallucinations. Those two problems are some of the main causes of sleep disruptions and it's time to learn more to combat these issues.

Information about hypnagogic hallucinations

Hypnagogic hallucinations are about imaginary details or false awareness a person can easily notice or experience while sleeping. This condition occurs in the state between sleeping and waking. It's also common to experience it as a person is about to drift off to sleep.

Various awareness or feelings may go along with this hallucination. Many people claim getting a very lucid experience while under this state. Other individuals encounter viewing images comparable to a kaleidoscope. These people declare they were able to view and feel things in bright and clear Technicolor.

Several things might happen when someone experiences these hallucinations. As this is the possibility, different persons will really feel and / or get different encounters. The common aspect, however, is that a person's auditory, tactile, and kinetic sensory faculties are all present throughout this period.

Potential manifestations

Some, who feel it, end up thinking they're dropping. Once they access this illusion, they could produce jerking responses on their arms or legs. This physical response takes place as the brain is convinced it has to prevent the imaginary tumble.

There's also situations in which the hallucination is very much comparable to a swimming pool encounter. Individuals who encounter it think that they are floating or floating around on a big body of water.

In addition, there are times when the sufferers perceive clear or inaudible voices. Some declare they could hear actual words, while others could barely recognize them.

Truth blast on exploding head syndrome

Exploding head syndrome is a problem frequently linked to parasomnia. Parasomnia is a sleep disorder which could include actions such as sleep walking, night terrors or myoclonic jerks. As this is a disorder, it may cause sleeping trouble and a person experiencing it will require support.

The problem happens during a specific phase of sleeping. Many people declare they experience it while still awake and may just be coming into sleep. While this might be mistaken for headaches, it's more to do with experiencing loud crashing sounds. There are no incidences of soreness or any other discomfort.

Potential feelings and incidences

Quite often, victims will listen to a loud crash, buzzing sounds, booming sounds, or even a loud slamming. People frequently swear they hear these sounds from their own heads; hence, the sound can be even louder. For a few, the sounds come with light flashes. The dreamed light along with the sound is usually adequate to get anybody back to a complete state of wakefulness. This will occur anytime through the day or night just as a person is going to sleep.

Side by side somparisons

Hypnagogic hallucinations and exploding head syndrome can both cause sleep disruptions. Exploding head is the problem that may cause total wakefulness. Some individuals may have no issue returning to sleep after going through a jerking reaction, but people who noticed noises may have troubles.

If you've experienced exploding head syndrome or hallucinations in rare circumstances, this may not be a reason for alarm yet. If, however, the incidences come often, then doctor appointments are necessary. Your doctor will give you necessary treatment and therapy. Leaving sleep problems with no treatment can lead to other health problems.

Georgina Taylor is a psychiatrist who counsels people encountering exploding head syndrome and hypnagogic hallucinations.

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The Causes of Sleep Deprivation

The importance of sleep in your life is often overlooked due to terrible habits and unawareness of what is happening to your body and mind when you do not rest enough. Making the bedroom a place of relaxation and a peaceful sanctuary can greatly help the appeal of getting enough rest. Making sure that you have a mattress that is supportive of your body in regards to your spine and back is important. Not getting enough sleep can result in headaches, blurred vision, loss of appetite or general tiredness. Your mind tries to keep up with your daily activities but the loss of even an hour of sleep can unfortunately result in a one third reduction in daytime alertness.

Your mood is also affected by sleep deprivation. Without allowing your mind and body a full night of rest, it would not be surprising to find yourself moody, edgy or irritable. Your attitude is more likely to be uncooperative and feelings of laziness are common. Your cognitive recognition of simple tasks, such as object naming, speaking, or general coordination will definitely not be as sharp as those who have full nights of sleep. You are even more likely to lose your balance, have hallucinations and have difficulty learning new things. Those who are sleep deprived are more prone to body discomfort, memory lapses and even paranoia.

This may seem like an overwhelming list of effects just from not having enough sleep, but this is the reason as to why getting a full night of sleep is so crucial to your overall health and performance. Unfortunately, the list is worst for those who are consistently not getting enough sleep. Some long-term effects of being sleep deprived include obesity, higher chance of divorce and social problems, depression and mood disorders. There are also severe consequences for your health such as being more prone to having a heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, mental impairment and frequent infections due to having an impaired immune system.

Although there are studies that continue to research what exactly the body does during sleep cycles, we already know that sleep is strongly linked to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Ignoring these facts would only work against a better and healthier you. Make sure that your mattress is up to par with properly supporting you and your partner's bodies throughout the night. Having a proper mattress is the first step in making sure that you are getting the sleep you deserve. It will also make you feel more comfortable and you may find the entire idea of sleeping much more appealing.

For better sleep, visit one of the top quality mattress stores in Phoenix AZ. Mattress Direct will answer all questions you have regarding mattress firm Phoenix. For a healthier lifestyle, browse for your next mattress at mattressdirectwarehouse.com.

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