Use the Stages of Sleep to Learn How to Sleep Better

As a person sleeps they traverse through different stages. Scientists describe five stages of sleep, which are most commonly named stages 1, 2, 3, 4 and Rapid Eye Movement (REM).

Sleep begins as the mind phases into the first stage. Stage 1 can be described as light sleep. In this stage a person can easily be awakened. This stage is also characterized by a slowing heart rate, reduction in body movements, and a diminishing body temperature. You've likely had the experience of suddenly becoming much cooler right before you fall asleep. This is most notable and appreciated on nights when it is uncomfortably warm.

As you pass through stages 2, 3 and 4 your sleep becomes deeper and deeper, and the quality of rest grows. In stages 3 and especially 4 you become a lot more resistant to being awakened by external disruptions. Also, in stages three and four of sleep you get the most restorative sleep. Another characteristic of these late-sleep stages is that, if you are aroused from sleep while in these stages you will probably experience a lot of grogginess, disorientation, and it will probably take some time to wake up fully.

The last stage of sleep is commonly referred to as REM sleep, or Rapid Eye Movement sleep. This is because at this point of sleep the eyes move rapidly about behind their eyelids. Vivid dreaming is another prominent feature of REM sleep. Breathing and heart rate also speed up, but the body, conversely, becomes quite still.

All together, these five stages of sleep make up make up one sleep cycle. A sleep cycle, for most people, will last about 90-100 minutes. It is normal for a person to sleep through 5-6 cycles in a typical night.

You may be wondering what the value of this information is. I believe there are at least a few ways you could utilize this information to improve your sleep experience:

Most of us have to wake up to an alarm clock daily for work. If you normally wake up feeling drastically groggy, it could be because you are being awakened during the deep sleep stages of the sleep cycle, in stage three or four. By changing the time you go to bed to just a little earlier or even a little later you may find that waking up is quite a bit easier because the alarm goes off when you are only dozing lightly in stage one or two.
If circumstances prevent you from getting more than a few hours of sleep at night you may actually do a lot better with a small change if you schedule the alarm to wake up during the transition to the next sleep cycle. In other words, if your normal sleep cycles last an hour and a half, you could actually feel better waking up after 4 1/2 hours of sleep than you would after 5 1/2 hours of sleep as a result of waking up gradually instead of being startled out of a deep sleep.
Small changes can have a significant impact on the restorative effects of your sleep. A small change of only 20-30 minutes of sleep on either end of the night may cause you to get through another cycle of stage 3 and 4 sleeping, which will have a much greater impact on your quality of sleep. It's a bigger bang for your buck, so to speak.

And finally, if you are interested in learning more about how to sleep better, please check out our online guide to better sleep at

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Weight Loss: Sleep Center Or The New Fad Weight Loss Plan?

The answer to this question: "Whether to go to a sleep center for an evaluation or to will yourself into the newest weight loss plan?" can be the difference between living longer and healthier or suffering serious consequences from a lack of vital information.

If you are struggling with weight loss and the best weight loss and exercise plans are unable to give you the results that you and your doctor are looking for, perhaps the answer to healthy weight loss isn't so much what you put in your mouth, but rather how well you sleep? Sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea may contribute not only to weight gain but also create tremendous difficulty in weight loss. Studies have shown that getting only 5-6 hours of sleep or more than 9 hours of sleep will put you at risk to gain weight. If you are getting less than 5 hours a night you are nearly twice as likely to become fat. Dealing with obesity is a national problem with many sufferers also struggling with other serious health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure.

When you don't get appropriate levels of quality sleep, levels of the hormone leptin, which sends a signal to the brain that you are full, become suppressed. Levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite, also rise with lack of sleep. So now, because of your sleep deprivation, your body is telling you that you are both hungry and not full. It is a difficult combination to resist. That's when late night cookies or chips can do their damage. The next morning you have low energy and reach for a carbohydrate dense food and sweetened drink with caffeine to just wake up. So it continues day in and day out until obesity, diabetes and heart problems become your chronic health concern.

So you see the connection? Weight gain can be a symptom of poor sleep habits. And conversely, being over weight can create serious sleep disorders. Sleep apnea occurs when an individual's upper airway narrows or obstructs while they sleep. In mild cases it leads to snoring, but it can also cause high blood pressure, diabetes, and low blood oxygen levels. As you gain weight your neck size increases. This enhances the risk to suffer from sleep apnea. So here again the weight/sleep connection can dramatically effect your health.

It is important to understand the full extent of what is going on with your body when you sleep. And even more importantly, to realize what happens to your metabolism when you don't get enough sleep. The restorative nature of a quality night's sleep is not to be taken lightly. It can affect both the quality and length of your life.

So if you are having difficulty with weight loss and sleeping through the night, getting an evaluation by a sleep professional is the first step toward taking responsibility for a healthy weight loss plan. Information is power. And when you are talking about the quality of your health, more information is better. You may find out that solving your sleep problem is the best weight loss plan you can find. An easy way to see if you have a sleep problem is to take this free sleep risk assessment. In just a few minutes you can receive a personal report, which will let you know if you may have a sleep disorder. If so, see a sleep expert right away. Besides making weight loss easier, treating your sleep problem may save your life.

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Problems With Sleep

The amount of sleep you get will directly affect how healthy you are and how successful you will be at losing weight. The average person needs approximately 8-9 hours of sleep but the exact amount will vary from person to person.

It is important to understand that even slight sleep deprivation will weaken your body's immune system, affect your memory, physical performance and even cause your body to put on weight. It is therefore imperative to get the right amount of sleep and to get quality sleep.

My problem was that I struggled to sleep in the first place and also the quality of sleep that I was getting wasn't great. In turn this left me tired during the day, de-motivated and no doubt had a part to play in the fact that I was so unhealthy and over weight. Fortunately I was able to fix my sleep problem and here are some tips so that you can too:

1. Make sure you have a good quality mattress. This will ensure that you are comfortable and it will prevent restless sleep, you know, the sort where you spend the entire night tossing and turning and by the time your alarm goes off you feel like you haven't even slept a wink.

2. Avoid over eating before bed and give yourself some time between dinner and bedtime. If you go to bed bloated or straight after eating you will not get a good nights sleep. Your quality of sleep will drastically improve by giving yourself some time after your final meal of the day. I normally ensure that I eat my dinner at least 1.5 hours before going to bed.

3. Sleeping position. Do not sleep on your front or flat on your back. The best way to sleep is on your side (either side). I found that sleeping on either side resulted in better quality of sleep. Furthermore, if I had indigestion or a stomach ache I found that for some reason sleeping on my left side provided relief. Give it a try the next time your stomach isn't feeling great.

4. Have a hot or cold shower before bed. The temperature change in your body will help you sleep. If you have more time to spare then take a nice warm bath and again this will help you relax and sleep.

5. Design an evening routine and make it a habit. For example, read before bed or listen to some relaxing music. I spend ten minutes stretching and doing some deep breathing before I go to bed. Most people go to bed with far too much on their mind, either thinking about things that happened during the day or things that they need to do the following day. This prevents you from relaxing and going to sleep. A relaxing routine before you go to bed will help calm your mind.

6. Turn off the electronics when it is bedtime. Do not sit at your computer or play with your phone just before you go to bed. If it is time to sleep then sleep is the only thing that you should be thinking about. Turn off all your electronics, don't let them get in the way of you relaxing and preparing for bed.

Give these little changes a go and I am sure you will find that you are able to fall asleep quicker and able to get better quality of sleep.

I have struggled with my weight for years however with some smart changes I was able to transform my body and my overall health. Visit my blog for more smart yet simple changes that will help you lose weight and improve your health:

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Types of Sleep Apnea and Its Symptoms

Sleep apnea is now considered a disease in current days and it has become the most common problem for every individual. It refers to the sleep disorder. It is caused by low breathing while sleeping. Abnormal pauses in breathing become the main reason of sleep apnea and each pause in breathing lasts for five to thirty times from few seconds to minutes and even to hours. The method of diagnosis of apnea is called sleep study or polysomnogram. Sleep apnea is mostly seen in adults but nowadays you can find this problem in kids too. It is mainly caused when you have cough or flu. The treatment of apnea can be done either surgically or using non surgical methods.

Apnea usually occurs when there is inadequate supply of oxygen level in the blood. Sometimes this apnea disrupts your sleep and wakes you up as your snoring sound becomes high. This apnea problem is not only a source of disturbance for the person who is having this disorder, but it is also a nuisance for the ones who sleep with the affected person. Some of the side effects caused by this apnea problem are daytime sleepiness, high blood pressure, stroke, insomnia, heart failure, and mood disorders get worsened. You need to treat this sleep disorder quickly so that it cannot cause further problems.

Apnea is found in three types, which are as follows: Central sleep apnea, obstructive apnea and mixed sleep apnea. The central sleep apnea involves the central nervous system instead of airway problem. It involves the failure of brain to send signals to the breathing muscles. Obstructive sleep apnea is one of the most common types of apnea which is caused when the soft tissues relax during sleep. It blocks the airflow and people snore. The third category is complex or mix sleep apnea, which is the mixture of obstructive and central types. It is not easy to find the main reason behind your snoring but some of the major signs and symptoms of apnea are as follows: Daytime sleepiness even if you sleep the whole day, breathing pauses, chronic snoring, choking while sleeping, sore throat, dryness of mouth, depression, moodiness, irritability, you feel out of breath after waking up, forgetfulness, difficulty in concentrating, increased urine during night, restless sleep, fitful sleep, insomnia, awakening at nighttime and morning headaches.

