Poor Sleep Leads To Poor Choices

We all make regrettable decisions when under the influence of alcohol. We may get into an argument with our spouse, act inappropriately at an office party, or inadvertently alienate our friends with a thoughtless comment. The same can happen when you're too groggy to give the proper attention to your actions.

It has been shown that a lack of sleep can have the same effect on people as drinking alcohol. Going without sleep for 24 hours or getting only five hours of sleep a night for a week is the equivalent of a blood alcohol level of 0.1 percent.

A study in Britain demonstrated that drivers behind the wheel who have been awake between 17 and 19 hours were more dangerous on the road than drunk drivers, with reaction times up to 50 percent slower.

Another experiment found that doctors who operate under a lack of sleep make more mistakes than doctors who had been drinking.

Then there are pilots, bus drivers and other responsible professions that require steel nerves and attentiveness or else tragic consequences can occur. A poor night's sleep can be more than disruptive: in some cases it can be downright dangerous.

The same can be said for those caring for small children, while taking others to school. No one in her right mind would think of driving her children drunk. But a tired new mother may do it every day out of necessity, without knowing the intoxicating effect a lack of sleep has on her system.

People who get too little sleep may have higher levels of stress, anxiety and depression, and may take unnecessary risks.

Even one day at work after a poor night's sleep can have devastating effects on one's career. It's like going to work with whisky on your breath, and the liquor still surging through your veins, seducing you in one bad decision after another. It's simply not worth it.

One of the leading causes of insomnia and restless sleep is a poor mattress. It is amazing most North Americans will spend thousands on gym memberships, personal trainers and healthy diets to make sure that their bodies are functioning at their best, yet will buy the cheapest mattress they can, hoping to save a few bucks.

A mattress is an investment in one's health, happiness and well-being. By investing in a high-quality brand name bed like Simmons, Sealy or Serta, one is ensuring that sleep is the true priority, not savings.

One of the worst choices you can make when you are tired is to buy a cheap bed. Do your research, and buy your mattress on a clear head. Don't think of the money you'll be saving, think of the mistakes you'll be preventing when you sleep well every night.

Susan Kent writes about mattresses for Victoria mattress store, Mattress Choice.

Original article

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