Reasons Women and Snoring Go Together More Often Than You'd Think

The combination of women and snoring has been kept 'quiet' by many females unwilling to admit that they can keep up with their male counterparts and bring down the rafters with their night time noise. Recent surveys show that nearly 30% of all women snore. There are several factors that can contribute and some of them can be readily dealt with.

As women age, they are more likely to snore. Women in their 50s were 5 times more likely to report being habitual snorers than women in their 20s. However, the issue for women and snoring later on in life appears to diminish. Fewer women in their 60s report this as a problem.

Allergies, a bad sleeping position, or poor muscle tone in the region of the throat can create conditions ripe for snoring. Some women find that shifting from sleeping on their back to their side can alleviate the problem. Building a nest with pillows to maintain a position while sleeping is a comfortable solution for some women. Allergies can cause an inflamed, constricted airway that contributes to the air flow turbulence which is the central cause of snoring. Poor muscle tone, which can increase with age, is a major culprit. Regular exercise will not only improve muscle tone on the targeted groups but throughout the entire body and can help alleviate nighttime snoring as an added bonus.

Excess weight is a major culprit when it comes to women and snoring and the value of reducing the BMI cannot be overstated when seeking to eliminate problem snoring. It makes sense when you think about it. As muscle is displaced by fat, the overall tone of the body's muscle groups begins to decrease and snoring may result. Studies have also shown that people are more likely to snore if they go to sleep on a very full stomach. Think nap after a Thanksgiving dinner.

Alcohol consumption is also very likely to cause snoring. The alcohol allows muscles to relax. Those relaxed muscles are creating the conditions to make a snorer of any woman.

If count yourself as one of the women and snoring is an issue for you, it's important to realize that you are not alone. Almost a third of all snorers are female and for many of you there may be a few simple steps that you can take to alleviate the problem today with a minimum of hassle.

The issue of snoring and women is one long known about and accepted but it is furthermore something that you can do something to resolve, and will likely not require surgery. Recognize the issue of snoring and women via many remedies that you can get today, and stop suffering now. For more insights and additional information, please visit our web site at

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