The symptoms of apnea in children include the following: Irritability, anger, hostile attitude, low school performance, inattention, hyperactivity, growth problems and developmental problems, breathing through mouth rather than through nose. These are some of the signs in children which show you that your kid is going through the problem. Now let me tell you that there is a big difference between snoring and apnea. Some of the people confuse in these two problems. Snoring is not a bigger problem but this can cause more problems for you. One of the biggest differences between these two terms is that snoring does not disturb the quality of sleep but sleep apnea does make your sleep abnormal. In apnea, you suffer from fatigue and sleepiness daytime. If you want to know that whether you are having snoring or apnea, you need to follow the two strategies. You need to maintain a sleep diary. In this diary, you can record number of hours you sleep. You should record how many times you have snored in one night and several other sleeping and snoring related questions. The next strategy is to make sleeping video or record your audio of snoring while sleeping. This can be done by your partner of course.

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Sleep Apnea
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Simple Solutions to Your Snoring Problems

Is snoring taking its toll in your body? Does it affect your relationship with your partner? If so, then perhaps it's now time for you to consider ways on how to put a stop on this extremely bothering condition. But, you have to first figure out exactly what causes you this sleeping disorder. This will help you determine the appropriate treatment method to follow.

Generally, snoring occurs when there is partial obstruction anywhere in the nose or the mouth. This can be due to various reasons such as presence of nasal or throat tissue, nasal polyps, and enlargement of the tonsils or adenoids. There are also certain lifestyle habits that can lead to occasional snoring as the tongue or throat muscles relax and hinder breathing.

Depending on its cause and severity, snoring can be treated in various ways. If you have mild or occasional snoring, then simple lifestyle modifications might just work to get rid of this problem. Meanwhile, habitual snoring, which is characterized by loud and chronic snores, may require more complex treatment methods. This requires professional advice from your doctor.

Some of the lifestyle changes that you can do to help reduce the occurrence of snoring include losing weight, quitting smoking and avoiding drinking alcohol, especially before bedtime. Snoring is more common in obese or overweight people because of the presence of more fatty tissues around their throat. These excess tissues can partially block their airway and lead to snoring. Losing weight requires regular physical exercises and a balanced diet. In this case, working out can also tone down muscles, not just in your arms and legs, but as well as those in your throat.

Also, giving up smoking is another way for you to prevent snoring. In fact, smokers have higher chances of snoring since the smoke irritates the membranes in the nose and throat, which blocks the airways. On the other hand, one of the factors that cause the throat muscles to relax and get in the way of breathing includes consumption of alcohol before bedtime. Taking prescribed medications such as sleeping pills and sedatives should also be avoided since these encourage deeper sleep that could worsen snoring.

In conjunction with lifestyle changes, you can also use some of the bedtime remedies for snoring. This includes repositioning your head, elevating it about four inches to encourage your jaw and tongue to move forward. Also, try not to eat heavy meals and drink coffee a couple of hours before sleeping. If possible, try to sleep on your side instead on your back to prevent your tongue and throat tissues to obstruct your airway.

Meanwhile, there are also various medical and surgical interventions to treat snoring. For example, snoring caused by enlarged tonsils is treated surgically. For those who do not require surgery, doctors suggest the use of anti-snore devices such as mandibular advancement device and anti-snore chin strap.

Don't let snoring control your life! There are several ways to get rid of snores. If you want affordable yet effective method to get rid of snoring, then ask your doctor about anti-snore chin strap!

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How Snoring Affects People

Snoring is often dismissed as being a harmless, though embarrassing personality trait, but most of the time, there's a lot more to it than that. In many cases, snoring causes a wide range of ill effects that don't necessarily go away when the sun comes up. In other cases, snoring is actually a sign of something much worse, sleep apnea. Whether snoring is a symptom or the problem itself, there are a number of problems that snoring can cause, both to the snorer and to their partner.

The first effect of snoring is also the most commonly noticed. It is embarrassment. Though over half the population snores and most of those snore regularly, it's still embarrassing to find that you've been sawing logs in your sleep. To most people, the embarrassment of snoring is a passing thing that they can easily laugh off, but others have more of an issue with it. People who snore regularly and loudly can be so embarrassed by it that they insist on sleeping alone, even at the risk of losing a relationship.

Another effect of snoring is an inability to get a good night's sleep. This can affect both the snorer and their partner. Without a decent amount of uninterrupted sleep, people have difficulty concentrating, making decisions, and even performing normal everyday tasks. They find themselves more easily worn out and their quality of life suffers for it.

This disruption of sleep can lead to another issue; relationship problems. It may sound ridiculous to say that someone could end a relationship over a partner's snoring, but it happens more often than you might think. Few things are more irritating than being unable to get to sleep because someone next to you is snoring. To see someone in such irritating light even a few hours a night can actually color the way someone is seen during the day. People naturally pull away from or avoid the things that cause them stress. When that thing is their own partner, they can find themselves arguing not so much because they disagree with the other person but because their lack of sleep has made them irritable towards their partner.

These are the things that snoring can cause, but what about the times when snoring is actually being caused by something worse? In some cases, snoring is actually a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, a condition in which your breathing is seriously obstructed while you sleep. People with sleep apnea tend to snore louder than normal. Sleep apnea can be very dangerous and anyone believed to have sleep apnea or who show signs of it should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Snoring can cause serious problems or it can be a sign of one. But there's one thing snoring is not and that's incurable. There are a number of treatments available, from throat sprays and tablets to acupressure rings and oral devices. If you or your partner snores, take the time to look at the options. It could save you a lot of trouble and discomfort.

Stop snoring tonight with the acupressure Good Night Anti-Snoring Ring which is one of the snoring remedies which is risk free as you get a 30 day money back guarantee if it doesn't work for you.

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Sleep and Dreams

Did you get enough sleep last night? Do you know your body and how much sleep is needed? As an adult you should have a pretty good idea of how well you feel with the right amount of sleep. My wife gets headaches if she sleeps in past 8am. I could sleep till noon if my job wasn't in the way.

Most adults should get 6-8 hours of sleep per night. Your lazy teenager that stays up all night and sleeps all day is actually obeying his sleep hormones. His sleep messengers don't kick in till about 1am. Ours, as adults, kick in around 10:00pm.

Sleep is closely tied to good health. But experts and scientist don't know exactly why we sleep. They know for sure that all mammals sleep. But why? Maybe to regenerate our bodies and brains. The reason we know sleep is so important is because those who suffer from any of the long list of sleep disorders can attest to the health issues tied to there sleep disorder.

Disorders include but are not limited to:

Sleep ApneaSnoringInsomniaSleep DeprivationRestless Leg SyndromeNight Terrors (Sleep Terrors)

Any of these disorders can cause sleep problems for both the person who suffers from it and their partner.

Did you know that you can accumulate a sleep debt? A sleep debt occurs when you do not get enough sleep, night after night. Think of it like a bank account. If your sleep account is balanced at 8 hours of sleep per night and you go out with your friends for 3 or 4 nights and only get 4-6 hours of sleep you are now sleep deprived, your account is low. Symptoms of being sleep deprived include being drowsy during the day, nodding off at your work station and needing a greater amount of stimuli to stay awake. Some people have physical problems like stomach upset and decreased appetite. The only way to bring your account current is to sleep in, let's say, on Sunday. Once you are well rested you need to go to bed early enough to keep your body well rested in the next week.

Are you thinking to yourself, "I do go to bed on time and I still fall asleep at my desk. I need 4 cups of coffee to keep me going in the morning." You, my friend, may have an addiction to caffeine. Being reliant on stimulants like coffee and nicotine will cause your body to rebel until the drug of choice is fed to your starving addiction.

Do you dream at night? Do you have nightmares? A dream can be described as "a vivid, complex, hallucinatory experience generally accepted as real by the dreamer." ( Dement ). Scientist know that all mammals sleep but do animals other than humans dream? The answer is yes. MIT scientists studied rats and found that their brain waves, while asleep, exhibited the same brain waves as when they were awake running on a circular track.

No one knows why we dream. Some dreams are pleasant and we are disappointed when we wake up and the beautiful supermodel is gone. Some dreams are terrifying and cause panic until you awaken, relieved, to find we are not naked at school but home safely in bed. Why do we have these dreams? Again scientist hardly understand sleep so they have only theories concerning dreams.

One theory presented by Sigmund Freud was that dreams are latent sexual and physical/emotional desires. That theory is all but forgotten by modern psychiatrist. But that is where we get dream analysis. Like a horoscope, they are fun to read but they are not based in science.

Another theory by Harvard University psychiatrist, James Allen Hobson, is that the brain is randomly firing neurons as we sleep. These random neurons are interpreted by our brains as dreams. He does believe that we can think about the dreams we remember and relate them to our lives possibly making them useful.

Sleep is needed by all of us. Some enjoy it more than others. Leonardo da Vinci the greatest of DREAMERS believed he could get by on short 10-20 minute sleep intervals sleeping no more than 2 hours a day. I enjoy sleeping too much to give this a try but those who have tried it boast of the added free time. I would squander that free time watching more TV or playing video games.

Sleep and dream scholars are trying to learn the how's and why's of sleep. In the future, we may find the gene or part of the brain that causes sleep and dreams. Maybe our children will raise their children taking a pill that simulates sleep thus allowing them to work 18 hour days. How cool would it be if college students could take a "sleep substitute" pill giving them an additional 6-8 hours to study (party).

