What to Do If You Can't Sleep

Unlike natural sleeping remedies, prescription medication may have more negative effects than positive ones. Treating insomnia with sleeping aids may easily cause dependence, which is a common side effect of most prescription medications. In turn, the dependence of sleep aids may cause chronic physiologic illnesses like liver damage and kidney problems. This is why sleep specialists promote natural sleeping remedies such as herbal remedies, food supplements and other alternative remedies for lack of sleep.

If you have trouble sleeping at night, consider any one of the natural sleeping remedies listed below to help you attain the sleep you so desire.

Melatonin is a natural hormone that regulates your body's circadian rhythm, the biological clock. The natural amount of melatonin that is released into the blood is primarily determined by the length of the dark period, so shorter nights reduce the amount of melatonin in your body. This is the reason why melatonin is a common natural supplements in managing natural sleep-wake cycles and one of the best natural sleeping remedies for both jet lag and shifting schedules.

Other supplements that you may consider to get better sleep are magnesium, omega-3 and the vitamins B12 and D3.

You can also utilize sleeping sounds to play over and over. Some effective nighttime sounds you can use include wind, ocean waves and cricket sounds. Relaxing music may also help as a natural remedy. Play selected tunes that you find comforting or relaxing so you can condition your mind and body to be ready for sleep.

Our natural instincts to sleep should kick in when we use common sense. Simple things like dimming the lights, removing the television, gaming consoles, office equipment and personal computers inside the bedroom are perfect examples of using good old common sense in getting a good night's sleep.

Having the best possible sleeping environment may also be considered a natural sleeping remedy. Comfortable mattresses that promote a restful night's sleep are a good start to say goodbye to insomnia for good. Add a pillow, which is made from high-quality foam, that cradles the head and neck. Set the right bedroom temperature, reduce noise and remove all forms of clutter.

Alternative methods for managing insomnia range from hypnosis to professional sleep therapy. Counseling sessions may address topics such as eating habits, way of life, sleep medications and bedtime routines. Arranging a bedtime routine is a natural sleeping remedy that is much more effective and healthy than using medications and other chemicals to go to sleep.

One natural sleeping remedy you can use for insomnia is herbal remedies. Not only are these herbs popular in treating sleeplessness, they also relieve stress, fatigue and depression too. Natural herbs, such as valerian, lavender or chamomile, can be found in an array of forms like tinctures, teas or capsules. You should ask your doctor about herbal remedies for insomnia before taking them, as it might have an adverse effect on other medications you may be taking. Be sure to do an adequate amount of research on herbal remedies before using them as a natural sleeping remedy.

When natural sleeping remedies won't help

We all want to know how to fall asleep fast, and we all want to fall asleep naturally. But, there are situations that we need professional equipment or other sleep help devices.

If you suffer from sleep apnea, you may need to use a sleeping device to help you get a good night sleep. The so-called continuous positive airway pressure machines are designed to prevent airway collapse so that people get a safe, good night's sleep. Snoring also needs special attention and can't be solved by using natural sleeping remedies alone.

What if you just can't get to sleep? I know how hard it can be to lie in bed just tossing and turning before you finally get to sleep at 6 A.M., but if you want to fall asleep the second your head touches the pillow you'll just need to learn a few easy methods that work amazingly well. These techniques are simple to pick up and most methods don't take much practice. You can read how to do it here: How to fall asleep fast

Don't give up hope, it's NOT impossible. Learn more about natural sleeping remedies to overcome your sleeping problems by clicking the link. Before you know it, you won't have to say the words I can't sleep anymore.

Original article

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