What Causes Talking In Your Sleep?

Most of the time there is not a medical condition that causes sleep talking, but sometimes a person who talks in their sleep can suffer from more serious sleep disorders such as night terrors and/or REM sleep behavior disorder, or RBD for short. An average person who talks while they sleep will usually mumble, giggle, carry on a conversation with an unseen person, and even blurt out pretty obscene words or phrases. Sleep talkers who suffer with night terrors and RBD can violently yell and/or kick and thrash about during the deepest stage of sleep (REM), which can be very frightening to see. If you see your spouse or loved one kicking or yelling during their sleep it is best to talk to them calmly and keep them from hitting anything (such as a headboard or bedside table) that can harm them. It is very hard to wake someone who is having a night terror or RBD and it is not advised to attempt to wake the person up, because this could confuse and even frighten them or make them act out even more violently.

Night terrors and RBD are not the only thing that can cause sleep talking. Other possible reasons that a person sleep talks can be due to certain types of medications, drug abuse, drinking alcohol before bedtime, mental health issues, stressful events, or a fever. It is a good idea to speak with a doctor if your spouse or loved one suddenly notices you sleep talking in order to rule out any of the possible reasons stated previously. A doctor may want to order a sleep study to make sure everything is fine.

Another great thing to present to your doctor is a sleep journal. In this journal you will want to write down your nightly habits, the time of night when you go to sleep, what types of food and/or beverages you consumed before bedtime, any stressors that you may be having, and medications that you are taking. This sleep journal should be kept for a couple of weeks before presenting it to your doctor. Your doctor will likely tell you that there is really no way to prevent sleep talking, but there are a few things that might lessen your sleep talking. Avoiding stress as much as possible might help reduce sleep talking, as well as not drinking caffeinated or alcoholic beverages before going to sleep, avoiding a late supper and getting to bed at the same time each night might also help with not sleep talking.

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