I don't look forward to the sleep substitute pill. I enjoy bed time when the house becomes quiet and the kids are in bed. It's then that I decompress from the day, read a little or watch something other than Nicktoons. Ultimately, I don't have to worry about a society that doesn't sleep. I don't think it will happen in my life time...or will it? There is already a pill for shift workers that find it difficult to stay awake through the night and sleep during the day. The affliction that is being treated is excessive sleepiness (ES) secondary to shift work disorder (SWD). The drug is used to combat sleepiness thus allowing the night worker to stay awake during his or her shift. The sleep substitute pill is coming!

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Sleep Problems? Tired of Feeling Tired?

It may seem strange to some, yet obvious to others, that the quality of your sleep greatly affects all areas of your life. There are millions of people who are sleep-deprived....which may be good news for the pharmaceutical companies but not for the body, mind and soul.

Your body repairs itself and processes the day's experiences during sleep. In previous generations people had 8-9 hours sleep, whereas nowadays many people report only having 5-7 hours of sleep.

The quality of your sleep is vital. Brief naps can help you to recharge your batteries in the mid- afternoon, but at night time we should be following our body clock (circadian rhythms) and allowing the Melatonin we produce - from our stocks of Serotonin - to guide us into the Delta brainwave frequency necessary for sleep.

We all have different cycles within our overall sleep cycle every night - the main ones being Rapid Eye Movement sleep - when we dream and our body should be inert to avoid us acting out our dreams - and the deeper restorative sleep we need to rebalance our complex body chemistry.

Stress and lack of sleep play havoc with our bodies - resulting in less Myelin laid down on nerve cells, which mean that we cannot think properly and are likely to have neurological problems too. (Dr Daniel Amen)

Extreme sleep deprivation leads to psychosis - which is why it has been used a method of torture!

According to Professor Colin Espie of the University of Glasgow, Scotland; who has studied the sleep patterns of 12,000 adults; 51% of adults struggle to get to sleep and remain asleep; 75% of these were women and 25% men.

As a result of a lack of good sleep 55% reported relationship problems; 77% were affected by lack of ability to concentrate; 64% said that they were less productive at work; 83% had mood problems and 93% lacked energy.

Moderate and long-term sleep deprivation leads to increased Cortisol levels (implicated in depression and death of brain cells in the memory and mood centres of the brain called the Hippocampus); increased insulin levels; weight gain; increases in the hormone Grehlin which increases hunger and also lowers your appetite suppressing hormones known as PYY. You will eat more to compensate for the lack of sleep and you will crave more sugars, refined carbohydrates and stimulants as a result. Sleep deprivation also leads to depression, attention-deficit-disorder, problems with learning and memory; as well as being a contributing factor to more severe health conditions (Dr Mark Hyman).

Getting enough sleep can mean the difference between a sick, tired foggy and unfocused life; and one in which you are healthy, alert, effective and productive.

Stress, worry, fear and anxiety can create a vicious circle when we are trying to go to sleep. We can be plagued by the mind-chatter or head-heckling that prevents us from shifting-gear down to Theta brainwave activity and then the Delta brainwave state associated with sleep.

WE CANNOT THINK AND SLEEP AT THE SAME TIME - but switching off the 'thinking' takes focused effort.

General 'advice' from magazines tells us to do what for many is obvious - such as not having caffeine drinks before bed-time, staying cool, being in a darkened room in a comfortable bed and without electronic gadgets close to us; having scented candles, and a warm bath with essential oils such as lavender. These will all help, but they still don't address the real issue for many people.

What they fail to tell us is that unless your brainwaves are slowed down to a Delta wave frequency - which is between 1-4 cycles per second - you will not be able to sleep. The 'thinking/worrying/planning' state of mind is associated with Beta brainwave frequencies which are much faster at between 13-30 cycles per second.

Extreme exhaustion may be necessary for some people to finally be able to stop responding to the barrage of thoughts, images and ideas generated by an area of the brain called the Reticular Activating System. This is repeatedly bringing random and trivial thoughts to our awareness; and we then pick up on these and go off on a 'what-if' or 'will I be good enough' etc. mental dialogue - until we learn how to observe this process and put a stop to it. We can then allow ourselves to slip down into the calmer slower 'zone' necessary for sleep.

Brainwave entrainment has been shown to greatly improve sleep as well as dealing with the troublesome anxieties and fears that keep our mind churning instead of allowing it to slow down.

There are specific ways to get our body/mind into a sleep state - but they do require practice - sometimes several times before you will get into the Delta brainwave state.

I have created a simple method for this. I call it a 'BEER for bedtime'!

BEER is an acronym for the 4 stages required, and, in simple abridged terms, relates to slowing down the Breath, lowering the Eyes (which will keep rising as you begin 'thinking' again so you will need to persevere); Emptying the mind and Relaxing the body....all of which prepare your body for sleep.

Taking nutritional supplements such as GABA and Melatonin (available via the internet as they are not on general sale in UK) as well as 5HTP - which is a precursor to Serotonin and Melatonin - will all help; and Magnesium is known to be beneficial in calming the body particularly if we are fidgety and restless.

None of these have the 'side effects' associated with pharmaceutical drugs such as zopiclone, zalepon and zolpidem - whose side effects include loss of taste, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, dizziness and drowsiness, headache, diarrhoea, and hallucinations. Withdrawal from these prescribed drugs can actually bring about insomnia, anxiety, tremor, loss of appetite, perspiration and tinnitus! These drugs are also potentially addictive!


By Maxine Harley (Msc Integrative Psychotherapy) creator of 'The Ripple Effect' Process see and Quantum Psyche Process see

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What Your Mattress Salesman Doesn't Want You to Know

If you are buying your very first mattress, or at least the first one for the last several years, you will probably go into consumer shock. The mattress industry has changed drastically. Mattress stores have made a lot of changes too; so many changes that the whole industry is almost unrecognizable.

No longer do you choose a mattress from a guy that really wants to help you get the best product, even if it means he has to spend three hours talking to you about your options. No longer is choosing a mattress as simple as choosing a color either. No, mattress shopping is nothing short of a nightmare these days. And truth be told, mattress salesmen want you to think it has to be that way. But what if there was a better way? Guess what, there is!

Expensive Doesn't Mean Better

The first thing that a mattress salesman doesn't want you to know is that, when it comes to mattresses, expensive doesn't always mean better. In fact, there are many, many mid-priced and even economy-priced mattresses that have better ratings than expensive, luxury mattress models. Before you buy a mattress based on cost alone, take a moment to consider whether or not the expense is really founded or if you are simply buying a name.

You Don't Have to Buy Today

Almost any mattress salesman today will try to pressure you into buying today. They will press the fact that a sale is about to end, they will tell you that they only have one more mattress and someone else was looking at it just before you, they will tell you anything to make you buy today. Why?

Salesmen know that they have a better chance at making more money and making that sale if they play on your emotions or make you think that you're going to miss out on something. They know that most consumers buy on impulse. They are heavily trained to make the sale and make money for their store.

If you leave, you might not buy your mattress from them. That means they lose out on commission. If you leave, you might not come back at all, which means less money for the store. But even if you do come back, you might decide that the mattress they were trying to sell you wasn't really worth the price and you will want something cheaper when you return, which again, cuts into their commission.

But guess what. You don't have to buy today. In fact, the same mattress will probably be there at the very same price if you come back two weeks later, after you have taken time to check out some really good mattress reviews and ratings. So don't let that mattress salesman fool you. The worst thing you can do when buying a mattress is to make your purchasing decision based on an impulse.

There is Information Out There

A mattress salesman wants you to think that they are the only person on the planet that can help you choose the right mattress. This simply isn't true. There are many reliable resources out there for consumers, namely some high quality mattress review websites. These sites help consumers see the advantages and disadvantages of each mattress. They also give consumers a good idea of what others who have purchased the same mattress are saying about their sleeping experience a week, a month, even a year down the road.

Don't make the mistake of relying solely on your mattress salesman. Seek the information out. Find some good resources. Take your time when purchasing a mattress. After all, you'll be sleeping on it for the next several years. It only makes sense to make your mattress a smart investment.

Cathy Givans is a professional freelance copywriter. She specializes in writing about parenting, vegan and vegetarian diets, health, nutrition, green living, eco-friendly living, gardening, non-toxic lifestyles, medical topics and news articles. She is not limited to these topics or types of writing, however. She also offers a wide range of services to suit the needs of almost any client. Through her writing ventures, she has had the opportunity to work with clients like, which offers consumers unbiased, in-depth mattress reviews on more than 50 top name-brand mattresses

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4 Non-Invasive Ways To Help Stop Snoring

With every condition there is always a cure or a way to stabilize the condition at hand and a way to stop snoring doesn't differ. There are dozens of purchasable products and over the counter medications that can assist anyone with their snoring problems and aid in the recovery process. Are you curious as to how much of a toll these remedies may be on your bank account? Feel assured that the majority are for a limited cost and they will help.

1. Nasal valve dilators

This method is one of the most common stop snoring methods that can be purchased at any local drug store. Nasal valve dilators are mostly known as "nose strips" and are to be placed on the bridge of the nose and they assist with the separation of the nostrils. On the underside of the strip there is an adhesive that is attached to the outside of the nostrils and increases the air flow through the nasal cavities. Since the plastic that the strips are made out of prove to be extremely durable, as they attempt to straighten out to their original position, it separates the nostrils allowing more air in and out of the nose.

2. Nasal sprays

Nasal sprays are the second most commonly purchased snoring remedies because they are easy to use and low in cost. The use of nasal sprays decreases the amount of mucous that is found within the nose and it is also said that they moisten the airways and soften tissues in the back of the throat. Lubrication of the throat is essential in the aid of snoring because having a dry throat increases the opportunity of skin flapping when inhaling and exhaling during sleep.

