Long Term Insomnia

Long term insomnia can drastically decrease your quality of life. Not only can it negatively affect your emotional and physical well-being, it can also cause diseases and impaired cognitive functions.

But what can you do if you've had trouble getting enough quality sleep for several months, or even years?

You've probably already tried a lot, but it is nonetheless important to cover the basics.

Part of a healthy sleep hygiene is to go to sleep and wake up every day at the same time. Your body likes regularity. If you change your sleeping pattern all the time, you make it harder for your body to get in tune.

Another thing to cope with long term insomnia is to make sure your environment is encouraging a healthy sleep. Your bedroom should be dark, quiet and cool (below 20°C is best). Your bed and pillow should be comfortable for you.

Also make sure that you don't drink alcohol, coffe, or stimulating beverages three hours before going to bed.

Be physically active during the day, particularly during the morning hours. Studies have shown that people who exercise get better sleep than those who lead sedentary lifes.

Also, make your bed a designates "sleeping area" - that means don't watch TV, surf the web, talk on the phone or read while in bed. This might seem a bit over the top - but if you have long term insomnia, every little thing that you can do to improve the quality of your sleep can help.

Avoid eating heavy meals four hours before going to bed - generally vegetables and easily digestible foods are best.

Also try taking a warm bath for 20 minutes before going to bed. Immersing your body in warm water triggers an instictive relaxation reflex in your body.

Also get familiar with different kinds of relaxation exercises and pick one that works best for you. This could be a simple breathing exercise, a mental vacation, visualization, meditation, yoga, tai chi, autogenic training or something like that.

Hypnosis can be a very effective way to overcome long term insomnia. One reason is because you can interrupt disruptive thought patterns and optimize mental strategies to make falling asleep easier. Many people worry at night or keep thinking obsessively about things that happened during the day, or what the following day might bring. But if you want to go to sleep, you really need to switch all that mental activity off and give your mind some rest. And that's where simply listening to a little "hypnotic bed time story" comes in handy.

To try out the benefits of hypnosis for insomnia visit the following website:


Hypnosis is nothing magical or esoteric - it's a medically accredited method of using altered states of consciousness to achieve desired, positive, healthy outcomes in your life.

Original article

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