Insomnia Solution or How to Finally Get a Good Night's Sleep

1. Exercise early in the day. Activity in fresh air is very helpful in eliminating free-floating energy in the body and creating a body that is physically tired enough to sleep at night. A simple, daily walk, outdoors in oxygen, for a minimum of 20 minutes a day will burn off excess energy built up from daily stress. It will improve your mood and allow you a true sense of well being.

2. Grab Some Sunlight. It helps set the body clock and produces melatonin in the brain, which adds up to a better night's rest and falling asleep becomes less of a chore.

3. Learn how to eat correctly, providing the body with Serotonin naturally. It's not difficult and simple to apply once you learn how to use protein properly. There really is a simple formula to produce a mind/body that is far less reactive during the day and throughout the night. It's exciting to use food rather than medications to create a less reactive mind and body, and induce a restful night's sleep. Falling asleep will never be a problem again once you learn to use foods to relax yourself. Best of all, this is accomplished by using the foods you already have in your kitchen.

4. Avoid alcohol as it creates adrenaline in the body. This makes it difficult to fall asleep at night and even more difficult to stay asleep. It becomes a stimulant in the body and wrecks your sleep. For many, this is worse than caffeine. If you are fed up with night panics, then give up the alcohol.

5. Avoid caffeine as this is a stimulant and interrupts sleep. Switch to herbal teas such as Chamomile. You will notice the difference in your relaxation levels within 24 hours and insomnia will fade away in the process. If you have been using caffeine regularly, take your time changing to a decaffeinated brand. Mix a little decaf in with the caffeinated one, adding more and more decaf each day. This way you will avoid caffeine withdrawal headaches.

6. Avoid nicotine. A cigarette speeds up the whole body system making sleep very difficult. It's the breathing in and out that is relaxing, which you can do without the aid of a cigarette. Nicotine is a chemical substance in cigarettes that is stimulating, not relaxing, to the system.

7. Tame Your Brain. Learn how to turn off the overactive mind by shifting to more productive thought. It will allow you to cut through the endless cycle of intrusive stressful thoughts that interrupt your sleep. It's time to retrain your brain, allowing you to control your sleep, your waking hours and your life in general. Learn how to choose how you wish to feel rather than being the victim of life. Taking control of your reactions is an incredible feeling. It's not difficult at all and allows you to excavate your stronger more powerful self, placing you back in charge of your life again.

Dr. Ronnie Freedman
Anxiety Busters, Inc.
Anxiety and Depersonalization Recovery

Original article

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