3. Anti-snore pillows

There are pillows for people who like a lot of support, for those who prefer limited support and there are also pillows for those who snore. Anti-snore pillows are constructed out of foam which allows them to be easily molded into a specific position that is the best for the user. While using these pillows, they encourage the sleeper to sleep on their side rather than their back. Sleeping on your side decreases the amount of muscle relaxation in your throat than if you were to sleep on your back and the muscle relaxation is what makes snoring occur. Another attribute to an anti-snore pillow is the fact that it helps the sleeper stabilize the sleeping position and helps position the airway so that there is minimal blockage. The main focus of these pillows is to ensure that your neck is aligned with your spinal column in any position that you wish to sleep in.

4. Adjustable beds

The final and most pricey option to limit your snoring is to purchase an adjustable bed. The main focus of an adjustable bed is to position your body in a way that prevents any blockages from happening between your diaphragm and your throat. There was a study developed by the Vancouver Sleep and Breathing Centre that stated there is a minimal elevation of 30 degrees necessary to prevent a person from snoring because it helps to keep the airways open. Though an adjustable bed is a more expensive option than the other points, many people find that they are the most effective option because they prove to provide the most support and the most comfort.

Providing yourself or your loved ones with the products needed to ensure a pleasant rest is essential. Whether an extreme purchase as an adjustable bed or a minimal purchase such as nasal strips, be assured that the remedies will aid in recovery from snoring. Sleep is an absolute necessity and no purchase is too large for a peaceful amount of sleep.

Visit for tips & tricks to help you stop snoring ranging from natural remedies to the highest-rated glad to provide any clarification.

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Spotting the Symptoms of Sleep Apnoea

The most common form of sleep apnoea is obstructive sleep apnoea. It is more common than many people realise, because so many of its sufferers are unaware that anything is wrong. In fact, for many patients, it is a concerned partner who has endured night after night of interrupted sleep who first raises concerns.

One of the main symptoms of sleep apnoea is snoring. Although it is true that most sufferers do snore, that does not mean that all snorers have the disorder. Gentle snoring is common for many people and is not necessarily something to worry about. The snoring of OSA patients is normally punctuated with apnoeas: interruptions in breathing. These gaps in breathing mean that the sufferer's snoring is often punctuated with loud gasps and snorts.

In fact, these snorts are the gasps for breath of the sufferer who has momentarily woken after their brain has realised that their breathing has stopped. The condition may, as a result of snoring and blocked airways through the night, result in a sore or dry throat on waking.

Although patients do not normally have any recollection of the many moments of wakefulness they have experienced, they do often feel tired through the day, as though they have had a poor night's sleep. The general feeling of tiredness is something that some sufferers become accustomed to, causing a further barrier to the condition being spotted and diagnosed.

As a result of the tiredness caused by the condition, people with OSA often find that they are unable to concentrate as hard or think as clearly as they would expect. They may also find that they are irritable or snappy, with a shorter temper and less patience than they would normally expect. These symptoms can, of course, make the condition problematic for family and friends and may mean that OSA can affect relationships and family life.

As even non-sufferers can testify, headaches are often a consequence of being overly tired. This is another common symptom of OSA, although they are particularly prevalent in the mornings. Unfortunately, sleep apnoea may also increase a patient's likelihood of suffering from anxiety or depression, further impacting their life and relationships.

The many different sleep apnoea symptoms are very varied and this, in part, makes the condition difficult to diagnose. Patients who suspect that they are suffering with the condition should, in the first instance, contact their GP, who may choose to refer them to a sleep specialist.

To find out more about sleep apnoea symptoms, visit the DeVilbiss Healthcare website, which has resources for patients and professionals.

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New Study: Those Who Exercise Sleep Better and Feel More Rested

A new study out of Oregon State University suggests that regular physical exercise may encourage better sleep and less daytime fatigue. The OSU researchers looked at statistics from a U.S. health survey conducted from 2005 to 2006. For the survey, more than 2,600 men and women between the ages of 18 and 85 had their activity levels measured, and answered questions about sleep.

The exercise participants all wore accelerometers to measure their physical activity for one week. The Oregon researchers then determined how many participants met or exceeded national exercise guidelines by getting at least 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise, 75 minutes a week of vigorous exercise, or a combination of both moderate and vigorous exercise.

The Oregon researchers looked only at the amount of exercise, and did not consider other lifestyle factors, such as age, weight, health condition or smoking history.

Results Are In: Active Participants Felt Less Tired

The results of the study were published in the December 2011 issue of the Mental Health and Physical Activity journal. The Oregon researchers discovered that, among participants who met the national exercise guidelines, 65 percent were less likely to report feeling sleepy during the day, 68 percent were less likely to report sometimes having leg cramps, and 45 percent were less likely to report trouble concentrating when tired.

Theories among Sleep and Exercise Researchers

While the results of the study do not confirm 100 percent that exercise directly leads to better sleep, the findings are consistent with previous studies, and have inspired discussion and theories among sleep and exercise researchers.

Some researchers think that exercise helps improve sleep by helping to reduce levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Others believe that when you burn calories through exercise, your body needs rest to recover, so you sleep better. Others have suggested that exercise helps moderate body weight, which helps people to sleep better. Whatever the reason, people are not getting enough sleep, and need help getting more.

Consider these statistics from the National Sleep Foundation's 2011 Sleep in America® poll:

43 percent of Americans between the ages of 13 and 64 say they rarely or never get a good night's sleep on weeknights.
60 percent experience a sleep problem every night or almost every night, such as snoring, waking in the night, waking up too early or not feeling rested when they get up in the morning.
63 percent of Americans say they are not meeting their sleep needs during the week. Most said they need about seven and a half hours of sleep, but are actually getting just under seven hours of sleep on average weeknights.
About 15 percent of adults between the ages of 19 and 64, and 7 percent of people ages 13 to 18 say they sleep less than six hours on weeknights.

A consistent lack of quality sleep can lead to many physical problems, including the inability to concentrate, headaches and memory loss. Poor sleep can also compromise the nervous and immune systems, and has been linked to higher blood sugar levels, clinical depression, fibromyalgia in women and other disorders.

David Volpi, M.D., P.C., F.A.C.S. is a board-certified otolaryngology surgeon with Ear, Nose and Throat practices, Otolaryngology Associates, on the Upper West Side and Upper East Side and is a staff member of the best teaching hospitals New York City. Realizing that there is a lack of information on the part of the public about the potential severity of snoring, he founded The Manhattan Snoring and Sleep Center to be a place where snoring patients can go for expert information, diagnosis and treatment. As a recognized authority throughout the country for his work in snoring disorders, he is also the author of the definitive guide book on the diagnosis and treatment of snoring: Wake Up! You're Snoring...

He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), the American Medical Association (AMA), the American College of Surgeons, the Medical Society of the State of New York, the New York County Medical Society, the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and the American Rhinologic Society.

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The Most Common Reasons People Snore

Snoring is considered a common nuisance in most households. From the young to the old it seems that everyone, no matter what age can have issues with snoring. The average person is constantly on the move and cannot afford to allow snoring to deprive them of quality sleep at night. Many people either live with it or suffer by it, wither it's your spouse or your teenager it's just plain disturbing.

Snoring actually happens when your respiratory organs vibrate and make sounds. Your throat gets pinched causing your soft tissues to make contact. For some this can produce a soft and unnoticeable sound but for others it is loud and disturbing. For those suffering with it they might be waken up in the middle of the night from it and find themselves tired throughout the day. In more severe cases you may even fall asleep in the day, due to lack of sleep. What's interesting is the causes of snaing maybe linked to one's lifestyle, let's look at a few causes of snoring.

Being overweight

Weight issues are far reaching and a serious issue in today's society. Many people either from genetics or lifestyle are in this category. Exercise is extremely beneficial in reducing the effects of this issue. Overweight not only includes those who are bigger but also includes women that are pregnant. The extra fat collects in the throat and causes a narrowing of your airway which then causes vibrations in your soft tissues.


Taking alcohol before you sleep is a major contributor to snoring. Alcohol consumption effects the muscles in your throat causing it to weaken and produce vibrations. It is best not to consume any alcohol within four hours of going to sleep.


Taking medications before you sleep can also weaken your throat and cause vibrations. Most people will take medication to help them sleep, especially if they are losing sleep. Although this may help those suffering from snoring symptoms to get to sleep, those that are around will notice the an increase in snoring.

Nasal problems

It is not uncommon for someone to suffer from allergies, some in are seasonal allergies and others year round. Allergies cause sinuses to be blocked as well as the nose. Sufferers are then left to breathe through their mouths, which if it is swollen because of allergies will causes vibrations and snoring.

Sleeping position

Most people find it more comfortable to sleep on their back rather than their side. Sleeping on your back can cause your tongue to sit back over your throat causing you to snore, restricting the airflow. The best position for you to sleep on in this case is your side. Sleeping on your side, although it maybe uncomfortable and take getting used to, will keep your airway open and unrestricted.

By making a few adjustments to your lifestyle you could reduce or eliminate your symptoms. In addition. you can also use nasal bands to assist in keeping your nasal passages open. People who suffer extreme issues with snoring should consult a physician about getting a sleep test.

Visit for tips & tricks to help you stop snoring ranging from natural remedies to the highest-rated products.

