The oral medicine that is used to treat insomnia is taken before bed and for many people works very well. It is meant for a short period of time, and generally will not be taken for more than 4 weeks. Included here are some of the Zopiclone side effects.
In the first few days of taking the medication you may experience some excessive daytime sleepiness and a light headache when you wake up. Some also report that they have an upset stomach and dry mouth as well. These typically subside quickly, and most people do not report these to be so bad that they have to quit taking the medication.
One of the most commonly reported side effects is a metallic taste in the mouth. For some, this will occur for the duration of the prescription while others say that it stops after a few days. Rarely, there are those that this persists for a short time after the mediation has ended.
Persistent effects have been reported with some, and the degree of intensity varies with each patient. Some may experience skin tingling and feeling like it is crawling and blurred vision may occur for some. There are also those that report a variety of ailments and can include vomiting, constipation and diarrhea.
Other have experience high anxiety while on this medication, and the severity can be mild to severe. Others have also reported impotence and a lack of sex drive while taking it, although this will abate once the medication has ended. These side effects are considered to be extremely rare when taking this medication.
Elderly patients need to be careful when taking this and they have some concerns that need to be addressed immediately if they are experienced. Heart palpitations, while common for all patients may be more severe for those in this age bracket. There is also concern that upon waking, the elderly may have problems with maintaining balance and a higher instance of injury from falling has been reported with breaking hips being one of the most common, and severe of these types of injuries.
Not all patients on the medication will experience the Zopiclone side effects. If you experience any of these and feel that they are severe or cause you to be unable to cope with them, tell your doctor immediately so that it can be determined the severity and other options if needed. It does work well for most people that take it to help with insomnia, but it is a short term solution.
It does work well for most people that take it to help with sleep deprivation, but it is a short term solution.
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