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Sad, Stressed and Sleepy - The Disturbing Cycle of Depression

Depression, stress and sleeplessness can disturb one's life without you knowing it. It's a tough world out there, and with a million different sources of pressure and stress, it's easy for people to suddenly feel the happiness sucked right out of them. What's surprising, though, is that the deadly dance of stress and depression can become a never-ending cycle perpetrated by sleeplessness: not only can fatigue cause depression, but for people with depression stress can also be caused by insomnia. Looking at the great depression stress link (in the light of physical disturbances such as insomnia) can give us insights on the different causes and symptoms of this deadly mix that threatens the wellbeing of people the world over.

Depression: Causes and Consequences

According to the World Health Organization, depression is a common psychological disorder, affecting 121 million people all over the world, and is one of the leading causes of disability globally. It is a mental disorder that presents itself as a loss of will, interest and pleasure, low self-appraisal and intense guilt, as well as disturbed energy levels, appetite, sleep and concentration.

Depression is caused by no single factor in a person's life, however, it has been reported that stress - be it chronic or acute - can lead to your body's own stress-response system. This can increase levels of stress hormones in your body called cortisol, while causing reduced serotonin and dopamine levels in the body, which regulate your natural processes like appetite, sex drive, and the all-important evening slumber. For people with insomnia stress causes a host of physical and emotional problems. These imbalanced hormones cause sleeplessness and insomnia, and the insomnia stress causes leads to depression.

Sleep and Depression: A Cycle

It's not just one way though, as it's not a simple stress-causes-insomnia and insomnia-causes-depression process. Insomnia from stress does not just cause depression; as people in the deep of depression also experience insomnia. It can either come as difficulty sleeping at night, or even difficulty staying asleep and waking up too early, causing a lot of stress not just emotionally but physically as well. Sleeplessness causes a lot of anxiety, and for people with insomnia stress causes a myriad of problems in the body and the mind. If you have insomnia, stress causes you to lose focus and feel lethargic, discombobulated and tired.

Sleeplessness is a prime stressor, as for people with insomnia stress symptoms can include physical problems, rendering the body weak, prone to accidents and even heart disease. When a person suffers from insomnia stress symptoms can also include, to a more disturbing extent, hallucination - which can cause further anxiety and distress.

This stress, as we've discussed, can lead a depressed person further into the disorder if no intervention is made. In fact, in one study, it was shown that depressed elders with insomnia were more like to stay depressed after a year a whopping 17 times more than depressed seniors who had undisturbed sleep.

Putting it to Rest: Getting Help

Establishing the link between depression stress and insomnia, the path to treatment seems quite obvious. The insomnia stress causes can lead to depression after all, so it only seems right to treat these symptoms. True enough, in a study of clinically-depressed patients with sleep problems, participants who were treated with the drug Prozac (an antidepressant) and Lunesta (a drug for insomnia) improved far quicker. Patients who were merely treated for depression lagged behind in terms of recovery, strengthening the link between depression and insomnia.

However, while it is helpful, targeting insomnia stress symptoms is just that - targeting a symptom. For people with depression stress is still the cause, and in order to solve the depression and insomnia stress causes, meds that target symptoms are not the only answer. A lifestyle change can do wonders to support the alleviation of insomnia stress symptoms.

For people with insomnia stress symptoms such as the weakening of the body can be alleviated with a proper diet and the correction of bad habits. Staying away from coffee and caffeine, sticking to a regular bedtime, relaxation techniques like meditation can do wonders.

For depression, stress must be avoided as much as possible. Joining self-help groups, undergoing therapy and counselling, and even simply exercising can do wonders. In the same manner, exercising can lead to better sleep, thereby proving to be helpful for people with insomnia stress symptoms.

In the end, this triple threat of stress, depression and sleeplessness, though widespread and deadly, can be helped with the proper medication as well as, more importantly, proper knowledge of yourself and the lifestyle you choose to live.

Next if you struggle with sleeping disorders learn insomnia definition. Not getting enough sleep make you irritable, unfocused, and affect your energy. Read about sleep apnea symptoms.

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Do You Know How You Can Stop Snoring Once and For All?

Do you already know the way to end snoring? I'm going to let you know how to prevent snoring.

Virtually everybody snores, but if snoring happens often, it can have an effect on the quality of your sleep.

Inadequate rest can lead to tiredness, irritability, and enhanced health problems. If your snoring keeps other individuals awake, it can additionally cultivate relationship difficulties.

Why sleep in separate bedrooms as a cure for your snoring. There are several other effective cures readily available. Once you end your snoring, you'll significantly strengthen your health, your relationships, as well as your sleep.

Not all snoring is the same.

If you would like to know how to stop snoring, you need to know how come you snore in the first place.

Individuals snore for diverse reasons.

People that snore all of the time have throat and nasal tissue that's more likely to vibrate. The position of your tongue can get in the way of smooth breathing.

Evaluating your snoring will assist you pinpoint whether the cause of your snoring is controllable or not. You'll find solutions to easing your snoring problem.

Snoring occurs if the air isn't shifting freely by way of your nose and mouth during sleep. It's caused by a narrowing of your airway, by lousy sleep posture or abnormalities of the soft tissues in your throat. A narrowed airway restricts smooth breathing and creates the sound of snoring.

As you get to middle age, your throat becomes narrower, and the muscle tone in your throat decreases.

Men have narrower air passages than women and are more likely to snore anyway.

Blocked airways make breathing tough and create a vacuum in the throat, leading to snoring.

Knowing the way to stop snoring if you're over-weight:

Being overweight or out of condition, combined with fatty tissue and inadequate muscle tone, contribute to snoring.

Alcohol, smoking, and some medicines can enhance muscle relaxation, causing more snoring.

Sleeping flat on your back can cause your throat to relax and block the airway.

Snoring could mean sleep apnea, a potentially life-threatening ailment requiring medical attention. Sleep apnea is a breathing obstruction. This causes one to keep waking up, to begin breathing again.

Ordinary snoring doesn't interfere with the quality of your sleep as much as sleep apnea does. If you're enduring from extreme tiredness and sleepiness throughout the day, your challenge could be sleep apnea and not snoring.

Discover how to stop snoring before your relationships are effected.

Not getting proper rest can cause challenges in relationships. No regardless how much you love each other, a lack of good quality rest from frequent snoring can strain a relationship.

You may choose to sleep on your own. But, you're much better finding out how you can stop snoring. That only can make for a loss of physical intimacy and may create a strained relationship.

That could make you feel lonely, isolated, and disappointed about whatever you feel you have no control over.

It's normal to be irritable when you aren't finding the rest you desire. You want to attack the snoring problem, not your sleep partner.

Cease lying on your back because it helps make the base of your tongue and soft palate collapse to the rear wall of your throat, which leads to a vibrating sound for the duration of sleep. Sleeping on your side can also help prevent your snoring.

A body pillow (full-length pillow that supports your whole body) delivers an easy fix. It assists you to rest on your side and can make a dramatic distinction.

Dropping weight may help you. Bodyweight loss doesn't help all of us. Even thin people snore occasionally.

Alcohol and sedatives that decrease the tone of the muscles in the rear of your throat, also allow it to be more likely you'll snore. If you drink alcohol 4-5 hours prior to sleeping, it can make snoring worse.

Even individuals who don't normally snore will snore following drinking alcohol. When you understand the best way to cease snoring, you'll get the rest you need and fell better about your everyday life.

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Orthopedic Pillows Designed by Orthopedic Surgeons

Orthopedics is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention or correction of injuries or disorders of the skeletal system and associated muscles, joints, and ligaments. Orthopedic surgeons treat trauma, sports injuries, diseases, and infections using both surgery and non-surgical means. Non-surgical methods include the use of orthopedic pillows often designed by orthopedic surgeons. Most products can also improve overall comfort while siting, standing and most importantly sleeping. Orthopedic surgeons have designed pillows, cushions, and wedges to give added comfort and relieve pain in otherwise uncomfortable positions. Below is a discussion of several products designed by orthopedic surgeons.

The comprehensive Berkie System is a series of cushions developed by an orthopedic surgeon to work together for comfort and diversity in elevation and posture, while also providing neck, back, and lumbar support. Five anatomically precise Berkie pieces adhere to each other through their interlocking microfiber covers, creating an infinite number of upright and horizontal positions to reduce spinal pressure, stress on the heart, back pain, edema, snoring, acid reflux, arthritis, and many other conditions. The patented Berkie System employs high grade polyurethane memory foam pieces covered with removable machine washable microfiber covers. The lush microfiber pile covers contain millions of erect fibers that stimulate nerve endings in the skin to relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and encourage limb movement and joint flexibility.

Several pieces of the Berkie System can be purchases separate for targeted support including the Berkie Neck Rest and Berkie Back Rest. The neck rest is a ergonomic contour log of the highest quality five pound memory foam. It is also temperature sensitive to conforms to delicate joints. The back rest combines memory foam polymers with an ergonomic contour base that absorbs and redistributes pressure evenly across the upper body. It works in conjunction with the neck rest for maximum comfort.

Another valuable orthopedic product is a body pillow. The Avana Leg Rest is a 30" memory foam body pillow that can be used as a leg or knee wedge. Leg wedges are placed under the leg and provide a comfortable upward angle for your legs as you sleep on your back. They can be placed between the legs to enhance comfort for side sleepers. These pillows are made from memory foam. A body pillow can also double as a knee pillow that can help ease pain in the hip and back during sleep. These pillows are placed between the knees while sleeping to provide maximum comfort and reduce strain on the hip bones. The Avana Body Rest is a 50" memory foam body pillow that can provides comprehensive support for the feet, knees, legs and abdomen. It is ideal during pregnancy and can help women sleep in an uninterrupted manner. They offer enhanced comfort and relaxation and help keep the body in the most appropriate position.

Karlie Philpott is the creator of TheBodyPillowShop a destination for support and comfort. A place to find the body pillow you need.

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What You Need to Know About Sleep Apnea Surgery

There are many sleep apnea surgery options available for treating various types of sleep apnea that exist. However, the surgical options are used as a last resort when other methods have proved to be unsuccessful. The type of surgery option to be performed depends on the person's specific anatomy and the severity of the condition. Many patients prefer sleep apnea surgery than other methods of treating this disorder since the surgery method offers a cure with only one treatment. It sounds easier and more convenient to most of the patients than wearing a mask every night or wearing a dental appliance.

However, surgical options currently available and administered to the patients have inherent risks of infection and complications and in some rare instances, the symptoms become worse than they were before the surgery. In addition, most of the surgery options available to the patient require time off work in order to facilitate their healing while others cause pains that may last for up to two weeks. The most common risks for sleep apnea surgery include bleeding, infection, change of voice, scar tissues, pain, problem in swallowing food, and anesthesia risks such as allergic reactions, heart attack and in some instances death. In fact, this options needs only to be considered when all the benefits, risks and other alternatives to surgery have been well understood.

Some insurance companies require at least three weeks of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment before allowing their clients to undergo sleep apnea surgery. This is informed by the fact that CPAP is quite effective and less risky compared to surgical options. It is quite rare to have any serious complications using CPAP unlike surgical options which are fraught with inherent risks. Sleep apnea surgery treatment must address the anatomic problematic areas that may be causing apnea. For instance, surgical treatment can address areas such as the tongue, palate, neck, jaws or the neck. The success rate is determined by whether specific airways collapse or not or whether the obstruction is prevented. Hence, there is no ideal sleep apnea surgery option but the success of any of the available options depends on each patient's specific problem.

Types of surgery options available to the patient's are:

Nasal airway surgery:
This type of surgery is used to enhance effectiveness of CPAP, since nasal obstruction makes it difficult for patients to tolerate CPAP treatment. Thus, a surgery to open the nasal airway clearly improves tolerance to CPAP by the patient.

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP):
This is a surgery treatment procedure that is used to remove soft tissues on the throat's back. These tissues include parts of the uvula, soft palate parts and throat tissues behind it. Additionally, tonsils and adenoids are removed during this surgery procedure if they are present. The main aim of UPPP surgery is to widen the airway on the throat, block some throat muscles in order to enhance the ability of the airway to remain open all the time and improve the soft palate's ability to open and close.

This type of surgery is used to be the only surgical option available before the emergence of other methods. Nowadays, this form of surgery is performed in rare instances like when the sleep apnea is life threatening. Tracheotomy surgery is straightforward since the surgeon just makes an opening in the neck into the windpipe where the doctor inserts a tube.

About the Author:
Sleep Apnea Surgery
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Click here for Sleep Apnea Treatment.

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Insomnia: Causes, Symptoms and Remedies

There are several statistics to indicate that insomnia is set to reach endemic proportions in the United States. The National Center for Sleep Disorders Research has revealed that about 30-40 per cent of Americans experience symptoms of insomnia. When the symptoms persist for prolonged periods, patients are diagnosed with chronic insomnia. Before we get into the details about the different insomnia remedies, let's look into its causes.


Although it insomnia is classified as a disorder, it is more often than not a symptom of an underlying problem or some other disease that needs attention. Digestive problems, pain, arthritis are common reasons for intermittent insomnia. Women often undergo insomnia during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. Stress is a major contributor. There are several incidents that could trigger stress. The loss of loved ones, anxiety at work, conflict in relationships, are relative factors that contribute to insomnia. Insomnia is also caused due to wrong habits. Excessive use of caffeine, alcohol, and sleeping pills also are also major contributors to sleeping disorders. Certain medications also inhibit sleep. Prolonged used of medications that cure high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid, and asthma are known to cause insomnia. Certain environmental factors like excessive exposure to bright light, noise, and temperature may contribute to sleep disorders.


Symptoms include difficulty in getting sleep, waking up in the middle of sleep and finding it difficult to sleep again, waking up early, and not feel refreshed and energized after sleep.

Insomnia Remedy:

The first and foremost thing to do is to get rid of stress. Address the issue that causes stress. Counseling and behavioral therapy are also helpful. Medications can provide temporary relief. But if you are looking for a permanent cure, include natural supplements in your daily routine. Herbs like ashwagandha, rhodiola, eleuthero, schisandra, are some natural remedies that serve as the best sleep aid. But speak to your doctor before buying these medicines and check if they are safe to be used.

Yoga is also known to relieve stress. This ancient art calms and rejuvenates the mind. There are some who suggest acupuncture to relieve sleep disorders. Aroma therapists swear by the power of natural oils like chamomile and lavender to induce sleep.

When left unattended Insomnia can cause irritability, and affect normal life. To effect a change make sure that you make certain lifestyle changes. For instance if you are addicted to coffee or alcohol, quit or control the habit. Do not try and force yourself to sleep; the more you try, the more you mind will resist. Follow a routine to trick the mind into believing that it is time to sleep. Do not expose yourself to excessive light or noise and darken the room as dark rooms induce sleep, while bright lights cause the opposite.

Natural supplements aid and abet sleep and act as the best sleep aid and an insomnia remedy. The author of this article writes about insomnia remedies.

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How Common Is Snoring?

Snoring is a common problem throughout the world and 1 in 4 people have a snoring condition. Although you may not find snoring detrimental to your health, it most certainly can be for both you and your partner. Snoring can be linked to various sleep disorders such as sleep apnea which is a condition that encourages pauses in breathing or abnormally low breathing during sleep. Sleep apnea is a commonly diagnosed sleeping disorder and there have been studies of people who have stopped breathing for up to 10 seconds in their sleep. Snoring is caused by many factors such as weight gain, the way you are physically built, and even your age, but in most cases you can reverse your snoring by getting rid of most of the causing factors.

One major cause of snoring is weight gain and obesity. As a subject's body mass increases, the amount of fatty tissue in their body also increases which leads to an excess amount of poor and weak muscles. To avoid snoring, their trachea (breathing tube) must be clear of any hanging tissue or weak tissue that may "flap" when you inhale and exhale. Unfortunately when a subject is overweight, they lack the muscle mass needed to keep the trachea clear of any obstacles and therefore they become more prone to snoring. Another problematic feature is that when someone is obese, they will have extra fat that surrounds the throat and the tongue which makes it easier for the trachea to become more narrow. The more that the trachea narrows, the harder it is to get air into and out of the lungs and throat.

Although in some cases people might bring snoring upon themselves due to poor lifestyle habits, some people will be genetically predisposed to snore, for example, men are more likely to snore than women. Men are built differently than women in various ways but they have a few key parts of their throat that encourage snoring such as the space behind their tongue and the way that their trachea and throat are built. Men have a larger space behind their tongue and so when their throat relaxes during sleep, there is a higher chance for an obstruction to gather behind the tongue. As the male exhales, the obstruction is forced to "flap" or "flutter" as the air exits the chest. It is said that at least 80% of men snore and only 40% of women snore, which is double the amount. Another reason as to why men snore more than women is because they have a higher likelihood of having bulky throat tissues. As the tissues relax in the male's throat, you once again have a recipe for heavy snoring.

There are thousands of causes for snoring starting from weight gain and ending with your genetic features. It is scientifically proven that men are more likely to snore than women and that obese subjects are more likely to snore than those of average weight. The majority of the population do not believe that snoring can become detrimental to your health but with sleep apnea as one of the main side effects of snoring, it is imperative that snoring is to be diagnosed as just snoring and nothing more serious. Although snoring may seem like it will never go away, there are various products available to aid in the elimination of snoring and can prove to be extremely useful to the average citizen.

Visit for tips & tricks to help you stop snoring ranging from natural remedies to the highest-rated products.

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The Basics of Sleep Hypnosis

People who are suffering from sleeping disorders such as insomnia, bed wetting, sleep apnoea and sleeping anxiety disorders can benefit from the use of sleep hypnosis. Contrary to some beliefs sleep hypnosis is not a way of letting another person have control of the mind and actions of another, and nor is it something to be feared. One must view it as a method, a process, whereby the mind can be put into a state of relaxation.

People who have tried sleeping pills often experience addiction and may also have a looming fear of overdose. Some tried to solve their sleeping problem with acupuncture, yoga, herbal tea or a regimented bedtime ritual, yet still fail because they are unable to control their own thoughts. Some, despite the acupuncture and yoga, would still find themselves unable to train their mind to respond as required. They have deep seated issues that need to be solved in order to cure the problem. Their problems cannot be solved by just curing the physical aspect, or by relaxing the body. It is all about reaching the brain and putting it into a positive state. These are the people who need the help provided by sleep hypnosis techniques.

There is however some individuals who have low levels of hypnotic suggestibility. This means that they are not easily hypnotized, and they would need more teaching. It is however possible for even these individuals to learn self-hypnosis techniques in order to lower their adrenalin levels and so improve their ability to relax. People who over think and get anxious thoughts are the ones who are unable to sleep. They have to find a way to stop and reflect about calming thoughts in order to progress into a happier state.

Sleep hypnosis, when combined with self-hypnosis techniques, tends to bring about better results because a person can involve imagery and be would be able to adapt the techniques to their own strengths. Using this combination of methods the visual imagery would become more vivid and so would allow these individuals to get in touch with their comfort zone, making it easier to trigger good feelings. A person has to imagine comforting ideas and thoughts like sitting near the beach, blowing bubbles, seeing a really beautiful palace or any other thought that makes them smile. They have to be able to think of something pure and something that would not be related to or trigger unwanted feelings.

A person is enabled to train their mind to imagine a peaceful time, somewhere they feel at ease, wanted and contented, a place where it is tranquil and there is sweet music and hope. It is being able to create that favorite place inside the mind whether a place or situation which really happened or not. It is about training the mind to really feel what they see, to imagine the air, the warmth and the comfort and to touch and actually feel the comfort of whatever they have imagined.

It must be remembered though that in order to let sleep hypnosis work one has to constantly work through it. It is not an overnight process, but after time it does provide a positive solution.

Tim Westhall is an expert on hypnosis. For more info on sleep hypnosis, visit

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Sleep Well on an Adjustable Bed

Every night, there are at least 3 conditions that deprive a majority of Americans from getting a full night's rest. These conditions are preventable, however, through the use of an adjustable bed. An adjustable bed carries with it an advantage that no other mattress or bed frame can offer: The ability to change its incline from 0 degrees, or flat, to an almost entirely upright position. This simple feature allows individuals with arthritis, back pain, and sleep apnea to find the relief they need to sleep well all night long.

Arthritis exists in over 100 different forms. Although the form may differ, the way one seeks to alleviate the condition remains the same. Arthritis relief typically involves two things. First, the individual should take an anti-inflammatory medication to reduce swelling, agitation, and pain in the affected area. This should always be done under the supervision or recommendation of a health care physician. Second, the individual should take conscientious steps towards preventing arthritis pain "flare-ups," or activities that abruptly agitate the affected area and cause an almost immediate pain. Activities that those with arthritis typically avoid include climbing tall flights of stairs, participating in high-impact sports, and other activities that put an inordinate amount of stress on the joints.

Like arthritis, back pain is a common condition for many American adults. More often than not, back pain is experienced in the lower lumbar region where the spine meets the back of the pelvis. Unfortunately, back pain can be an allusive condition in which the main cause is not easily identified. One thing is certain, however: back pain is only worsened when pressure is unduly exerted on the lower back.

Sleep apnea is a third common condition that may deprive an individual from a healthy night's rest. Sleep apnea occurs when nighttime breathing is restricted are entirely inhibited by an obstruction in the air passageways of the chest, throat, or nose. The most common form of sleep apnea is snoring, and an estimated 32% of Americans suffer with this condition. What's more, those who share a bed with someone who snores are often deprived of sleep to a greater extent than the snorer themselves. For this reason, snoring is one of the most common and detrimental sleep conditions because of its ability to affect both the individual with the condition as well as the individuals within earshot.

Simply making lifestyle changes may prevent each of these conditions. Just as individuals with arthritis may avoid tall flights of stairs, so too may individuals with back pain and sleep apnea make certain decisions that lessen the impact of their condition on their lives. An adjustable bed is the best preventative solution for arthritis, back pain, and sleep apnea, simply because it prevents the condition from disrupting normal sleeping patterns. The head of an adjustable bed may be inclined, for example, to more evenly distribute body weight across the chest and shoulders. This enables the air passageways to open naturally and facilitates the unrestricted flow of air. As a result, it is more difficult for inhalations and exhalations to cause the vibrations needed to produce an audible snore.

Adjustable beds also have a "Zero Gravity" position that raises both the upper torso and legs during sleep. This distributes body weight across the length of the individual to create a semi-weightless feeling. This position also alleviates the lower back and pelvis from the pressure that results from lying flat throughout the night. Individuals with lower back pain often report a significant reduction in the abundance and intensity of pain as a result.

In conclusion, sleeping in a semi-elevated position is the best way to prevent a host of different painful conditions including arthritis, sleep apnea, and back pain. Only an adjustable bed has the functional capacity to achieve this end, and it is highly recommended that individuals try a "move-able" sleep solution to gain a better quality of sleep.

Readers are invited to learn more about soothing pain with an adjustable bed sleep system. Adjustable bed frames and mattresses are also available for purchase online.

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3 Highly Effective Self Healing Techniques For Overcoming Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue refers to incessant occurrence of a pitiable state of mental or physical exhaustion. You find yourself getting completely wearied or tired at all times. The syndrome can be very irritating when you don't know the right step to take in dealing with it. You can be completely stagnated in a spot when the fatigue keeps re-occurring from time to time.

Oftentimes, chronic fatigue syndrome comes with all kinds of deadly symptoms such as sore throat, swollen glands, headaches, low grade fever, low mental activity, depression, muscle pain, mild weight loss, confusion, memory problems, insomnia, difficulty in thinking and a lot more. Your entire daily existence can be jeopardized when the syndrome refuses to give way.

In any cases, chronic fatigue syndrome can be overcome by engaging effective self healing techniques. There are several tips you need to apply. Let's take a look at the 3 most highly self healing techniques that can be of help.

1. Condition Your Mind to fight Fatigue

Your mind is actually the battle ground for every issue that goes on in your life. You can easily overcome chronic fatigue syndrome by conditioning your mind properly. You need to feed your mind with positive affirmations and thoughts at all times. As you do so, your subconscious mind will be conditioned to stand strong in the face of any opposition. You have to speak to yourself with positive affirmations when fatigue showcases. You need to hear yourself talk. When you are able to condition your mind to never accept what your body is saying in weakness, you're sure to overcome chronic fatigue syndrome.

2. Get Plenty of Rest

Chronic fatigue can result from stressful activities you engage in on daily basis. You need to take some time off to rest and recreate yourself. Don't be a workaholic who doesn't have time for himself or herself. You need to carve out time to have your rest during the day. You can take a nap for a few hours during the day. At night, you have to make sure you go to be on time in order to have enough sleep.

3. Listen to a Subliminal Message

A subliminal message complete with positive and inspirational words which can easily help you to overcome chronic fatigue. You need to locate such resources and use them often. You have to create time to listen to them in order to empower your mind to stand strong in the face of fatigue.

The above 3 self healing techniques can be very effective in dealing with chronic fatigue when you are into them conscientiously. Apart from the three techniques, you still need to engage in daily exercises. You need to create time to stay with your friends and loved ones in a relaxed atmosphere. You also need to make sure you eat well. Try as much as you can to avoid food items that can make you feel weak. You must avoid taking alcohol and hard drugs. All these tips will help you a lot in dealing with chronic fatigue syndrome.

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Long Term Insomnia

Long term insomnia can drastically decrease your quality of life. Not only can it negatively affect your emotional and physical well-being, it can also cause diseases and impaired cognitive functions.

But what can you do if you've had trouble getting enough quality sleep for several months, or even years?

You've probably already tried a lot, but it is nonetheless important to cover the basics.

Part of a healthy sleep hygiene is to go to sleep and wake up every day at the same time. Your body likes regularity. If you change your sleeping pattern all the time, you make it harder for your body to get in tune.

Another thing to cope with long term insomnia is to make sure your environment is encouraging a healthy sleep. Your bedroom should be dark, quiet and cool (below 20°C is best). Your bed and pillow should be comfortable for you.

Also make sure that you don't drink alcohol, coffe, or stimulating beverages three hours before going to bed.

Be physically active during the day, particularly during the morning hours. Studies have shown that people who exercise get better sleep than those who lead sedentary lifes.

Also, make your bed a designates "sleeping area" - that means don't watch TV, surf the web, talk on the phone or read while in bed. This might seem a bit over the top - but if you have long term insomnia, every little thing that you can do to improve the quality of your sleep can help.

Avoid eating heavy meals four hours before going to bed - generally vegetables and easily digestible foods are best.

Also try taking a warm bath for 20 minutes before going to bed. Immersing your body in warm water triggers an instictive relaxation reflex in your body.

Also get familiar with different kinds of relaxation exercises and pick one that works best for you. This could be a simple breathing exercise, a mental vacation, visualization, meditation, yoga, tai chi, autogenic training or something like that.

Hypnosis can be a very effective way to overcome long term insomnia. One reason is because you can interrupt disruptive thought patterns and optimize mental strategies to make falling asleep easier. Many people worry at night or keep thinking obsessively about things that happened during the day, or what the following day might bring. But if you want to go to sleep, you really need to switch all that mental activity off and give your mind some rest. And that's where simply listening to a little "hypnotic bed time story" comes in handy.

To try out the benefits of hypnosis for insomnia visit the following website:

Hypnosis is nothing magical or esoteric - it's a medically accredited method of using altered states of consciousness to achieve desired, positive, healthy outcomes in your life.

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FAA Passes Rule to Avoid Pilot Sleepiness

In December, the Federal Aviation Administration passed a ruling that will require commercial passenger airlines to limit the amount of time that pilots are allowed to fly. For decades, safety advocacy groups have been urging the FAA to update its rules on pilot work schedules. Past efforts have failed, largely because airlines and pilot unions could not agree on changes to pilot work schedules. But the new FAA ruling passed, giving pilots more time to rest between flights.

The FAA called the new ruling a "major safety achievement," and it passed in large part due to the passionate and consistent lobbying of the families of the people who died when Continental Airlines Flight 3407 crashed into a house just five minutes short of Buffalo-Niagara International Airport in February 2009. Following a National Transportation Safety Board investigation, the board found that the accident was due in part to pilot fatigue.

Components of the new FAA ruling include:

The length of time a pilot is allowed to fly depends on when the pilot's day begins, and the number of flight segments he or she is expected to fly, and ranges from nine to 14 hours for single crew operations.
Flight time when the plane is moving under its own power before, during or after flight is limited to eight or nine hours, depending on the start time of the pilot's entire flight duty period.
Pilots must have a 10-hour minimum rest period prior to the flight duty period - a two-hour increase over the old rules. The new rule requires that pilots have an opportunity for eight hours of uninterrupted sleep within the 10-hour rest period.
The rule also places 28-day and annual limits on a pilots flight time. It also requires that pilots have at least 30 consecutive hours free from duty on a weekly basis, a 25 percent increase over the old rules.

The FAA expects pilots and airlines to work together to determine if a pilot is fit for duty, or not. Before any flight, a pilot is required to affirmatively state that he or she is fit for duty. If a pilot reports he or she is fatigued and unfit for duty, the airline must remove that pilot from duty immediately.

Reaction to the New FAA Ruling

Aviation safety advocates are feeling relieved about the new FAA safety rulings, and feel it was a long time coming. Some airlines, however, aren't as positive. Some cargo airlines feel the new rules will be too costly to follow. The aviation industry has estimated that the new ruling could cost them $297 million, but the benefits are estimated to be between $247 and $470 million. Some cargo airlines have been proactive in improving rest facilities for their pilots to use while cargo is loaded and unloaded at night. The FAA has asked the cargo carriers to voluntarily follow the new time limits.

The final FAA rule has been sent to the Federal Register for display and publication, and will take effect in two years to allow commercial passenger airline operators time to adapt and transition.

David Volpi, M.D., P.C., F.A.C.S. is a board-certified otolaryngology surgeon with Ear, Nose and Throat practices, Otolaryngology Associates, on the Upper West Side and Upper East Side and is a staff member of the best teaching hospitals New York City. Realizing that there is a lack of information on the part of the public about the potential severity of snoring, he founded The Manhattan Snoring and Sleep Center to be a place where snoring patients can go for expert information, diagnosis and treatment. As a recognized authority throughout the country for his work in snoring disorders, he is also the author of the definitive guide book on the diagnosis and treatment of snoring: Wake Up! You're Snoring...

He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), the American Medical Association (AMA), the American College of Surgeons, the Medical Society of the State of New York, the New York County Medical Society, the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and the American Rhinologic Society.

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Snoring: Why Do People Do It?

Snoring can be an annoyance for many people, including those who have to sleep alongside someone that snores. When a person snores, it can affect the quality of sleep and can even signify a sleep disorder such as apnea. There are many different factors that can cause a person to snore, including allergies, colds, the shape of a person's mouth, alcohol consumption and even weight.

When a person falls asleep, they will eventually progress into a deep sleep. At this time, the muscles located in the roof of the mouth begin to relax. The muscles in the throat and the tongue also relax. When these muscles and tissues in the throat relax enough, they can begin to vibrate when the person breathes. This is actually caused by an obstruction of the airway because the muscles are so relaxed. In addition, people with an already narrow airway may snore even more because their airflow will become more forceful. When this happens, snoring will become louder.

Snoring is also closely associated with sleep apnea. With this condition, the tissue in the throat will obstruct the airway and will prevent the person from breathing. Sleep apnea is usually characterized by loud and constant snoring which are often followed by a period of complete silence where the person almost completely stops breathing. In many cases, a complete obstruction will not occur, but when the person is snoring, the airway will become so small that they will not get adequate amounts of air. Sleep apnea is one of the leading causes of severe snoring.

People who sleep on their back all night are much more likely to be snorers. They will also be louder than normal. Overweight individuals will often have to sleep on their backs. This, in combination with the extra weight can cause people to snore while sleeping. The reason for this is because the excess skin and tissue that is around the neck and throat on people who are overweight can alter the normal shape of the throat, which will lead to snoring. Excess fat can also weaken the muscles in the nasal passage increasing the chances of snoring.

There are many people who do not snore on a regular basis but will do so when they have allergies or a cold. This is because the nose is usually irritated and the lining of the sinus cavity can become inflamed. This will restrict the airway and make it difficult for the person top breathe. When this occurs, there will be slight snoring. Allergies and colds are not the only things that can affect the lining of the nose and throat. Smokers will also be more prone to having trouble with snoring. Cigarette and cigar smoke is an irritant, not only for the smoker, but for all around them. When exposed to smoke, the nasal cavity can become irritated. This irritation then leads to swelling of the mucous membranes, causing snoring.

Visit for tips & tricks to help you stop snoring ranging from natural remedies to the highest-rated products.

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The Top 6 Affordable Ways To End Your Snoring

If snoring has become a major problem for you, and those around you, there are things you can do to help the situation of excessive snoring. Here we will take a look at the 6 tops tips to preventing snoring:

Jaw Support - When you go to sleep the muscles in your palate and throat relax and produce a blockage in the airway. This produces a vibration which we call snoring. Others snore because they sleep with their mouths open, causing the jaw to slacken. This can cause the throat and nasal passages to vibrate. The solution is a chin strap, also known as an anti-snoring chin strap. This gently pushes the jaw forward and prevents the vibrations that cause snoring.
The Nasal Passage - The nasal passage can sometimes vibrate and cause snoring. Having dry nasal passages, caused by possibly sleeping with the mouth open or having a cold can cause you to snore during the night. By using a nasal spray, you can moisturize the nasal passages and prevent vibrations during the night. Please be advised that some nasal sprays have been known to be addictive. Please consult a doctor before taking this route.
Nasal Dilator - This device fits easily into the nostril, opening up the airway if the cause is blockage. Sometimes snoring is caused by a simple blocking of the airways in the nasal passage. By opening up the nasal passage air can flow more freely and lessen snoring. The device is simply a small tube inserted into the nose at night. Users have reported an all around better quality of sleep.
Specialized Pillow - Pillows are now on the market that are specially designed to encourage the sleeper to move to their side during sleep. Thus, preventing snoring. Sleeping on your side gives you more of a chance of sleeping with your mouth closed, which prevents vibrations.
Your Own Pillow -. Place your own pillow between your legs, and begin to sleep on your side. The pillow between your legs will reduce the chance of you moving onto your back during the night. This will reduce the chances of you snoring and, again, help keep your mouth closed. This is one of the cheapest methods that you will find in your search to stop snoring, because you likely already have many pillows in your home.
Weight Gain - Weight gain has been linked to snoring through studies and research. If you find that you have gained weight and have started snoring, maybe try exercising and see if that changes things. There are multiple ways to lose weight that will suit your lifestyle and needs. Weight training, cardio, yoga, Pilates and tai chi are just a few examples of great ways to keep in shape.

There are a ton of products and methodologies to stop snoring out on the market today. Investigate and try each one to see which fits best for you and isolate where the cause is coming from. Talk to your doctor about all possible options so you can make an informed decision. This will help you get a better night's rest and anyone else that shares the bed with you, too.

Visit for tips & tricks to help you stop snoring ranging from natural remedies to the highest-rated products.

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Understanding Sleep Apnea and Its Effects

Sleep apnea refers to a sleeping disorder that is characterized by irregular pauses in breathing. Each breathing pause known as apnea can last from one second to a couple of minutes and it may occur five to thirty times or more times in one hour. Generally, it starts with normal breathing and it grows into loud snorts and sometimes a choking sound. Sleep apnea generally is a chronic condition that interrupts one's sleep. An individual moves out of deep sleep to light sleep when his/her breathing pauses. This causes a poor sleeping pattern to an individual thus making one tired throughout the day. In fact, doctors have termed it as one of the leading causes of too much daytime sleepiness.

Sleep apnea mostly goes undiagnosed since a doctor often does not detect this condition during routine check ups. Many individuals who have this condition do not realize that they have this sleeping disorder since it occurs only when they are asleep. In most instances, it is family members or a bed partner who notices the signs of this condition. It is important to note that loud snoring can be a symptom of this condition. Though sleep apnea is a treatable disorder, if it goes untreated, it can have dangerous and detrimental health effects. Thus it is important to seek doctors' advice if you suspect that you or your loved ones have this sleeping disorder. Some of health problem caused by untreated sleep apnea in a long run include high blood pressure, diabetes, weight gain, stroke and heart disease. You will be able to manage its symptoms with proper treatment of this disorder thus getting back your sleeping patterns on the right track.

However, you should adequately update yourself with the warning signs of sleep apnea so that you will be able to distinguish between normal and abnormal snoring, the treatment options available to you and what you can do in order to help yourself. There are many signs and symptoms that can help in identifying whether one has sleep apnea or not. These signs and symptoms include Chronic and loud snoring throughout the night, gasping when one is a sleep, prolonged breathing pauses and excessive daytime sleepiness regardless of the time you have spent in your bed. In addition, sleep apnea is manifested by morning headaches, restless sleeping patterns, insomnia, waking up with a sore throat, dry mouth, depression, difficulty in concentration and waking up during the night feeling out of breath. There are three types that affect people across the world. They include central, obstructive, and mixed sleep apnea.

Central sleep apnea:
This is a rare type which involves the central nervous system instead of an airway obstruction. This disorder occurs when the brain fails to send the necessary signals to the muscles in order for them to take a breath, thus there is no muscular effort in controlling the breathing process.

Obstructive sleep apnea:
This is the most common type of sleeping disorder that affects many people across the globe. This disorder occurs when the soft tissues in the back of throat relax when one is asleep, thus causing a blockage in the airway. This means one is unable to get enough fresh air through the mouth and nose into the lungs. When this occurs, the oxygen levels in one's blood drops significantly thus causing suffocation effects. Normal breathing resumes only after a snort. Mixed sleep apnea is caused by the presence of both central and obstructive sleep apnea.

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